Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
December 8, 1908

SENEY:  (Special Correspondence)

E. Penning lost a valuable riding horse one day last week.

Clifford Bray spent Thanksgiving with his parents in LeMars.

Rev. C.F. Hartzell attended the Epworth League convention in Des Moines
last week.

A bright baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McArthur
Saturday, November 28.

Rev. Will Carr, District Superintendent, held quarterly conference in
the church Monday night.

Mrs. W. Warner and children of Mt. Lake, Minn., is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Kennedy.

Lyman Britton returned home Saturday from Spencer, Iowa, where he
visited his son, Harry, a few days last week.

Mrs. E. March and daughter, Lucile, returned home Saturday morning from
a few days visit with relatives in Akron.

The Ladies Aid society was entertained by Mrs. Henry Husted in LeMars.
A large crowd from here was sent.

Henry Penning has returned home from near Ashton where he helped his
brother, John, unpack his car recently shipped from here.

A son arrived at the home of John Hyde and wife, Saturday.
Also one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter recently.

Peter Van Puersen and wife, of Maurice, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Van
Puersen's parents, and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Councilman.

Edwin Lancaster and family, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Albro and Mr. and Mrs.
Hawkins spent Thanksgiving with John Lancaster and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haviland and Mrs. Oscar Haviland were entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne Thanksgiving Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex McArthur and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore and
son, Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rees ate Thanksgiving dinner at the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Lancaster.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rees and sons, Willie and Fred, of LeMars, and Mrs.
Fred Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rees, Mrs. John Detloff and Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Rees were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rees on

Anthony Daugherty, our section forman, had a very close call one day
last week.  While coming toward town he was overtaken by a special
freight, not having time to get the car off the track, the men jumped to
save their lives.  The car was badly wrecked.

OYENS:  (Special Correspondence)

Jim Ludwig spent Friday afternoon in Remsen.

Bessie and Clara Levins were in LeMars Saturday.

Miss Amelia Freymann was a county seat caller Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Juhl and son spent Tuesday at the county seat.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Henrich spent a few hours in Remsen Friday morning.

Miss Clara Hissell is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. John

Mr. Schnepf and William attended the funeral of the late Thos. Mulhaney
at Granville Wednesday.

Most all of the young folks of the place took in the Thanksgiving dance
at Remsen Thursday night and report a fine time.

Telephone line No. 30 was out of order Monday and Tuesday forenoon.
They soon got busy and found the wire was broken near LeMars and Tuesday
afternoon everything was as fine as ever.

CHURCHVILLE:  (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. J.W. Feuerhelm is slowly recovering from a serious illness.

Will Danne and A.K. Kehrberg delivered hogs to Merrill one day recently.

The Salem Evangelical church people have decided to give a Christmas

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prinz visited at the home of Rev. F. W. Koenig and
family, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Kehrberg visited at the August Blecker home, near
Merrill, Sunday.

Chas. Lentz has returned from South Dakota, where he has been looking
after his land interests.

W.F. Dobbert and August Kemnitz are busy these days cutting trees down
along the road on their land to make room for the telephone wires.

Word was received of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Rheinhardt, of Cresco, Iowa. Mrs. Rheinhardt will be remembered here as
Lizzie Lippke.

A large concourse of your people from LeMars drove out in a carry all to
"Wood Lawn" the pleasant country home of A.K. Kehrberg, on Thursday
evening, where a most enjoyable evening was spent.  At a late hour an
elaborate four course supper was served, after which the merry crowd
departed wishing the royal entertainers many happy returns of the day.

[next community not seen on the page---but the news note is worth

One day the past week while a young lady was explaining the splendid
mechanism of a new pistol to Dr. Vernon with view of selling it to him,
the weapon was discharged.  The doctor's hair stood straight up for a
moment, but upon examining himself he concluded he would pull through.

HINTON:  (From the Hinton Gazette)

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lembeke, Monday, Nov. 30, '08, a daughter.

The bad weather overtook some farmers too soon to find their corn

Wm. Botker went to a Sioux City hospital on Monday and was operated upon
for appendicitis.

Mrs. Andrew Raven has been at her parental home since Thanksgiving
suffering from an attack of the grippe.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Pero___, a boy, on Monday morning, November
30, '08. 

Mr. and Mrs. O' Brian, who have worked for U.G. Musser for some time,
were taken to Sioux City Monday, and Mr. Musser's affairs will be
overseen by Mr. Eyer until after the sale.

While doing carpenter work on his father's farm, Hans Olson, Jr., was
struck in the face by a railing which cut a gash entirely through his
upper lip.  Dr. Prentice took several stitches in the wound.

Geo. S. Noble and son, Loren, expected to start for their new home in
Lincoln, Neb., tomorrow evening.  Mrs. Noble will leave the first of
next week.  We are sorry to lose this family, but circumstances seem to
make it necessary.

J.A. Cook assumed the position of assistant cashier on Monday in the
bank of Hinton.  He takes the place of C.L. Brown, who left on Monday
for Broadview, Montana, where he will hold down a claim for the coming

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Herme, were married in Joliet, Ill., and came out to
visit John Muecke on their "honeymoon" were completely surprised last
Saturday by a visit of some of the neighborhood who gave them a good
charivari.  Although a little late, the bride and groom did the
customary honors and all enjoyed a good time.  After a short visit the
bride and groom will complete their "honeymoon" going to California
after which they will return to their home in Joliet.

REMSEN:  (From the Bell-Enterprise)

Miss Lenora Kriege, of LeMars, and Ed. Kreige, of Omaha, visited friends
in Remsen last Friday.

LeMars Sentinel
December 11, 1908

SOUTH LINCOLN: (Special Correspondence)

Luther Nash finished husking corn last Thursday.

Hans Bornholtz made business trip to James last Saturday.

Hans Bornholtz was transacting business in Leeds last Monday.

Charles Eplin and his family were Sioux City visitors last Friday.

Fred Harrison and his sons, Victor and Russell, were Sioux City business
callers last Thursday.

Earl Calkin and Hans Bornholtz finished husking corn Saturday, just before
the snow fall.

Andrew Zweifel has been busy during the past ten days delivering shelled
corn to Lawton, Woodbury county.

Miss Nellie Watters, of Hinton, Iowa, was a pleasant caller at the home of
Earl Calkin on Friday.

Russell Harrison and Earl Calkin were transacting business on Monday in
Lawton, Woodbury county.

The winter term of school in district No. 6, Lincoln township, was commenced
on Monday, November 30th.

William McGiblin, who resides in the southeastern part of Lincoln township,
held his sale of personal property on last Wednesday, December 2. In the
near future he intends to move to California, where he hopes to find a more
congenial climate.

On Thursday night, December 3, 1908, occurred the death of the infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Church. He was born September 30, 1908, consequently
he was aged two months and three days. The funeral took place at one
o'clock on Saturday, December 5, from the home of the parents in Lincoln
township. Interment was made in the Lincoln township cemetery. Rev. S. V.
Rohrbaugh, of Lawton, Woodbury county, Iowa, officiated.

WASHINGTON: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hoss and Mrs. Ira Stinton were in LeMars Saturday.

Wenzel Parker shelled corn for Arthur Greenwalt, Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. Goodno and daughter, Miss Carrie, are visiting in LeMars, this week.

Wenzel Parker purchased a fine lot of feeding cattle while in Sioux City
last week.

Frank Dean's sale was well attended and everything was in good condition and
sold well.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Richards entertained company from Sioux City over

Mrs. Nick Hauser and son, George, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Manz.

Mrs. Will Karley and Mrs. Daniel Tooker attended the funeral of Charley
Kramer, of Potosia.

Miss Florence Manz purchased a nice reed organ for her school when in Sioux
City last week.

Miss Hazelle Hancer and Mrs. George Haylock, of Merrill, had a rather
exciting runaway last Sunday.

Mollie Johnson, who used to live here, was married last wek at her home in
Fleak, North Dakota.

Mr. and Mrs. George Manz gave an oyster supper Thursday evening,
complimentary to Miss Leona Patton.

Mrs. Frank Utech and daughter went to Kansas City, Missouri, last week on a
visit to relatives there.

Miss Lizzie Knorr, who has been staying at the Greenwaldt home the past six
weeks, returned to her home Monday.

Mrs. Frank Hammond and daughter, Miss Wilda, returned last Thursday from
Esmond, South Dakota, where she was visiting her brothers, Percy and Leslie,
of that place.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stinton and Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Parker attended the wedding
of Miss Maggie Thom and Will Bristow, who were married at the parental home,
December 2. Rev. Mills, of Adaville, performed the ceremony.

Miss Florence Manz entertained a company of friends last Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Lemke, in honor of her cousin, Miss Leona
Patton, of Ehler, Iowa, who is here on a visit. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Will Manz, Elmer and Ida Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. George Manz and
daughter, Georgie and Carrie Mattes and Miss Hazelle Hancer.

MERRILL: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. G. W. Irwin was a LeMars visitor on Friday.

Miss Edda Young was a LeMars visitor on Sunday.

Miss Edith June was a Sioux City passenger on Saturday.

Mrs. Wm. Lindsey is entertaining her mother, from Illinois.

Skating has been greatly enjoyed the past week by the young folks.

The members of the W.O.W. will hold a meeting on December 14.

Miss Ella Toohey and Miss Bertha Sloan were LeMars visitors on Saturday.

HINTON: (Special Correspondence)

The carpenters have the new residence of Will Schneider enclosed.

The whist club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.D. Graham Wednesday

Pat Garvey returned last week from Kansas and Oklahoma, where he visited
with relatives.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

D. H. McArthur shipped cattle to Sioux City Tuesday night.

Will Jeffers, Jr., is building a large shed in addition to his barn.

Albert Bros. shelled corn in this neighborhood the first of the week.

Mrs. Will Hawkins is enjoying a visit from her brother from Pittsburgh,

The Woman's Foreign Missionary society met with Mrs. Arthur Reeves Wednesday

Mrs. Ralph Obermier, of LeMars, spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Ewin.

Bert Dyson and family, of Merrill, were guests of Mr. and Mrs Anthony
Daugherty Sunday.

Al McArthur and Clarence Moore finished husking corn for Chas. Witt the
first of the week.

Will Penning went to Ihlen, Minn., last week to visit his sister, Mrs. L. L.
Demaray, a short time.

Mrs. Wm. Lancaster and Mrs. Edwin Lancaster left for Elgin, Neb., Thursday
morning to visit relatives indefinitely.

Mrs. Alfred Demaray, of Jackson, Neb., visited friends in town a few days
the first of the week, also relatives in LeMars, returning to her home

Mrs. W.C. Warner has returned to her home in Mt. Lake, Minn., after a week's
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Kennedy.

Mat Ernsterfhoff, residing south of town, died at his home Saturday morning
after a very short illness. Funeral services were held Monday.

Ira Lancaster and Will Pech have set their tent near the big lake north of
town and are enjoying themselves trapping along the river and lake.

Thos. Rees has been confined to his home a few days this week by illness.
His brother, Fred, took charge of his cream route Tuesday and Chas. Ewin

Sam Sparling and wife and daughter, of Westfield, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Hughes a few days last week. They left Saturday morning for Oklahoma,
where they will visit relatives.

Rev. Hartzell, assisted by Mrs. Alice Mather, of Spencer, commenced a series
of revival meetings in the church Thursday night of last week. On account
of bad roads a good many are deprived of the privilege of attending.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter mourn the loss of their infant baby, who died
Tuesday morning after a few hours of illness of pneumonia. Funeral services
were held at the home Wednesday morning and interment made in the LeMars

Jonathan Alderson received word Saturday night that his brother, Jas.
Alderson and daughter, Myrtle, living near Elgin, Neb., had been badly
burned while fixing their gas plant. Mr. Alderson is getting along nicely,
but his daughter is lying in a critical condition, the gas having affected
her stomach, and her hands and face are badly burned.

LeMars Sentinel
Dec. 18, 1908

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Walker Bushby, of Ireton, spent Sunday with friends in town.

The Seney Sunday school is making preparations for a Xmas program.

Will Kennedy, Sr., of Akron, is visiting his brother, Miles and wife.

Mrs. Robt. Jamison, of Minnesota, arrived here Monday morning to visit

Wm. Lancaster went to Cherokee Wednesday to attend to business for H. Heide.

Mrs. Melvina Moore, of Struble, visited her son, Clarence and wife, a few
days last week.

Miss Emma Burrill, of LeMars, visited her sister, Mrs. Thos. Hinde, on
Thursday of last week.

Detloff Bros. & Co. shipped cattle to Chicago Saturday night. Harry Reintz
accompanied the shipment.

Miss Josephine Winslow is preparing a school program to be given in the
school house Wednesday night.

Mrs. Alvina Jeffers enjoyed a few days visit from her mother-in-law, Mrs.
I.N. Jeffers, of Ruble, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, of LeMars, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Jackson's
mother, Mrs. Lyman Britton.

Will Penning returned home from Ihlen, Minn., Saturday after a short visit
with his sister, Mrs. Louis Demaray.

Miss Ollie Sardison visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sardison, in
Sioux City last Wednesday, returning Monday noon.

Miss Alice Winkel returned Tuesday from Ashton, where she has been visiting
relatives. She also visited relatives at Mt. Vernon and Madison, S. D.

John Bundy, a former resident of this neighborhood, now living in Lake
Andes, S.D., was married one day last week. He and his bride are spending a
few days with friends here.

Miss Tyler, of LeMars, gave a musical concert at the home of Mrs. Z. Rayburn
Thursday of last week. She was assisted by three of her pupils of LeMars,
also Lucile March, Verna McArthur, Eva Buss, Mae Osborne and Mary and Katie
Rayburn. A number of ladies were present and all enjoyed the music.

UNION: (Special Correspondence)

Wesley Eyres has been delivering corn in LeMars.

Mr. Hard, of Sioux City, was a guest of Harry Hoyt, Tuesday.

Mr. Barnable shipped two cars of hogs to Sioux City, Thursday.

LeMars Sentinel, Dec. 25, 1908

Miss Maude Lueschen is visiting for a few days with her friend, Mrs. Henry

Henry Klemme and daughters, Lydia and Emma, were business callers at Akron
on Tuesday.

Alex Klemme shelled corn for Anderson, Dierksen and Williams last week. Ed
Smith assisted him with the sheller.

JAMES: (Special Correspondence)

G.C. Croston made a visit to Omaha, Nebraska, last week.

Miss Omie Bennet returned home on Saturday evening from Hinton.

Mr. Isentrant, of Sioux City, was a pleasant caller in James, Saturday.

A basket social was given on Saturday evening in the Woolworth school
district two miles east of James.

Frank Woolworth, his wife, and daughter, Viola, started on Friday for
Parkston, South Dakota, where they intend to visit for ten days with friends
and relatives.

Since Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26, a series of religious meetings under the
auspices of the M.E. Church, have been in progress in James. No meetings,
however, were held on Wednesday and Thursday evening of last week.

Miss Virginia Jones who teaches the public school in James, has gone to
Creston, Iowa, where she intends to visit for two weeks with friends and
relatives. In the meantime the pupils of James school district will enjoy a

The Union Sunday School at James held appropriate Christmas exercises in the
M.E. church on Thursday evening. The pupils, teachers, and officers gave an
interesting and instructive literary program. The church was tastily
decorated and the tree beautifully adorned and ornamented.

SOUTH LINCOLN: (Special Correspondence)

Millard Barnes and his wife were in Sioux City last Friday.

Millard Barnes was a Lawton business caller on Tuesday.

Charles Epling was transacting business in Sioux City last Friday.

Wilmer Nash has been drawing shelled corn to Lawton during the past week.

Frank Wright and his family from Moville were visiting on Sunday at the home
of Clay Dean.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

A Merry Christmas.

Wm. Jeffers spent Christmas with his family.

Mrs. E. March was on the sick list the first of the week.

Chris Lancaster, of Maurice, spent Saturday with relatives in town.

Clifford Bray and lady friend attended church in LeMars Sunday evening.

Mrs. Grant Chapman and daughter spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. E. March.

Maynard Moist, of St. Paul, came down Sunday to spend Christmas with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Mills.

Arthur Ewin and Mr. Johnson, who have been up in Minnesota trading and
selling horses, returned home the first of the week.

Will Rees, who has been farming John Lancaster's farm the past three years,
moved on this mother-in-law's farm west of town, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bundy. of Lake Andes, S.D., who spent a few days with
friends in this neighborhood, left for Texas the first of the week to visit
Mr. Bundy's parents.

Mrs. Alice Mather, of Spencer, Iowa, who has been assisting Rev. Hartzell
with a series of revival meetings, returned to her home Monday, after
closing the meetings Sunday night.

Miss Jessie Hawkins, teacher of the John Emery school, will have a program
in the schoolhouse Thursday night, Dec. 31. She will also have a basket
sociable in connection with the program. All are cordially invited.

Earl Morrisey and Sadie Alderson left for Elgin, Neb., Tuesday morning where
they will attend the wedding of their cousin, Ervie Alderson to Georgia
Neufui, Wednesday night. They will also visit relatives before returning.

PLEASANT VALLEY: (Special Correspondence)

Bert Howard took some butcher stuff to Marcus, Monday.

H. J. Raun attended a business meeting of the Mutual Insurance Company at
Marcus, Thursday afternoon.

The young people of the Prairie Hope Sunday School, met to practice for the
Christmas exercises, Thursday afternoon.

Several of the Prairie Hope families attended the M.E. dinner and bazaar
given in the basement of the Marcus church, Saturday last.

School having closed down at Morningside, Rev. Kent came down Friday evening
into the Prairie Hope neighborhood, where he is holding special meetings at
the church.

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Plymouth County