Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
LeMars, Plymouth Co., IA
4 Jun 1909

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Jonathan ALDERSON is on the sick list at this writing.

John LANCASTER is erecting a new barn on his farm north of town.

Frod HEINE and his wife, of LeMars, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.

Miles KENNEDY was on the sick list several days last week, but is able
to be out again.

Mrs. E. PENNING and her son, Henry, went to Ashton Wednesday morning to
visit relatives.

The Ladies Aid society held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
Frank BECKER Wednesday afternoon.

Our little town was well represented in LeMars Decoration Day and
several attended the concert in the evening.

James VAN PUERSEN, of Maurice, is spending this week with his

Elam CHAPMAN and John ALDERSON returned home Tuesday morning from a
trip through different parts of South Dakota.

Dr. TRIMBLE, field secretary of the Missionary society will [be?] in
the church Sunday morning. Everybody come out to hear him.

Simon AUKEMA, who is farming Miles KENNEDY's farm, has bought a farm in
Minnesota and expects to move in the fall.

Geo. JARNEAN, who had been filling a vacancy at the depot, returned to
Madelia, Minn., Thursday morning. Mr. COMSTAD will take his place as

The crowd that went to South Dakota last week to look at the country
returned home Saturday evening. Several of the parties having bought
quarter sections.

The young folks gave a surprise party in honor of Henry ALBERTS as
his home Tuesday night. A fine time was reported. Very delicious
refreshments were served at a late hour.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. LANCASTER returned home Saturday form Faulkton,
S. D., where they went on business. They also visited their daughter,
Mrs. John PENNING, near Ashton, Iowa, on their return home.

Rev. C. F. HARTZELL went to Aurora, Iowa, Wednesday where he will
deliver a sermon on the missionary work in the Phillippines in the
evening and at Diamond, Iowa, Thrusday evening. Rev. W. B. EMPEY, our
former pastor, is pastor of the M. E. church in Aurora.

[following community unknown]

J. HARRINGTON and wife, of Ida Grove, visited their old school friend,
Mrs. CAVANAUGH, on Wednesday, while enroute to points in South Dakota.

Otto PECKS is assisting at the Bowman Lumber yard in Merrill.
R. O'CONNELL is back again and engaged by this company at the same
place and here as well.

Mrs. HIGGINS and daughter, Margaret, left Sunday for a visit at Akron,
with the FOLEY and HOFFMAN families. The visit being prompted by the
critical illness of Mrs. HOFFMAN.

UNION: (Special Correspondence)

David BLAIR is building a large barn.

Harry HOYT was a Sioux City visitor Saturday.

Sam SAMPSON was a Sioux City business visitor Thursday.

A dance was held at the TIMMINS home Friday evening.

Subject for C E meeting Sunday, June 6th, Luke 6: 20-38.

L. E. ROBSIN, of Marshalltown, was here on business Thursday.

Will EYRES did carpenner [carpenter?] work for Albert STOKES last week.

Mr. and Mrs., Arthur PARKS visit relatives in Remsen Sunday.

Mrs. Mary HOGG, of LeMars, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edwards.

County Supervisor, Paul ZENK, of Remsen, was here on business Wednesday.

Wesley and Charles EYRES each hauled two loads of hogs to Merrill

John HOFFMAN shipped a carload of hogs to Sioux City, Wednesday, via

Mrs. Fred FEATHERSTON stepped on a nail, Friday and suffered much pain
as result.

Elmer KITTERMAN and pupils held a box social in his school room
Thursday evening.

John HOFFMAN was in Sioux City Thursday with a car of cattle shipped
from Oyens.

Miss Cassie HARVEY, who taught school in Stanton, is spending her
vacation at home.

Chas. EYRES had several men Friday helping build concrete foundation
for his new hay barn.

Harry HOYT shipped a carload of hogs to Sioux City on Saturday, which
were hauled to Oyens Friday.

John EDWARDS has been appointed road supervisor for the north-eastern
district of Union township.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan KEEGAN and children spent Monday and Tuesday at the
George FARRELL home in LeMars.

LeMars Sentinel
11 Jun 1909
LeMars, Plymouth County, Iowa

[community unknown - possibly Ruble?]

John HULS and family from near Westfield and Henry HULS and family from
Dakota, visited in our burg at the parental home on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John HUSS and Mr. and Mrs. John KOCH each had their baby
boys baptized at the Preston township Lutheran church on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank JEFFERS and children returned from Burke, S. D., the
first of the week, after a few weeks visit at the home of Ervin BOYER
and family. [submitter's notes - Mrs. BOYER - nee Annie Evelyn JEFFERS,
Frank's sister]

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dick DIERKSEN, who recently moved to
Dallas, S. D., will be glad to learn that they are very much pleased
with the country. They report having already planted corn, potatoes
and garden vegetables and are now busy erecting some buildings on their

WESTFIELD: (From the Soo Valley Enterprise)

Agnes and Frances TOBEY came down from Ethan, S. D. Thursday to visit
their sister, Mrs. BORDWELL, a couple of weeks.

Izao KNAPP, son of C. L. KNAPP, suffered a compound fracture of the
left wrist while wrestling with his elder brother, Fay, last Friday

Another land deal of considerable importance was closed here this
week. Amundson Bros. purchased of B. H. VanVLEEK 360 acres two miles
east of town at $67 per acre. This is the farm worked by Bert HOFFMAN
last season.

W. S. GREIGG arrived here on Wednesday from Ute, Ia., and assumed his
duties as weighmaster at the city scales. The council decided to raise
the price to the usual charge at all other places 10 cents net weights,
and the change took effect at once.

F. A. ROSEMONT, Omaha, arrived last week and entered on his duties as
harnessmaker at E. C. F. MOHR's. W. R. GLENN will move to Elk Point,
where he will engage in the harness business and lead the band.

Mrs. M. A. KING returned home from Sioux City Monday evening. Mrs. T.
J. MARTIN and her mother went down on the morning train. Leo HOPKINS
is reported as getting along nicely since his operation in St. Joseph's

Dan COLEMAN shot a wolf across the creek from the house Monday. He was
a big fellow, measuring 4 feet in length, or 5 feet 2 inches from tip
to tip. The bounty is $8, we are informed, which makes his wolfship
worth gunning for.

[Not sure of next community]??

The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. James HEALEY last Thursday.
Almost all of the members were present and a number of visitors. An
excellent lunch was served.

Walter BARNES and family were invited to the McCONNEL home Sunday to
meet Mrs. McCONNEL's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. HEATH, from
Illinois, who are here visiting.

The Children's Day exercises will begin at eleven o'clock at the
Prairie Hope church next Sunday, June 13th. A cordial welcome will be
extended to all those who come.

The Busy Bee school, taught by Miss Dora Tonsfeldt the past year, gave
a picnic and exhibit of the work showed that the school is well named
for it did credit to both the teacher and scholars. Lunch was served.

Mr. NELSON was found dead last Saturday afternoon at his home 3 miles
northwest of Marcus. He has been batching for years and rented out his
land to the neighbors, reserving the buildings for himself. Saturday
Mrs. TREINEN's boys notced that he was not around as usual and on going
to the house found it locked. They then got help from Peter JUHL and
broke in. They found the old man dead on the bed. A coroner's inquest
was held, pronouncing his death caused from asthma. The funeral was
held at the Swedish Lutherian church in Marcus, Tuesday morning, and
the remains intered in the Marcus cemetery.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Will DETLOFF and Will HENRICH were Sioux City visitors Tuesday.

Wesley and Lora GREEN, of Spencer, are visiting relatives in this

Walter BIXBY, of Evansville, was a guest at the Miles KENNEDY home last

Mr. and Mrs. Will DETLOFF, of Midland, S. Dak., are visiting at the
Will REES home.

Mrs. E. PENNING, who whas been visiting relatives near Ashton, returned
home Tuesday.

Mit MOORE and Dewey HANCER, of Struble, were Seney visitors Thursday of
last week.

Fred MOORE, of LeMars, is assisting Clifford BRAY with the invoicing at
the lumber yard.

Clarence MOORE and wife spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Melvina
MOORE, in Struble.

Mrs. Wm. LANCASTER entertained the Woman's Foreign Missionary society
Wednesday afternoon.

Earl CHAPMAN and Roy McARTHUR attended the graduating exercises in
LeMars Thursday night.

REES Bros. were Soiux City passengers Tuesday. They bought a car of
young stock while there.

Miss Bessie REEVES, of Ashton, arrived here Saturday afternoon to spend
a short time with relatives.

Ed RITER returned home from Sioux City Saturday, accompanied by his
brother, who returned to Sioux City Monday.

Miss Josephine WINSLOW and her pupils will close the spring term of
school by giving a picnic in the pine grove Friday.

Dr. TRIMBLE, of Kansas City, gave a fine talk on foreign missionary
work in the church Sunday morning and at LeMars in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. COUNCILMAN rejoice over the arrival of a fine
granddaughter at the home of their daughter Mrs. Peter VanPUERSEN, in

Mrs. John REEVES returned to her home near Ashton Saturday morning
after spending a short time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David

Seney was quite well represented at the carnival in LeMars Saturday
night. A number of them were compelled to return home during the heavy
rain and wind storm.

OYENS: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Rose KEENAN spent a few days at the Thos. KEENAN home.

Mrs. Joe MAYROSE and sons, Frank and Albert, were Remsen callers

The MAYROSE young folks attended the play in LeMars at the St Joseph's

A class of thirty-one received their first communion in St. Catherine's
church Sunday.

Among the passengers to LeMars Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank FIDLER,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob FIDLER, Mrs. Nick FREYMANN, Mrs. Frank MAJERS, Mrs.

MARION: (Special Correspondence)

Pete MARK shelled corn for Louis GRALLAPP on Monday.

John KLOHS shipped a car of cattle to Sioux City on Saturday.

Rob FOLEY attended the ball game at the Henry BECKER home, south of

Mr. and Mrs. Henry WISER were visiting with friends in Sioux City on

Mrs. Pete PETERSON is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John CAMPBELL
this week.

Frank BOLKE was olbiged to replant about fifteen acres of corn this
week on account of too early planting and cut worms.

John AIRD returned home on Saturday from Plainview, Neb., where he has
been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Charlie HOUSTON.

MAMMEN: (Special Correspondence)

Herman FRERICHS made a trip to LeMars Wednesday.

Martin DORNBUSH was visiting south of LeMars last Sunday.

Chas MAMMEN lost a valuable horse the first of the week.

John EDWARDS purchased a fine driving team from L. HARMS.

Oscar ONKEN, of LeMars, is working for Chas. MAMMEN this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard AHRENS, of Ruble were visiting relatives and
friends at Mammen on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. BORCHERS are rejoicing over the arrival of a bright little
baby girl, who came to their home last Sunday.

H. L. FOWLER, of Minneapolis, Minn., was transacting business in this
vicinity and he also pruchased a Scotch [submitter - cannot make out
next word,
probably 5 or 6 letters] from Wm. MAMMEN
...[article cut off]

MARION: (Special Correspondence)

Many of the young people attended the June ball at Remsen on Saturday

Mrs. ORBAN and son, Joseph, of Sunny Side school will enjoy a picnic and
programme in the grove at school if the weather is pleasant.

The funeral of the late H. NOTHEM was largely attended by the people of
our neighborhood as Mr. NOTHEM was an old resident of Marion.

The close neighbors and near friends gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Cornelius LUDWIG on Sunday evening and enjoyed a very pleasant
time. At midnight a delicious supper was served.

returned from attending the wedding at New Vienna and the young bridal
couple accompanied them.....
...[article cut off]

LeMars Sentinel
18 Jun 1909
LeMars, Plymouth County, Iowa

[Community unknown - possibly Millnerville]

Mrss Lizzie PIKE and her nephew, Clifford PIKE, departed for Valentine
Neb., Saturday, where they will stay for some time.

Quite a crowd attended the ball game at the Kimble ranch Sunday.
Millnerville Jr. played ball at that place with the Belle Vista team.

Bert LAWRENCE drove to Merrill Sunday to play ball with the Adaville
team as Merrill and Adaville crossed bats Sunday at that place,
Adaville being the winning team.

RUBLE: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. RUBLE visited in LeMars Friday.

Miss Hannah KAMP was on the sick list for the past few days.

Whooping cough is prevalant in several families in this burg.

Thomas REDMOND, of Akron, was a caller near Ruble on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred GRUNAGLE were visiting at the home of her brother in

Rev. F. MESKE and family visited at the homes of Dick LUSCHEN and Fred
GRUNAGLE Wednesday.

Mrs. J. C. RUBLE Sr, and Mrs. S. R. MABEN and daughter, Rose, visited
Mrs. Frank JEFFERS on Wednesday.

Miss Adeline AHRENS attended church at Akron on Sunday. It is the
first trip she has made since her operation.

Gerhard AHRENS took the train from LeMars on Tuesday morning for the
eastern part of Iowa to visit with his cousins for a number of days.

Mrs. Henry KLEMME and daughters, Emma and Lydia, have been visiting a
few days with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. MEILKE and family, near

Mr. and Mrs. Henry HILLRICH were over Sunday visitors at the Albert
KALLSEN home to make the acquaintance of the little daughter, who
recently arrived there.

Edwin and Alfred KLEMME shelled corn for John KLUVER last Friday. A
number of Mr. KLUVER's neighbors assisted him to haul corn to Wm. and

PLEASANT VALLEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. Nelson's personal property was taken to Marcus last Saturday and
sold at auction.

Miss Kate JUHL has been sick since last Thursday. She is some better
at this writing.

Mrs. K. D. CARLTON and daughters have been visiting with relatives in
this vicinity the past few days.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Chester BRITTON is spinning around in a new buggy since Saturday.

Geo. MURRAY, of LeMars, has erected a new house on his farm north of

Mr. and Mrs. A. KNOWLTON, of Fredonia, attended the school picinic here

Maynard MOIST, of St. Paul, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed RITER are the parents of a fine boy who arrived at
their home June 8th.

Elam CHAPMAN has given his house a fresh coat of paint which has added
to its appearance.

T. K. CHAPMAN and wife, of LeMars, spent a few days with their sons and
families this week.

A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will DEEGAN Sunday
morning, June 13th.

Dr. FETTES, of Sioux City, was in town Tuesday attending to Mrs. J.
ALDERSON, who has been quite ill.

W. J. CARR, the district superintendent, will preach in the church
Friday evening, June 25th, and also administer the sacrament.

Mrs. C. F. HARTZELL and children returned home Tuesday from a three
week visit with her parents and old acquaintances at Springville, Iowa.

Mrs. E. MARCH and daughter, Lucile, went to Sheldon Friday morning to
accompany their daughter and sister, Mrs. Dan McARTHUR, and family on a
fishing trip.

Mr. COUNCILMAN and wife called on their daughter, Mrs. Peter VAN
PUERSEN, in Maurice Monday. They were accompanied home by their
grandson, James VAN PUERSEN.

The school picnic given by Miss Josephine WINSLOW and her scholars last
Friday was largely attended. A fine picnic dinner was enjoyed in the
shade of the pines by all present.

James LANCASTER and family, of Maurice, were calling on relatives in
town Friday. James has bought a farm in South Dakota and expect to
leave this country in the fall.

Johathan ALDERSON has disposed of his stock of merchandise for some
land in Dakota. He has been the leading merchant in town for a number
of years. He expects to give possession in a few days.


Come to Arcadia during the hot weather. Opening days Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday of next week. Usual hours.

Iowa Old Press Home
Plymouth County