Iowa Old Press

Akron Tribune
November 8, 1900


C. M. Hilliker went to Sioux City on business yesterday.

Mrs. W. A. Button came up from Westfield yesterday to visit relatives.

R. H. Fulton, editor of the ALCESTER TIMES, stopped here today, en route
home from Elk Point.

The Akron Milling Co. has a force of men at work repairing and strengthening
the dam with rock and willow brush.

Mrs. M. C. Pember went to Rock Valley today and will visit at the home of
her son. Her niece, Miss Grace Griggs, who has been visiting here some time,
also returned to her home at Spencer, Iowa.

Last Monday morning Jos. McCorkell issued attachment papers, through Mayor
Slaughter, against J. Rickgauer, of Sioux City, who had been here with a lot
of cheap buggies and a drove of cheaper horses. Rickgauer had herded his
horses on Mr. McCorkell’s land and would give no satisfactory assurance of
settlement, the amount involved being $5. Rickgauer put up a big game of
bluff, but after his horses were attached he “changed his socks” and paid
the $5 and costs!

The Milwaukee sidetrack will be repaired with new ties.

O. A. Streator, of Sioux City, transacted business and greeted friends here

Marshal Cain turned off the city water and dismantled the Good Templar
drinking fountain today, rendered necessary by the freezing weather.

Mrs. LeRoy Conger, teacher of embroidery and modern lace work, has a fine
display of needle work in the windows of Miss Farnham’s millinery
establishment. Lessons in embroidery, battenburg, honitan and point lace.
Terms, 35c per lesson.

Neil Robertson and Chas. Reuter were passengers to Sioux City on business
this afternoon.

Mrs. M. J. Relyea and her niece, Mrs. Clara Thompson, departed Monday on a
visit to relatives at points in Missouri.

The township trustees were in session last Monday. Several bills were
allowed and matters in regard to the cemetery were looked after. H. D. Barr
being retained as sexton.

Last Monday evening the members of Mrs. A. H. Smith’s Sunday school class
pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hilliker at their home. A social
time followed, and numerous games and music provided entertainment. Nice
refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Milliker were presented an easy
rocking chair and pretty berry set. At their departure the guests extended
the young couple their heartiest wishes for a life filled with happiness.

H. J. Smith visited in Vermillion last Sunday.

Mrs. Arthur Barber, of Elk Point, has been visiting relatives and friends in
Akron the past week.

Geo. Relyea went to Alcester, S.D., on Tuesday to visit his cousin, Editor
O. A. Abeel, of the UNION.

Mrs. H. D. Holden and her sister, Miss Emma Newman, returned Saturday from a
visit with relatives in Nebraska.

Rev. Geo. Jones will deliver the sixth lecture on “Signs of the Times in
Relation to the Second Coming of Christ” at the Baptist church Sunday

The TRIBUNE unintentionally failed to mention the recitation given by Miss
Margaret Bryant at the G.A.R. campfire last week and due apology is offered.
Her elocutionary efforts are always excellent.

A number of young people surprised Miss Phoebe Hodge at the home of her
uncle, U. Webster, last evening, it being the occasion of her eighteenth
birthday. The evening was pleasantly passed and a nice luncheon served. As a
souvenir of the occasion, Miss Hodge was presented a silver napkin ring with
her initials engraved thereon.

Miss Farnham will do Dressmaking in connection with the Millinery at her
place of business. She will be pleased to receive orders from any who wish
work in this line, and will strive to satisfy every patron.

This forenoon’s passenger train arrived an hour late on account of a hot
journal on the mail car. It was delayed ten minutes longer here from the
same cause. The metal collar was melted by the friction and the wheel was
jacked up and a new collar inserted.

Mrs. Chas. Tillotson departed today for Lansing, Iowa, where her parents
reside, and will make her home with them. Her husband is working at Avon,
S.D., and will eventually go to Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Tillotson have lived
in Akron and vicinity a number of years and have many friends here.

Le Mars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, November 19, 1900

The baseball boys will give another dance at the rink Wednesday evening,
November 23. The boys are trying to raise money to lease grounds for a
baseball park next year.

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