Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated 21 Sep 1906

Martin Heath of This City Has a Tough Experience at Sioux City
Interstate Fair

Martin Heath, who resides over J.P.A. Schmidt's shop on Sixth street,
has been keeping close to his room the past few days nursing injuries
which he received at the hands of a couple of thugs while visiting the
Inter-state Fair at Sioux City last week.

Mr. Heath relates that he was in Sioux City on Dan Patch day and in the
evening about nine o'clock while the crowd was taking in the fireworks
he was strolling along near the show barns at the lower end of the
grounds.  There were only a few people in that part of the grounds at
the time but it was well lighted.  Two men stepped up behind Heat and
one of the slugged him on the side of the head and the other man pitched
in also.  Heat was beaten down to one knee but fought desperately as he
said he felt sure the men were going to kill him.  He hollered for help
and one of his assailants stuck his finger in his mouth and Heath
promptly closed his teeth on it.  After another struggle, Heath cried
out again for help and his assailants made off into the darkness.  Heath
says he saw no police in the vicinity.  After the struggle some men,
from the show barns came along and assisted Heath, who was badly hurt
being kicked about the head and face.

Mr. Heath had a valuable watch and chain and forty dollars on his person
at the time.

JAMES:  (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. R. N. Sherville and Mrs. Hebbs of Cleghorn, Iowa, visited several
days last week at the home of T.B. Creamer.

Charles Bell and wife and Mrs. George Bell, all of Kingsley, were
visiting last week at the home of John Litterick.

Giles Pece and wife of Howard, S.D., visited here last week at the homes
of O.J. and Eb. Pierce.

Ralph Wiley and wife of Butterfield, Minn., visited a few days last week
at the home of Grant Musser.

August Gustafson of Cherokee, Iowa, was a pleasant caller at the home of
Lewis Haller last Thursday.

John Brehm, of Hinton, was a James business caller Thursday.

Fred Blumer of Hinton was a James business visitor Friday.

Mrs. William Stewart returned home Thursday from Richland, S.D., where
she had been visiting with relatives.

Mrs. Kayser, of Ponca, Neb., visited here last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. David Yount.

Walter Givens, of Cleghorn, Iowa, spent a few days here last week with
friends and relatives.

James Litterick and wife were Sioux City visitors Saturday.

Mrs. T. B. Fulton and Miss Lizzie Bennet were Sioux City callers

Mesdames Ferguson and Reed and Miss Nellie Reed all of Sioux City
visited Sunday at the home of James Litterick.

Harry Benson, of Parkstone, S.D., is here visiting at the home of Frank

Lewis Haller and family were Sioux City visitors Saturday.

William Stewarts, Jr., was transacting business in Sioux City Saturday.

SENEY:  (Special Correspondence)

Miss Edith Councilman left for Gayville, S.D., Tuesday morning where she
will visit Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Councilman.

John Bundy of lake Andes, S.D., visited friends in this vicinity one day
last week.  He has rented his farm near Gayville, S.D., and is doing the
elevator office work at Lake Andes.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buss returned from Logan, Kansas, last week after a
short visit with Mrs. Buss' relatives.

John Alderson, Jr. had an accident a short time ago which has caused him
to use crutches.  While driving the cow home from the pasture, the horse
on which he was riding slipped and fell throwing him to the ground
injuring his ankle.  No bones were broken but the muscles were pulled
loose.  Dr. Reeves attended his injuries.

Mrs. John Osborne and daughters Mae and Josephine visited relatives in
Sioux City a few days last week returning home Monday night.

About forty from here attended the fair at Sioux City last week.  All
report a fine time.

Mrs. Smylie of LeMars was a business caller here Tuesday.

The repairing on the P.V. elevator has been completed.  The gasoline
engine has been put in tested the engine and is in good running order.

W.D. Kennedy left for Las Vegas, New Mexico, last Friday.  W.C. Bray of
LeMars is filling vacancy at the lumber yard.

Walter Clark, of Sioux City, and Clarence Moore are helping Miles
Kennedy build the new addition to his residence in town.

Will Martin and Chas. Lamb of LeMars have drilled a fine well for Mr.
Holtgree of Remsen on the farm he recently purchased of Messrs. Mohan
and Clark.  Mr. Holtgree has purchased a machine for making cement
blocks of which he will build his house and barn as soon as he has
sufficient material.

Maggie Lancaster visited with relatives in Sioux City last week
returning Monday evening.

Miss Nettie Winkel came down from Ashton last week to visit relatives
also to take in the fair at Sioux City.  She returned home Monday

Frank Griffin who has been work for Fran Buss left for South Dakota
Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Doty are rejoicing over the arrival of a nine pound
girl, born September 7.

Rev. Kiernan preached his farewell sermon last Sunday night. He left for
Sargeant Bluffs Tuesday where he will attend the wedding of Miss Mattie
Legler and from there he will go to attend convention at Fort Dodge.

Mrs. John Holster will entertain the Daughters of Ceres, September 27.

[top of next name not visible]

Nickie Youngers of Hospers visited with his numerous friends in this
neck of the woods Sunday.  Mr. Youngers is one of the O'Brien's best
farmers and industrious young men.

Henry Croon, wife and children were visiting in Ireton recently and
called in Struble Tuesday.

Chester Hammond and Lampert Ritzenthaler were marketing porkers in this
burg the first of the week.

Rev. Hamilton of Maurice and Rev. Harry Richards who are making a mark
in their vocations as Methodist ministers left Monday morning for the
close of the church year.  They are young men who will be heard from
some day in positions of honor and trust.

There were no services at the Catholic church last Sunday.  Perhaps due
to the priest taking Rev. McNally's place missing the train.

John Riter of Schaller was a guest at his brothers, Edward and Chas.,
the past week.

J.E. Smith, on of Plymouth county's best farmers and citizens, was a
county seat caller Tuesday.  Mr. Smith has successfully carried on one
of E.E. Eastman's fine farms west of Struble for a number of years.

Rent farms this year seem to be at a premium.  Presumably because of the
good crops.

Robert Moran and Ed Deeley of Maurice left for the state of Washington
Wednesday night to visit relatives and look after their land which was
bought only about four years ago but had doubled its value.  The boys
will have a fine trip no doubt.  They will be away about three weeks.

D.W. McCarthy of LeMars said hello here on Saturday.  Dan is one of the
large land owners in this county and a successful man in his business

John White was married to Miss Cott at Sioux City last week.  John stole
a march on his friends by being joined in wedlock at Sioux City.  May
joy and happiness be your lot, John, is our wish and congratulations.

Will Detloff and Will Henrich, two of Elgin's best Williams, were
trading here Tuesday.

A. Mellena, R. Brauwer and Master DeBour were calling here on Tuesday.
Mr. Mellena has rented the Potter farm just east of town and will move
his family as soon as he gets possession of the place.

Will Hinde of east Elgin was a pleasant visitor in this town Monday.

Henry Ludwigs and Tony Tammen were at Chatsworth last Sunday on

Herman Popkin is away on a visit in Oklahoma.

Dr. Frank Strub and wife were marketing some fine poultry here the first
of the week.

David N. Hammond was transacting business in Struble Tuesday.  Mr.
Hammond has recently been up on his ranch in South Dakota and reports
lots of good feed for stock there this year.  Mr. Hammond owns the Maple
Grove farm in Reading township and is extensively engaged in raising
thorough bred cattle and horses.

Dan Buckley was a pleasant caller here on Monday.

Albert Winterfield one of the stalwart men of the east called Saturday.

Will Heemstra, the right hand man of the Durband Impliment house, is
kept busy these days fixing many pumps which seem to get out of kilter.

There is to be a watermelon social at the hospitable home of W.R. Null
next Tuesday evening for the benefit of the M.E. church.  Remember the
date and come and have an enjoyable evening and help a good work.

Mrs. J.A. Sayer spent Sunday in Hull returning Monday night.

Miss Susie Schlesser and Miss Mina of Maurice were over from Maurice on
Saturday night between trains.

The Mike King elevator at Maurice caught fire in some way last week and
came near being burnt down only for the prompt assistance of the fire
company.  The house was run by M. Ford.

W.A. Wakefield, the genial stockman of near Maurice, made us a friendly
call the last of the week.

WESTFIELD:  (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. C.P. Woodard, daughter and son of LeMars spent Sunday at the Lilly
home south of town.

The Mahr family have moved into their new house but it is not quite

Bert and Fred Hoffmans intend to go at farming again next year and have
rented a farm east of town.

Miss Francis Hopkins of O'Neil, Neb., arrived on Monday last tow attend
school here this winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reandean have returned from their trip to Wagner, S.D.

Will Chapman was threshing for parties east of town last week until
stopped by the rains.

Mrs. and Mrs. C. M. Rassmausen were passengers to Sioux City Friday.

Mrs. Goss spent Thursday with her friend, Miss Grace Main.

from the Merrill Record
dated September 1906


The wedding of John W. Hoffman and Miss Mabel Mahaney was solemnized in St.
Joseph's church at Ellendale Wednesday morning Sept. 26, 1906. Rev. P. J.
Connolly, pastor of the church officiated. The ceremony was witnessed by a
church filled to the doors of friends and relatives of the contracting

After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mahaney, where formal congratulations were
extended the worthy couple. In the evening a splendid reception was given
Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman and all had a merry good time.

Mr. Hoffman is a son of John P. Hoffman, well known resident of Johnson twp.
Miss Mahaney has been one of Plymouth county's most popular and successful
public school teachers. Both parties have a host of friends who join with
the Record in offering congratulations.

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated September 28, 1906

STRUBLE:  (Special Correspondence)

The social at the pleasant home of W.R. Null was largely attended on
Tuesday night.  All report a jolly time.

Custer Johnson was in Struble Tuesday morning.  He brought his father
here to meet the early train for Brookings and took home a big load of
the American fencing.

Surveyor Meyers has been busy staking grades in town the past week.

Frank Buss and family returned home from a two weeks visit with Mrs.
Buss's parents in Lyons, Kansas.  Mrs. Buss took up a claim near her
folks years ago when the country was new.  The land is now quite
valuable and she is well pleased in having held on to her land all these

R. Brauwer was calling in Struble Wednesday.  Mr. Brauwer resides near

Thomas White of Grant township was greeting his many friends here
Wednesday.  Mr. White enjoyed a visit of a sister and niece from
Illinois recently.

Thomas Reeves of Seney is hauling bridge lumber for a new county bridge
near Wm. Nickolson's place.

Nick Schlesser is remodeling his farm with a lot of American fence.

H.F. Buchanan of LeMars was greeting his many friends here the first of
the week.  Mr. Buchanan is a candidate for clerk of courts and a might
good fellow.

Gerd Lewis was twenty-one years old this week.

SENEY:  (Special Correspondence)

The ladies aide society will meet with Mrs. J. Walkup Wednesday, October

Mrs. Nellie Green was hurt quite badly last Friday by being kicked by a
colt while tying the horse in the barn.  Dr. Fettes was called to attend
her injuries and found one rib broken and another fractured.  She is
able to be up and around again.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Alderson returned from their trip to Las Vegas, N.Mex.,
last Friday night.  The climate of that country agreed with Mr. Alderson
but Mrs. Alderson's health is not better.

Mrs. W.D. Kennedy is getting along nicely and is planning on a trip back
here in the spring. [Transcriber's note:  Mrs. W.D. Kennedy is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Alderson.  Mrs. Kennedy and her family lived
at Las Vegas, N.Mex.]

Miss Lottie Fillotson will give an elocutionary entertainment in the
church October 4, under the auspices of the ladies aid society.  All are
cordially invited.  Admission ten cents.

Mr. B. Cole and his bride from Strawberry Point visited Mr. and Mrs.
Harley Cook last week.  They were out her on their wedding trip and
retuned to their home Monday.

A few of our young folks attended the melon social at Mr. Null's Tuesday

Mr. W.W. Jeffers went to Sheldon last Friday to organize a Holiness
association returning Monday morning.

Robert Reeves was a passenger to Sheldon Saturday returning Monday.

O.C. Haviland has purchased the M.W.A. building.  As he has sold his
store building to Mr. Hyde, he will move his groceries into his new
building.  Mr. Hyde will move his building on a lot in the northwest
part of town and will move into town.

The Daughters of Ceres met with Mrs. Nick Holster's in Fredonia Thursday

We are pleased to learn that we are to keep Mr. Kiernan with us another
year.  [Transcriber's note:  Mr. Kiernan was the Seney M.E. church

Miss Maggie Lancaster was a Struble visitor Wednesday.

Mrs. John Hinde was calling at C.E. Moore's Wednesday.

MAMMEN:  (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eilers were visiting at Ireton on Sunday.

Wm. Colman who has been visiting in this neighborhood for a few days
retuned to his home in Clay county last week.

A. Marrison, Henry Johnson, and Wm. Borchers were transacting business
in Akron on Saturday.

John and Chas. Mammen were visiting at Hinton Saturday.

Henry Freebing was transacting business in LeMars the last of the week.

Ed. Johnson purchased a fine young driving team the first of the week.

[Top of the next name not visible]

Charles Eyres youngest son who has not been well for some time is being
treated in LeMars hospital where Miss Sarah Eyres is a nurse.

George Steele has been doing plowing on the farm he bought of the Watson
family on section six.

Walter Brunhaver's father has gone to California to spend the winter.

While driving four horses abreast across a small bridge Julius Kehrberg
had the misfortune to have one horse crowded from the end pulling the
others off also and a general mixup followed.  The horses were somehow
hurt and his plow was broken.

Mr. Coatsworth occupied the pulpit of Mt. Hope M.E. church Sunday while
the pastor was at Fort Dodge attending conference.

Mrs. Bruce accompanied her husband, Rev. G. W. Bruce, to Fort Dodge and
by appointment they will move to Deloit, Crawford county, Iowa, leaving
Mt. Hope to be supplied.  Rev. W. J. Carr is presiding elder.

HINTON:  (Special Correspondence)

Gilbert Carpenter left Friday to visit with relatives at Chatsworth.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peron were passengers to LeMars Monday.

Dr. Mammen of LeMars visited at the M.H. Mammen home here Friday.

Henry Luft of Sioux City visited at the home of his parents over Sunday.

Mrs. Jessie Schneider visited with friends in Leeds over Sunday.

Miss Emma Rhoot of Sioux City visited with relatives here Saturday and

Miss Sadie Berger went to Sioux City Saturday where she will do
dressmaking a week or so.

E. E. Blumer left Monday evening for Mitchell, S.D., to accompany his
wife home.  Mrs. Blumer has been visiting with relatives there the past
three weeks.

Mrs. Koenig, of LeMars, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Karl Kaupp at

Rev. J.B. Walker has been assigned this place as pastor again this year.

The U.B. aid society of Potosia met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Jas.
Crouch.  Quite a number of the ladies here attended.  Supper was served
and some of the men came in at the supper hour to partake of the good
things to eat.

Miss Delia Larkin of Sioux City visited at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Geo. Wakeman, the later part of last week.

Mrs. Jno. Winter returned from Sioux City where she has been at the
Samaritan hospital for treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Watts returned Monday from their visit with relatives
at Harold, Neb.

Mrs. W. B. McNeil of Merrill visited at the home of her brother and
family Wednesday and attended the aid society at Mrs. Jas. Crouch's.

Mrs. Patterson returned Wednesday from her visit with relatives at Hull.
Her daughter, Emma Hawkins, accompanied her home for a few days visit.

Mrs. Will Richardson went to Sioux City Tuesday to see her father, Wm.
Minor, who is sick at a hospital with rheumatism.

[top of next name not visible]

Frank Bates, Aaron Gerling and John and Ed Eilers were LeMars visitors

John McGrary, Jr., drove to LeMars Sunday.

B. F. Maust and family who have been visiting in the east the past two
months returned  Friday.  The family expects to remain in this locality
about three weeks after which they will proceed to California where Mr.
Maust has purchased land and will make that state his future home.

Dr. and Mrs. Ballschey of Ireton were guests at the Wm. Busby residence
Sunday evening.

J. Marron, Sr., who has been very sick for some time is very low at this
writing.  The attending physician says there is no hope for his

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