Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel, Friday, March 9, 1906, Page 4, Column 5:

Kohl--Werth Wedding.

On Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Werth in Stanton township, was the scene of a delightful home wedding when
their daughter Gertrude was united to Conrad T. Kohl, of Union township.

Miss Agnes Werth played a beautiful wedding march as the bride and groom
entered the parlor and stood under an arch of green smilax where the
ceremony was performed.

The bride was dressed in a handsome cream silk dress and carried a large
bouquet of beautiful cream bridal roses. The groom was dressed in the
conventional black. Rev. F. A. Schmalle of Stanton officiated.

As soon as the ceremony was over the happy bride and groom received
hearty congratulations from all present, after which a delicious three
course luncheon was served. Only relatives and immediate friends were
present. A large number of beautiful presents were received. This was one
of the happiest events of the year.

The bride is one of the most popular and brilliant young ladies of
Stanton township and the groom is one of the popular and successful young
farmers of Union township. Mr. and Mrs. Kohl will at once take up their
residence on Mr. Kohl's farm in Union township.

Akron Register-Tribune newspaper
Dated March 15, 1906

Curfew rang for the first time in Akron last Friday at 8 o'clock, and the
way some of the youngsters scampered for home was not slow.  Some people
think the age limit should be raised from 16 to 18 years.  Starting next
week and until October, the curfew will ring at 9 p.m.

The large plate glass front in March Bros. Drug store was cracked in a
peculiar manner.  Milton Cain was swinging a small hammer and the head flew
off.  It shattered the globe of a gas light, then glanced and struck the

Died: March 13, Erlon LeRoy Johnson of Akron.

LeMars Sentinel
March 23, 1906

~J. C. Clark, optician from Sioux City will make his regular professional
visit to LeMars, Wednesday, March 28.

~Mrs. I. S. Freeman entertained the members of St. George Guild on Tuesday
afternoon. Tea was served after the business meeting.

~ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore, of Seney mourn the loss of their five weeks
old baby [girl] which succumbed on Tuesday. The funeral was held yesterday
at Seney.

~John L. Crow is having plans made by Zack Eyres for a new modern cottage
which he will build in the Normal Park addition as soon as the building
season opens.

~The ladies aid society of M. E. church will hold an apron and sunbonnet
sale on Saturday, April 7. Home made baking will also be on sale. Location
will be given later.

~The ladies aid of the Presbyterian Church will meet on Tuesday afternoon at
three o’clock with Mrs. G. J. Richards. Mrs. Wm. Long and Mrs. F. M.
Roseberry will assist the hostess in entertaining.

~Rev. G. W. Moore was in Sioux City on Wednesday in conference with a
committee on arrangements for the meeting of the Sioux City Presbytery which
will hold a three days session in LeMars on April 9, 10, and 11.

C. J. Duffey, of Merrill, was a LeMars visitor on Tuesday.

C. C. Simpson, of Merrill, was a LeMars visitor on Tuesday.

Adolph Witt, of Remsen, was visiting LeMars friends on Tuesday.

Miss Mamie Sullivan is visiting at Marcus with Miss Mollie Fenton.

Mrs. S. C. Douglas left on Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Oklahoma.

W. H. Dent and Fred Raber went to Nebraska on Tuesday on business.

Supervisor L. H. Schulte, of Remsen, was a LeMars visitor on Tuesday.

Miss Mamie Burns, of Hawarden, is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Hickey this week.

E. E. Shackelford, of Allen, Neb., was the guest of Dr. H. F. Rubel on

Jos. Hentges returned to his home at Yankton, S.D., after a brief visit at

I. C. Hise, county superintendent, went to Des Moines on Tuesday evening on

Will Burke has gone to Waterloo where he has secured a position with the
Tallerday company.

Ed Thomarson returned home on Tuesday from an extended trip in Colorado and
other western states.

Misses Mary and Agnes Resen of Union township visited with LeMars relatives
on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs. D. Drew returned home this week for a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Will Freeman, at Sioux Falls, S.D.

Andrew Thompson returned on Wednesday evening from a business trip to
Worthington and other points in Minnesota.

Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Martes, of Carroll, Iowa, spent Sunday in LeMars with
Mrs. Martes’ sister, Mrs. E. H. Gralapp.

Mrs. J. F. Edelstein, who has been visiting relatives in Chicago and Iowa
City for the past few weeks, returned home on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Osterbuhr of Grant township mourn the loss of their
infant, which survived its birth only four days.

LeMars Globe-Post
March 28, 1906


The three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yander, who was taken to the
hospital at Sioux City last week to have an operation performed to relieve
it from its sufferings which resulted from drinking a quantity of lye about
four months ago, died after the operation on Thursday. The remains were
taken to the home of the distracted parents on Friday evening and the
funeral was held from St. Catharine’s church on Sunday.

The lye had completely destroyed the lining of its throat and for nearly
four months the little one had been unable to partake of solid food and it
was with difficulty that he could swallow liquid. He had become greatly
emaciated and did not have the strength to withstand the shock of the
operation. It had been the intention of the surgeons at the hospital to
defer the operation for about two weeks and in the meantime build him up on
nourishing food, but it was found that he was failing so rapidly that it was
imperative that the operation be performed at once. It was intended to open
the stomach and insert a tube through which nourishment could be taken as
the throat had almost completely closed by a foreign growth occasioned by
the burning lye.

The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all in their great sorrow.


Hinton Gazette: Mrs. Wm. Lau passed to her reward yesterday morning, March
22, after a short illness. Mrs. Lau leaves to mourn her, her husband and two
young children besides her parents and a brother and a sister and many
friends whose sympathy go out to the bereaved family. Interment will take
place at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Lutheran cemetery, Rev. R. H. Beer having
charge of the services.

Hinton Gazette: The grim reaper called at the home of Fred Peters Monday
evening at nine o’clock and claimed his wife, Salena. Mrs. Peters has been a
sufferer from tuberculosis for about two years when she succumbed to its
ravages at the age of thirty-four. She leaves a family of six children, five
girls and one boy; the oldest one being nine years, the youngest two.
Besides the husband and family there are two sisters and one brother.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Beers and interment took place at
the Lutheran cemetery yesterday.

Otto G. Berner of LeMars, who is an old friend of the family, went down to
attend the funeral.


Miss Rae Palm, who has taken sick about six weeks ago and taken to the
LeMars hospital where she was operated upon for appendicitis, passed away at
four o’clock on Tuesday morning. She made a heroic struggle for life,
meeting each of the complications which came almost daily with bravery, but
on Monday her lungs became involved again and she grew steadily worse until
the end came.

The remains were taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. I. C. Hise, where
brief services were held at 4 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon, and the remains
were taken to the family home at Akron on Wednesday morning. From there the
remains were taken to Big Springs, S.D., on Thursday morning where the
funeral was held and interment was made in the family grounds at that place.

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