Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
August 7, 1899

By our Correspondents and from Exchanges.
Correspondents are requested to write on one side of the paper only.
KINGSLEY: (Special Correspondence)

J. M. Wormly transacted business at Remsen Thursday.

Wm. Reike and family were Sioux City visitors this week.

Dr. Stewart, of Remsen, was a Kingsley visitor last Monday.

Jno. R. Burton, of Merrill, was a Kingsley visitor last week.

Edson Bacon went to Ames last Monday to resume his school work.

L. Dean went to Norfolk, Neb., this week for a visit with his daughter.

C. W. Wilson and son, Harold, are visiting relatives at Scranton, Iowa, this

A. F. Ogren, R. W. Hall and Chas. Knowles were Sioux City visitors last

Miss Stella Matthews, of LeMars, is visiting with W. W. Payne and wife of
this place.

J. W. Randall went to Des Moines this week to attend the Republican state

C. O. Whitnell and wife went to Duluth last week where they will visit for
several weeks.

Rev. O’Reilly went to Early last Saturday to assist in the dedication of a
new church at that place.

Jake Weaver, who lived south of Kingsley, died last Sunday and the remains
were interred in the Rock Branch cemetery, Tuesday.

Several I.C.R.R. officials have been in this vicinity the past week looking
over one of their old surveys from Cherokee to Sioux City.

The heaviest rain we have had in years fell over this section last Monday
night. The rain was accompanied by a strong wind which blew down trees and
out buildings in many places. Considerable damage is reported to crops.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)
Miss Nemmers, of LeMars, was at the home of Mrs. M. G. Mills a few days last

The Ladies Aid society met at the home of Mrs. M. Ewin last Wednesday

John Richardson and wife, of Marysville, Mo., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Demaray.

Dr. Foster and family, of Maurice, visited at the home of Miles Kennedy last

The Plymouth Roller Mill Co., are making extensive repairs to their elevator
at this place.

Mrs. Elam Chapman, of Sioux county, visited at the home of her parents the
latter part of the week.

Mrs. A. M. Cutland and children went to Sheldon Sunday to visit Mr. Cutland
and look up a new location for a new home.

Miss Hughes, who had been visiting friends in this vicinity a few days,
returned to her home in LeMars Friday evening.

Miss Ethel Nelson went to Hawarden last Tuesday morning to attend the Sioux
county teacher’s institute. She expects to remain two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Reeves went to Sheldon last Wednesday evening to visit
Mrs. Reeve’s mother, Mrs. R. Potter, who is critically ill. Mr. Reeves
returned Thursday. Mrs. Potter is still alive, but is very low.

There is a movement on foot among the members of the Modern Woodmen of this
place to build a new hall as their present quarters are wholly inadequate
for the present membership. It is hoped they will succeed in their
enterprise and build a commodious hall, which can be utilized for public
entertainment. A building of this kind would fill a long felt want as there
is not a room in town large enough nor convenient in which to hold
entertainments of any kind. The Woodmen are also making preparations to
celebrate their first anniversary with a picnic in the grove at this place,
Sept. 2. They are communicating with speakers from abroad and expect to
arrange a good program, invite all the neighboring Camps and have a rousing
good time.

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