Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
November 13, 1903

Death of Mrs. Will Reese:

Mrs. Reese, the wife of William Reese, residing near Seney, on the John
Lancaster place, was taken violently ill on Sunday, with convulsions, and
died on Monday. The funeral was held on Tuesday at the Methodist church in
Seney, Rev. W. F. Gleason officiating, and the interment was made in the
city cemetery in this city.

The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Babcock, who formerly
resided on the Blodgett farm east of town, her maiden name being Edith
Babcock. She was united in marriage with Will Reese about ten months ago
and was about twenty years old at the time of her death. Beely & Fissell
had charge of the funeral.

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