Iowa Old Press

Akron Register newspaper
Dated November 10, 1904

BREEZY HILL:  (Special Correspondence)

Henry Willer threshed the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Hal Port were guests at the home of Wm. Murphey Sunday.

Tuesday was election day and a very quiet one around here.

Prof. I. C.  Hise, of LeMars, was a Breezy Hill caller last week.

Ambrose Bliss was an Akron caller from Saturday until Monday.

Portia and Robbie Murphey were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sorenson Sunday.

John Bliss was on the sick list the first of the week and was unable to
attend school.

Mr. and Mrs. Vondebrake were guests at the home of Herman Bliss Saturday

H. C. Curtis was a guest of Wm. Murphey Tuesday.

Joseph Buryanek and wife were Ellendale callers this week.

ADAVILLE ITEMS:  (Special Correspondence)

Here I am again.

Election day is over.

Henry Durfey retuned form Minnesota Tuesday and will make his home with
Wilbur Morehead.

Mrs. D. W. Green of LeMars is visiting relatives here.

There is to be a spelling school at the Tindall school house Friday
night, November 18.

Mrs. Agnes Tindall spent a few days in Sioux City last week.

Johnny Wehdenfeller and Misses Elsie and Blanche Green, of LeMars, and
Herbert Johnson and Jessie Tindall visited at the Ed. Stinton home

Ed. Hoffman and Chas. Morehead went to Bonesteel, S.D., last week. 

Ed. and Chas. Fletcher, Sylvester Stinton, and Missies Ollie and Mabel
Fletcher are visiting relatives at Oacoman, S.D.

The township board met at the clerk's office Monday to transact business
for the coming year.

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