Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel, August 13, 1912

PLYMOUTH (Special Correspondence)
Miss Martha Hahn was a LeMars caller Thursday.
Philip Schneider, of Hinton, was a LeMars caller Monday.
Chas. Eberhard and family attended the circus at Sioux City Monday.
Miss Esther Kalas, of LeMars, visited at the home of her brother, John Kalas, Thursday.
August Dobbert and family, of Stanton township, visited at the home of Chas. Hahn Sunday.
The Misses Anna and Lillian Sorenson were visitors at the home of Peter Bisguard the past week.
A new line was added to the farmers line No. 6 and a phone put in at the farm of Peter Bisguard.
Farmers should take up the idea and name their farm homes and put the name where it can be seen from the public highway.
Grover Schnedier and wife, of Melbourne, and Lulu Koenig, of LeMars, took a spin to Perry Creek charge Sunday.
Miss Katherine Prenthal, of Harlan, Iowa, returned home Friday after making a short stay at the home of Peter Bisguard.

WASHINGTON (Special Correspondence)
Will Gramer was a Sioux City visitor on Monday.
Chris Hansen threshed grain for Will Lemke Friday and Saturday.
Frank Utech, of Leeds, is helping his brother, Charley, on the farm here.
Mike and Kate Barnable and Miss Lottie Redmond visited relatives in Union township last week.
The Barnable young people gave a pleasant part to a few of their friends on Saturday evening.
The rainy weather has greatly delayed stacking and shock threshing the past week.
Miss Hazel Hancer returned on Wednesday evening from Audubon, Iowa, where she had been visiting relatives.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Will Utesch died on Tuesday and was buried in the Lutheran cemetery in Johnson township.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mattas and children visited Mrs. Mattas’ parents, Mr. Buryaneck and family, near Westfield over Sunday.
George Manz, Lou Houser, Art Lindsay and Charley Dennler went to the Sioux river on Saturday, returning home Sunday evening.

SENEY (Special Correspondence)
Dick Zimmerman has purchased a new car.
Chas. Ewing (sic Ewin) attended the big show at Sheldon.
Don’t forget the ice cream sociable at J. R. Hinde’s home August 21st.
Miss Lora Lawton returned home Thursday after spending several days with Mrs. Mills.
Ira Lancaster and wife and Earl Morrissey returned home from their fishing trip of last week.
Rev. Stephens made a business trip to Omaha last week to consult a specialist concerning his health.
Mrs. Wm. Foulds, of Sioux City, and Mrs. Potter, of South Dakota, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kennedy.
F. B. Rees has sold his store goods to Whitman and will give his time to farming. The small store building is still unrented.
Mrs. Lewis Demaray went to Ashton Wednesday to visit relatives a short time before returning to her home at Pipestone, Minn.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morrissey had a narrow escape from death while at the Sioux camping, when he got the gasoline can and played with it until he was overcome by the fumes of gas when found. He was hurriedly taken to a physician at Akron and it was relieved shortly after and came out all right after a few days.
Geo. Stephen, the second oldest son of Rev. and Mrs. Stephens, had the misfortune to get his fingers badly smashed in the chain of his bicycle. He was taken to a doctor and his fingers were saved although badly lacerated.
The Daughters of Ceres will be entertained by Miss Minnie Siege next Thursday, August 15th, and the following will be the program for the afternoon: Chorus, society; reading, Mary Hinde; recitation, Verna McArthur; instrumental solo, Esther Cook; reading, Minnie Siege; choir, society; recitation, Lucile March; solo, Jesse Kennedy; reading, Mrs. F. Buss; conductor, Lora Baldwin; chorus, society.
Be sure and attend the ice cream sociable at J. R. Hinde’s for a fine program of dialogues and fun is being prepared.

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