Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
September 5, 1898

Louis Brick of Company L, Fiftieth Iowa, Succumbs to the Ravages of Disease

The sad news of the death of Louis Brick was the sole topic of conversation
on the streets Friday and the tiding of his demise brought sorrow to every
loyal heart in LeMars and expressions of grief and condolences were heard
from lips on every side.

Mrs. P. L. Brick received a telegram Friday morning from Dr. Brick which
briefly stated that Louis was dead. The news came as a shock as the
telegrams previously received indicated that the boy’s condition since the
arrival of his father at Jacksonville was better and hopes were entertained
for his recovery, although it was known that his case was an extremely
serious one.

The young man’s death comes as a calamity which is felt by all the residents
of our city, as he is the first from our little circle to give up his life
in the cause of patriotism, and surely if ever a young man laid down his
life for his country, he did.

At the outbreak of the war, he was the first to offer his services and was
rejected at Sioux City and at Sheldon by the recruiting officer, as he was
under age and had not his parents’ consent to enlist. Finally he succeeded
in obtaining their consent and on June 21 he enlisted at Iowa City and two
days afterwards left for Jacksonville and became a member of company L in
the Fiftieth regiment. He had been sick for a number of weeks and his father
left last week to see what he could do for him and in the hopes of saving
his life.

Frank M. Roseberry was at Indianola last week on business and on his way
home visited Camp McKinley at Des Moines and had the pleasure of seeing the
LeMars boys who are members of company M in the fifty-second regiment. He
saw Peter Wilmes, Wm. Schumacher, Dave Langhout, Henry Mammen, Thos. Cox,
Jos. Mohan, A. Eberhart, J. Schmidt, H. Brandt, and John Connolly. The boys
appeared all well and glad to get back to Iowa soil. Jos. Mohan, who has
been very sick, he reports very much better and back on duty. They gave
Frank a lot of information about Camp Thomas at Chickamauga and their
stories are in line with those of the other boys, who have come home from
the camp, in regard to the amount of sickness and the quality of the water.
They gave Frank a sample of the water in a bottle. It is the color of yellow
mud and probably would taste as well. The LeMars boys reported they were
not suffering for anything and told Frank all they wanted was their home
papers sent to them. Mr. Roseberry said in this visit to the camp, he heard
from others (not the LeMars boys) of horrible incidents which occurred in
the camp and division hospital at Chickamauga.

W. F. M. Social

The social at the residence of D. W. Held on Thursday evening, under the
auspices of the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society, was a pleasant affair.
Miss Mabel Sia, of Foochow, China, was the guest of the evening and
conversed with the guests in a social way on the manners and customs of her
country and also exhibited many curios from her native land. Refreshments
were served during the evening and a neat sum raised for missionary work.
Mrs. Timball, wife of presiding Elder Trimball, of Sheldon, accompanied Miss
Sia on her visit here. Miss Sia will attend the Morningside college for the
purpose of perfecting herself in the English language and will afterwards
engage in missionary work among her own people.

A Two-Year-Old Child Swallows Fly Poison With Fatal Results.

The little two-year-old girl of Bernhard Kaufmann, who resides on the Eichhorn farm, in Remsen township, got hold of a saucer which contained paper soaking in water and drank the stuff on Friday afternoon. When it was discovered what the child had done, emetics were administered and medical aid sent for, but it was of no avail and the child died in a few hours.

The remains were interred Saturday in the Catholic cemetery, the services being held at St. Joseph’s church.


John Bertie Woolworth, a youth of about twenty-one years of age, has been acting in a peculiar manner for some time and his actions were such that it was deemed best to put him under restraint. He was given a hearing before insane commissioners Saturday and ordered to be taken to the asylum at Clarinda. Sheriff Herron took him there on Monday morning.


The case of the State vs. William and Sam Laddusaw, which was set for trial before Justice Steiner on Thursday morning was taken on a change of venue to Squire Jones in the afternoon. P. Farrell appeared to prosecute and F. M. Rosberry appeared for the defendants. A number of witnesses were examined among whom were Drs. Hines and Cole who gave expert medical testimony as to the nature of the wounds received by the complaining witness, Chris Pederson. The Laddusaws and their hired men, Reeves and Peters, swore that Pederson and Sam Laddusaw were the only two who come to blows and laid the blame on Pederson for starting the rumpus. They denied, as charged in the indictment, that Pederson was ever struck with a pitchfork. Pederson had no witness called on his side and there was only his story, as previously related in this paper, to substantiate the charges made and the marks he bore of having been whipped. Justice Jones dismissed the cause against both defendants.

Miss Otellia Szitnick and Mr. Harry Trafford were united in marriage on Monday, August 29. The wedding ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s mother on Plymouth street in the presence of a few relatives and intimate friends. Rev. A. Z. Macgogney, of the Presbyterian church performing the ceremony.

The young people are well and favorably known in LeMars where they have lived for many years. They will continue to make their home in this city.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
September 8, 1898

Obsequies of Louis Brick Attended by Great Crowds
Upwards of Three Thousand People Attend the Funeral Services Over the Dead
Body of the First LeMars Soldier to Offer Up His Life on the Altar of

The funeral of Louis Brick which took place on Monday afternoon was attended
by hundreds of people who wished to show their sympathy to the relatives of
the dead boy and to honor the memory of the soldier who had laid down his
young life for patriotism. The funeral cortege began to assemble on Main
street in front of the G. A. R. hall long before the appointed hour of two
o’clock and for blocks the streets were lined with people and the streets
crowded with vehicles of all descriptions. Punctually at two o’clock the
procession began to from under the direction of the Marshal, I. T. Martin,
and started south on Main street, the LeMars band at the head following the
clergy of the city, the city officials, Mower Post G. A. R. Then came the
hearse with the six pall bearers marching along side, the friends of his
youth and old playmates, Louis Gilbert, Ralph Pope, Ben Clagg, Jake Koenig,
George Wilcox and Harry Draper. The militia boys, to the number of twenty,
under command of O. L. Loudenslager, came next in uniform and with muskets
on shoulders acting as escort. They were followed by the relatives of the
deceased and then came the soldier boys who are at home on sick leave.
About two hundred carriages then fell in line and hundreds on foot joined
the procession which slowly wended its way to the court house grove where
the services were held. All the stores were closed during the funeral and
the flags on the public buildings floated at half mast.

On the greensward under the arching trees, through which glimpses of blue
expanse could be discerned, and glints of golden sunshine dated their gleams
athwart, the mass of people joined together to revere the memory of the
dead. A platform had been erected for the speakers and clergymen and
seating accommodations arranged for several hundred people. The grove was
strung with banners of red, white and blue and the national flag towered in
its glory at the back of the platform which was beautifully decorated with
banners, flags and flowers. The coffin draped with the national flag and
heaped high with floral emblems was placed in front.

The scene was an impressive one which appealed to the heart of every one
present and its impress will leave a mark which time will fail to eradicate.
The vast concourse of people gathered together on a pleasant summer
afternoon from the bareheaded veteran of that other war which saved the
Union, the busy business man, the young men and women down to the tiny boys
and girls all seemed imbued with the same feeling of patriotism and
impressed with the fitness of honoring the remains of the first victim to be
taken from our city through his desire to serve his country.

Hon. I. S. Struble opened the proceedings by stating that the people were
gathered together as was fitting to do honor to one who had laid down his
life for his country. A quartet, composed of C. D. Wernli, Geo. Wernli, Con
Haas and O. H. Hinds, sang a beautiful anthem, “Consolation,” which was
followed by a reading of the scriptures by Rev. Braithwaite, who read from
the gospel according to St. John, the beautiful chapter beginning, “Let not
your heart be troubled.” This was followed by a prayer offered by Rev. R.
Bagnell who made a powerful invocation. The quartet then sang another
beautiful anthem, “Brave Heart Sleep On.”

Rev. W. J. Johnson then made an address. The speaker was visibly effected
and began to speak with difficulty suppressing his emotion. His address was
a masterpiece which could not fail to sink deep into the hearts of listeners
and breathe words of consolation to the bereaved. He struck the keynote of
the occasion when he said that words were inadequate to express sentiments
on such occasions and that Louis Brick’s epitaph could be summed up in seven
words, “He gave his life for his country” and what greater epitaph could any
man desire. He said patriotism was the one word in the English language
which had a soul; that after the love of God and love of home, then came the
love of country and he eulogized the youth of all time and lands, showing
that just such boys as Louis, worthily stepped in and filled the shoes of
veterans who had already done their devoir. The speaker said that Louis had
just as surely and bravely laid down his life as though he had fallen in the
blood-thrilling charge at San Juan and laid stress on the fact that the
hospital wards of the nation’s soldiers contain deeds of martyrs and heroic
suffering which will resound through the ages and never be dimmed by

Hon. I. J. McDuffie followed with an address and dwelt on the dead boy’s
life and told what a good and sterling lad he was and how he used to meet
him on his way to and from school on his way to his office, and how the boy
was imbued with the high sense of patriotism which made him feel it his duty
to go to war, to leave a good home, a good position which he had obtained by
virtue of his natural ability and good education. The speaker dwelt on the
fact that it was proper and mete that all his fellow citizens should
assemble to do honor and that every man’s heart would be enlarged and
himself made better by so doing. The entire assemblage then sang the hymn,
“Jesus Lover of My Soul.” Rev. A. Z. Macgogney gave the next address in
which he said that America was not only grateful to her heroes, her
Washingtons, her Grants and other great generals, but that America was also
grateful to the privates and raised monuments to the unknown dead whose
deeds are recorded in the book of life, and also to this youth who in
answering his country’s call has sacrificed his hopes, aspiration and laid
his life on the altar of patriotism. The services at the court house ended
by the singing of the hymn, “It Is Well With My Soul,” and the procession
reformed and marched to the cemetery. The last resting place of the young
soldier was one vast mass of flowers, a magnificent creation of floral
skill, being a flag made with the national colors at the side of the grave
and endless tributes of flowers where heaped around.

On the march to the grave yard, the band played, “Fallen Heroes” and “Flee
As A Bird” and the long parade of mourners winding up the hill from the city
as far as the eye could reach, presented a most impressive and effecting

The services at the grave were conducted by Prof. Shoup, Commander, and
Chaplain Alline, of the G. A. R. post and the benediction pronounced by Rev.
A. C. Wilson. The militia men fired three volleys of musketry over the grave
of their whilom comrade and the sound of tapes from the bugle told of
another duty done, another crown of victory won by a gallant soldier, with
his winding sheet the flag he loved and defended, gone to his reward.

The floral emblems were magnificent and beautiful. Among them was a laurel
wreath, tribute to the victor, presented by the mayor and city council, a
beautiful wreath presented by his fellow members of the Young Men’s
Christian Union, a cascade bouquet from his fellow graduates of the Class of
’97, a star from the order of the Eastern Star, of which his parents are
members. A crescent presented by his schoolmates and friends, a cross from
Mr. and Mrs. Jenner, a wreath from Judge Gaynor and family, and a wreath
from Jay Greer and Fay Boyle, besides numberless bouquets from other
friends, which were placed at the house, the court house grove and at the
grave, by loving hands. The medical society and many other friends were
unable to procure floral tributes.

December 14, 1878—September 1, 1898, re the dates which mark Louis Brick’s
sojourn on this earth. Less than twenty years, but these years though few
were well spent and Louis made the best of his opportunities. He was born at
Parkersburg, Iowa, on December 14, 1878, and came with his parents to LeMars
in 1880. His mother died shortly after this and in 1883 Louis went to
Burlington and made his home with his grandparents until 1890, when he
returned to LeMars, which has since been his home.

He attended school and graduated in the Class of ’97 and after that worked
at the profession of stenographer for the Plymouth Roller Mill company and
for the firm of Sammis & Scott, where he also read law. He was a youth of
studious and quiet nature and possessed a great forcefulness of character
for one so young. He was a member of the Y. M. C. U. and a good Christian
boy, who lived a clean and righteous life. He enlisted at Iowa City on June
21, in the 50th Iowa and went into camp near Jacksonville. In August he was
taken sick and sent to the hospital on the 12th and died on September 1, of
virulent typhoid fever. His epitaph, “He gave his life for his country” is

Several of the Boys From the Front Arrive in LeMars on Furlough

Jos. Mohan, of company H, Fifty-second Iowa volunteers arrived home on
Saturday on the evening train, which brought a number of boys home from Camp
McKinley. Joe looks a different boy from the strong and hearty youth who
left here less than three months ago to render service for his country. He
has been sick at Chickamauga since the 17th of August and is still very weak
and ill. He got a ten days’ pass and has applied for further leave on
account of sickness. Joe like the life until he fell sick and said he was
growing stouter up to that time. He said he was satisfied and that his
officers were first straight fellows, but he told of the poor quality of
food given the boys and said they thought the blame should be put upon the
contractors who sold it and on the inspectors. He said the boys had to
throw away bread given them as it was rotten and the meat was maggoty,
despite the fact that the inspectors passed it. Joe is very weak and not
able to be around much and has feverish attacks which come on in the

Ben Clagg, of company G, 49th Iowa, was another boy, the sight of whom
Monday morning gladdened the hearts of his parents and many friends. Ben
Clagg came home on a thirty day furlough. He obtained leave to accompany
the body of his chum and old schoolmate, Louis Brick. Ben looks splendid,
appearing manly and bronzed from his southern experience and has never been
sick a day since he left home and is in love with a soldier’s life and is
pleased that his regiment is ordered to Cuba. Ben says there were 35,000
down near Jacksonville just as hale and hearty as he and that in his
regiment there has not been much sickness. He saw Oldham a week ago Sunday
and says that though still ill, he is on the mend and will probably recover.
His regiment was close to the 50th, but have now been moved three miles

Ed Waters, of Hinton, was in LeMars today to attend the funeral of Louis
Brick. He enlisted in company L, in the 52nd and was down sick in camp for
awhile but is now better. He is well pleased with a soldier’s life and has
had himself transferred to the regulars and will shortly join the 22nd
infantry at Fort Crook, Omaha.

W. A. Forbes, who came home some time ago, is convalescing slowly.

The Remains of the Late Louis Brick Arrive in LeMars and are Met by a Large
Cortege of People.

The remains of Louis Brick arrived in LeMars Monday morning on the 6:15
train. Dr. and Mrs. Brick accompanied by Ben Clagg coming in charge of

A large number of people were at the depot despite the early hour to await
the arrival of the body of the young soldier. The boys who were formerly
militiamen, when LeMars boasted a military company, assembled together and
under command of O. L. Loudenslager were drawn up in line at the depot. The
committees appointed by the City Council and the G. A. R. Mower Post were
also there to meet the incoming train and a great number of old soldiers
were also present and a great number of private citizens. The coffin
containing the body was placed in the hearse and those meeting the train
formed in solemn procession and marched to the G. A. R. hall where the
coffin was placed under the flag for which he laid down his young life.
Many friends took a last look at the face of him who but a few short weeks
ago left them in greatest health and highest spirits, but now sadly changed
and looking haggard and thin by the ravages of disease.

The funeral takes place this afternoon, the services being held at the court
house grove.

The Sad News of the Death of Robert Adams Received in LeMars by Telegraph
Wednesday Morning.

The sad intelligence of the death of Robert Adams was received in LeMars on
Wednesday by Webb Freeman. In the light of the telegrams received on
Tuesday it was a case of hoping against hope and the dread news was
momentarily expected by the lad’s relatives in this city. The telegram
received on Wednesday contained but few words announcing that death had
ended his sufferings at 4 o’clock.

Mr. Feeman received another telegram late in the afternoon in answer to
inquiries as to where the remains would be buried. It was from Jas. Adams
and read, “Will have to bury him here. Think tomorrow afternoon.”

Universal sympathy is expressed for the family in their great bereavement
and the death of another boy from our midst has cast a gloom over the city.
The flags on the public buildings and at the Mower Post are floating at half
mast in respect of his memory.

Robert Adams was a member of Company M, Fifty-second Iowa volunteers, and
was taken sick some weeks ago. He was sent home from Chickamauga to Chicago
about two weeks ago, where he was taken care of by his mother and brothers,
whose loving care and ministrations it was hoped would pull him through, but
the disease had got too deep a hold on him and he passed to the great
beyond, another martyr whose young life has been laid down for the sake of
his country.

LeMars Sentinel
Sept. 9, 1898

Mr. Jamieson helped to conduct the revival meetings at the Ruble school
house. A good deal of interest has been manifested by the people.

Akron Milling company delivered a load of flour at Crathorne a few days ago.

About nine o'clock last Wednesday morning the barn at the farm where Manny
Mann lives was notice to be on fire and the men all away. Mrs. Mann and the
little boy and a little girl were alone. They succeeded in getting the
horses out of the barn. It was a mystery how the fire started. A new

double seated buggy and two sets of harness and quite a quantity of grain
was burned. Mr. Mann considers his loss at about seven hundred dollars with
a little insurance on the grain. Only for the timely assistance of
neighbors the wheat granary would have gone too, also threshing machine.
The barn is owned by J. Johnson and his insurance had just expired.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Fred Baldwin returned from Minnesota last Wednesday where he had been
looking after his threshing interests.

John Coolbaugh started for his home in Pennsylvania Sunday evening after
several months sojourn here for his health.

Mrs. Hull and daughter, Nina, of Western Nebraska, who had been visiting
relatives here the past week, returned home Saturday.

Mrs. A.F. Eckenbeck, of Sioux City, arrived Thursday evening for a few days
visit with friends here and delivered a temperance lecture at the M.E.
Church Sunday evening to an appreciative audience.

Mrs. Walter Darville, assisted by her daughter, Carie, entertained about
eighteen ladies at her home Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Hull and
daughter, of Nebraska. A most pleasant afternoon was spent by all.

Mr. and Mrs. Myers, who had been visiting relatives and friends in this
vicinity since Thursday, went to LeMars Saturday evening where they will
visit their son, G.W. Austin, until Wednesday when they expect to leave for
their home in Freeport, Ill.

Seney Camp Modern Woodmen of America was organized at Mc Arthur hall last
Saturday evening by S. Adelshein, of Sioux City, deputy H.C. A large
delegation of Woodmen from Struble was present and had charge of the
initiatory ceremonies. After the election and installation of officers the
crowd repaired to the genial home of M.G. Mills and partook of a bounteous
supper prepared by the ladies.

Frankie Trenery, of LeMars, was the guest of Robbie Rodolf on Tuesday.

WESTFIELD: (Special Correspondence)

P.N. Beaulieu had the misfortune to lose one of his driving horses last

The corn shellers at this place were compelled to quit work on account of
not being able to secure cars fast enough.

Mrs. A.M. Wheeler has not enjoyed very good health since her return to
Colorado and is looking for a girl to help her with her housework.

Wm. Pallutz has moved into the house formerly occupied by Frank McDonald.

B.H. Van Vleck has purchased a new corn sheller and has been busy the past
week shelling the corn which he has stored on his different farms.

The Ladies Aid society met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Spaulding. After
paying all expenses it was found that the net proceeds of the harvest supper
amounted to $39. The next meeting of the society will be held at the home
of Mrs. C. Meigs on the afternoon of the 15th.

During Friday night's storm the house of R. Cilly was struck by lightning,
but luckily, little damage was done.

CHURCHVILLE: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. H. Koenigh left Saturday evening for Council Bluffs to see her
daughter, Mrs. Rev. Bauernfiend, who is quite ill at present.

Koenig and Knapp are threshing for the Blecker Bros. this week.

Lila and Jessie Prosser left for their home in LeMars after two weeks visit
in this burg.

Miss Mattie Koenig and sisters visited relatives here Thursday and Friday.

Miss Lottie Wallis expects to give a grand entertainment in Churchville in
the near future.
Admission will be 15 cents, of which one-third, will go to benefit of the
United Evangelical church. A cordial invitation is extended to all, Tuesday
evening, September 13.

REMSEN: (from the Bell)

Miss Anna Kieffer returned Thursday from Rock Island where she spent her
summer vacation visiting with her parents.

W.D. Creglow is in attendance at the Republican state convention at Dubuque.

Rev. Father Conway, of Chicago, was in the city the forepart of the week
visiting with his brothers, P. J. and J. F. Conway.

MERRILL: (from the Record)

Mrs. John Burrell and son, Wesley, returned to their home at Portland,
Oregon, last Tuesday morning.

Peter Erpedling, who has just returned from the funeral of John Erpedling at
Waterloo, tells us that John's almost sudden death was caused by
inflammation of the bowels.

N.C. Puckett, of Nora, Ill., came out Tuesday evening for a visit with
friends here. He will leave the latter part of the week to begin his work
as ticket agent at Aurelia, Iowa. His wife, who has been visiting her
parents here the past two weeks, will accompany him.

About every spare man and team in town are busy these days hauling the
Jordan corn, which has been cribbed here the past two years, to the cars for
shipment to Europe.

Miss Minnie Koenig, of Stanton Township, returned home Tuesday morning from
a week's visit with friends in Waterloo.

LeMars Globe-Post
Saturday, September 10, 1898

Adolph Market, another member of the 52nd Iowa who returned home, has become very sick since returning and is now under the care of Dr. G. H. Mammen. He was a chum of Henry Mammen and is being cared for at the Mammen home.

John Connolly, another member of the gallant 52nd, Iowa, returned home last night from Camp McKinley, where most of the boys have been for past ten days and though he has ben sick he is much better and it is thought that he will speedily regain his usual health.

Catherine Martin, of Kingsley, was reported to be in a dying condition on Thursday and was not expected to live many hours. She has been ailing for some months, but it was not known that it was of a serious nature until very recently and medical aid was called too late.

Joe Mohan, who was the sick man of the soldiers when they returned home a week ago is not so well as when he returned and is generally in a weaker condition, though it is thought that the perfect rest and care which is bestowed upon him will bring about his recovery.

Jake Hernepont, who has run a saloon at the corner of Seventh and Main street for several years has moved to the Nic Ney stand on Sixth street and will greet his patrons from that locality in the future. A. Schwartz will conduct the saloon at the old stand on Main street.

John Hagan was arrested on a serious charge on Friday evening and lodged in the city jail over night. The complainant was Robert Henry. Hagan being charged with following Henry’s daughter about in the east part of town. The trial has been set for today before Mayor Greer.

Bobby Black has got his billiard room and bowling alley in nice shape and opened on Friday for business. The room has been neatly repainted and repapered throughout and presents a very inviting appearance. He has a choice line of cigars on hand and later will put in a lunch counter.

Henry Mammen who returned the first week with the other soldiers and who was not feeling well when he got off the cars, has since come down with typhoid fever and is being cared for by his cousin, Dr. G. H. Mammen. The doctor says Henry is in critical condition and that he will have a longer spell of sickness. The same news comes from all parts of the state and many men who returned in a fair condition of health have since become sick. The pest hole was too much for them.

Peter Wilmes, Company M, 52nd Iowa, came in from Camp McKinley on Friday evening and had to be assisted to his home near the depot. He was in such a weak condition on his arrival.

LeMars Sentinel
Sept. 12, 1898

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Ernest Kennedy returned from Appleton City, Mo., Tuesday night.

Will Ewin and Clarence Moore, two of Seney's volunteers, have come home on a
ten days' leave of absence. Watson Kennedy is still at Camp McKinley. The
boys look well although somewhat thinner than when they went away. They
expect to be mustered out in a few days.

The Ladies Aid society met at the home of Mrs. Milton Coolbaugh Wednesday

Mrs. A.F. Eckenbeck organized a W.C.T.U. society here last Monday afternoon
returned to her home in Sioux City on the evening train.

Elam Chapman got so excited over riding the goat at the Woodman Lodge last
Saturday night that he forgot his wife and left her here in town, drove home
alone and forced his way into the house through a cellar window and had the
key in his pocket.

Otto Pekelder has rented 160 acres of land near Sheldon and will move his
family there in the spring.

Mrs. J. Alderson was an Orange City visitor Wednesday.

WESTFIELD: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Grove Lilly went to Sioux City Thursday for a few days shopping and

W.J. Madden purchased and shipped five cars of feeders from here last week.

J.C. Button, of Akron, is building a store building 22x60 feet on his lot at
this place to be used as a hardware store.

Stanley Lilly started Friday on an excursion through Minnesota.

Bud Gay was visiting Tuesday and Wednesday with his uncle, G.B. Main. Bud
expects to return to the Annapolis Naval academy in a few days.

B. H. Van Vleck has purchased the farm which the Neal boys have been working
the past couple of years.

Parties from Akron are enlarging the building formerly occupied by Payne's
Barber shop and fitting it up for a stock of general merchandise.

Chapman and Lilly finished shelling the Armour corn Friday. This makes
about twenty-five thousand bushels of corn which has been shelled and
shipped from here in the last month.

Payne has moved his barber shop into the rooms formerly occupied by Wm.

C. Meigs has sold his threshing outfit to B.H. Vleck who intends to run it
the balance of the season.

AKRON: (from the Register)

Miss Jettie McCaustland went to LeMars Wednesday to visit friends.

James Buckingham was thrown from a horse a few days ago and had his collar
bone broken. Dr. Clark set the fractured bone.

A young man by the name of John Silver, working for Homer Robinson, near
Westfield, was either kicked or struck in some way on the side of the head
while out with the team and became unconscious for several hours. Dr.
Cilley reports him as doing well.

Dr. Ellis reports a number of cases of malarial fever. We hope that no
serious results will follow. A son of B.R. Adams is down with it, also a
son of Dave Mudgett. Some members of the family of Jeff Webb are also
reported to be afflicted with that fever.

Misses Dot Root and Inez Melius departed today for Lincoln, Nebraska, where
they will attend the university for the coming year. These two estimable
young ladies will be missed very much in the large circle of friends. The
Register wishes them success. L. F. Root accompanied them as far as Sioux

B.R. Ogden drove to LeMars last Saturday and from there he left for
Columbus, Ohio, to visit at his old home which he left nearly thirty years
ago. He will without a doubt have a pleasant visit.

(From the Tribune:)

M.P. Dunn and R.B. Ogden drove to LeMars Sunday, where they took the train
for Cincinnati, Ohio, to attend the national G.A.R. encampment.

There occurred Thursday afternoon at four o'clock, the marriage of Peter M.
Fulton and Lisa A. Jeffers, at the home of the bride. The hymeneal ceremony
was performed by Rev. J.P. Coffman, of Perry, Iowa, formerly pastor of the
Akron Baptist church, and was witnessed by only the intimate acquaintances
and relatives of the contracting parties.

The public school opened last Monday with a splendid attendance. Principal
Schroeder hands in a report showing that the number of scholars enrolled in
the various rooms on the opening day was as follows: First Primary, 64;
Second Primary, 41; First Intermediate, 54; Second Intermediate, 34; High
School, 43. The total attendance numbered 278 scholars, as against an
enrollment of 259 pupils on the opening day last year.

Last Saturday afternoon, while at work on the farm of W.G. Lillibridge, Roy
Toppings met with an accident from which he narrowly escaped serious injury
or death. He was engaged in driving a four-horse gang plow, when the team
gave a sudden jerk and threw him under the plows. He immediately yelled,
"Whoa!" to the horses, and as good fortune would have it, they stopped, but
not before he had sustained a bad cut on the right arm and another on the
right leg, above the knee, in which two stitches were taken. Roy managed to
get to the house, and the hired girl, who was the only person at the house,
dressed his wounds as well as possible and brought him to town, where he
received proper attention from Dr. Clark. He has now so fare recovered as
to be able to sit up for a short time during the day. besides the cuts Roy
received some bad bruises and is quite lame and sore. It was indeed a
fortunate escape.

REMSEN: (from the Bell)

Misses Katherine and Eva Gill, of Burlington, Wisc., arrived in the city
Wednesday morning and are enjoying a visit with their cousins, Miss Emma
Kass and Kass Bros.

Miss Clara Beatty, of Sabulo, Iowa, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Kinney, of Henry Township, left Monday for LeMars to visit with friends.

LeMars Sentinel
September 19, 1898

Frank Draheim visited the Omaha Exposition last week. He says its well
worth going to see.

Born, on September 1, to P. Miller and wife, of Johnson township, a girl.

Mrs. Lutz, of Akron, Ohio, has been visiting at the Gill home.

Mrs. Nuttall is visiting at the Goldie home.

Mr. Scott went to Sioux City last Tuesday to see his brother-in-law, James
Hamilton, one of the returned soldiers who is sick there in the hospital
with the fever. He was not able to be brought home.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

The Misses Belmond, of Spirit Lake, are visiting friends in this vicinity.

A.M. Cutland, who has charge of a construction gang at Worthington, Minn.,
spent Sunday with his family here.

Mrs. C. J. Zehr visited friends in Sibley a few days last week.

A large number of our citizens attended the fair at LeMars last week and all
considered it a grand success.

John Becker has secured a position with the Peavey Elevator Co. and will run
their elevator at LeMars commencing this week.

Mrs. Penman, of Rock Rapids, president of the W.C.T.U., expects to arrive
Wednesday and hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. R. Collins the same

Last Sunday morning at 10 o'clock occurred the death of R. G.(error--Alexander) Moir caused by
inflammation of the bowels. Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning
at 10 o'clock at the house. Mr. Moir was an old settler in these parts and
leaves a large number of friends and relatives to mourn their loss.

WESTFIELD: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. P. N. Beaulieu was in Sioux City last week, shopping and visiting with
friends and relatives.

The framework of Fred Dewolf's new residence is nearly completed.

The Northwestern telephone company's linemen were at work in this vicinity
last week, stringing the two new wires which are to connect Sioux City with
Sioux Falls.

Miss Palmer, of Boston, who has been visiting at the home of B. H. Van Vleck
left on the afternoon train Friday.

Mr. Wilson, of Waterloo, who has been visiting for a few days with his son,
H. Wilson, left Wednesday for Omaha to take in the Exposition.

The new telephone company known as the Houts secured a franchise in the city
of LeMars recently. After getting this franchise they began building the
line from Sioux City to LeMars. During the past week workmen have been
putting up poles in this vicinity. We notice they have placed the telephone
poles along the entire Fifth Street toward Dalton, but thus far none down
toward the business part of Merrill. The question naturally arises, are
they going to give us the go by, or are they working the town for a bonus?
In either case they will find Merrill equal to the emergency. If they want
a bonus of some kind or other they will find our citizens rather obstinate.
If, on the other hand, they wish to leave us out in the cold, they will find
us equally complacent. Merrill is at present well supplied with means of
communicating with the outside world. We have the Iowa local and long
distance telephone with four wires, we have two telegraph companies and
about a dozen mail trains daily. The new telephone company may come in if
they wish, but we are confident the people of Merrill will not try to buy
them to come.

AKRON: (from the Tribune)

Married, at Tekamah, Neb., September 7, 1898, Mr. Frank A. Edgar, of Onawa,
Ia., and Miss Mamie Waterbury, of Akron. The young people will reside at
Rock Rapids.

LeRoy Adams returned last Saturday from a 700-mile trip on his bicycle.
From Akron he went to Marshalltown to attend the annual I.O.G.T. grand lodge
session, going from there to his old home at Lenox. After visiting the
exposition in Omaha, he returned home, and reports a most pleasant journey.

Twenty-two car loads of young cattle, 862 head, arrived early this morning
for W.G. Lillibridge, from the ranges of North Dakota and Colorado. About
2000 more will follow.

Mrs. O.F. Haskell returned last Friday from Vancouver, Wash. The family
went there May 30, with the intention of making it their permanent home but
the country did not offer the expected inducements. Mr. Haskell will return
in the course of a couple of months. The family of A. E. Robertson, who
also went to Vancouver, have decided to remain.

LeMars Sentinel
September 22, 1898

     Sioux County Herald :  The death of Alexander Moir, Sr., occurred last Sunday forenoon at his home in Sherman township in this county.  The funeral took place on Tuesday.  Deceased was born in Scotland seventy-seven years ago.  While still a young man he came to this country, and settled in the lake regions of Canada .  At twenty-eight (actually 31) he was married to Miss Jessie Ross , who was ten (actually 13) years his junior.  Thirteen children were born to them, five daughters, and eight sons.  In 1882, Mr. Moir and family moved to this county, where they have since resided.  The saving of the many years of faithful toil and wise frugality were invested in Sioux county land, and the natural and divine reward promised to "the hands of the diligent" was realized in this case; those who depended on him were well provided for.  But not only in a material sense did he provide well for his family.  Though not a man of great book learning himself, he realized the value of an education, and did a good deal to educate his children.  Several of them have been teachers in this county, and the high order of their work was recognized.  The thirteen children all survive him and all but one--who is in Oklahoma --were about his bedside in his latest hours.  All the children are married, except three sons who are still at home, the youngest of whom is eighteen.  Although it is forty-five years ago that Alexander Moir and Jessie Ross were married, the faithful wife of these many years kept faithful watch as his life ebbed away.
     Personally Mr. Moir was a man of excellent character; a typical Scotchman, quiet, sober, industrious, honest; honored and respected by his neighbors--they all "liked Mr. Moir ", and why should they not?  He seemed to like them all, and a man cannot well seem that way for a long number of years without its being pretty nearly true.  He was a man of whom the world at large did not hear, but a man of the best social timber.  Of harmonious organization, he was very unobtrusive, and lived "far from the maddening crowd's ignoble strife".  A true and faithful husband, a kind and thoughtful father.   The day of his life was calm, and its sunset serene.  He has realized the beautiful benediction that "his children rise up and call him blessed."
     The funeral services were held at the home Tuesday and remains brought to LeMars for burial.  A large number of persons attended the funeral, paying tribute to the memory of the deceased.

The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. H. Williamson on Wednesday and the amount
raised paid the last cent due on the pastor's salary from this charge.
Election of officers took place which resulted as follows: President, Mrs.
D. Baker; vice president, Mrs. Andrew Crouch; secretary, Mrs. Ed Swansen.
Thanks was voted the retiring president, Mrs. J. Van Dusen, for the good
work she has accomplished in behalf of the society. If it had not been for
her untiring efforts and zeal, the society would not have accomplished what
it has. The next Aid will meet with the new president, Mrs. D.M. Baker,
next Wednesday.

James Pavlovic will go to Omaha in a few days to visit the exposition a

O. King, of Adaville, basked on the shady side of the store with the boys

Mr. Cleary, who has been sick at the home of T. Cleary, is better and he and
his sister returned to their home at Hornick Friday.

Mrs. Frank Crouch visited from Wednesday until Saturday with relatives in

Linda Baker went to LeMars Saturday and will work a short time for Mrs. J.

Cora Van Dusen and Claudia Crouch spent a few days in LeMars last week
visiting friends and attending the fair.

Joe Barels, from near Oyens, visited friends here Sunday.

Lee Hurt went to Doon Saturday after his team. He expects to be back in a
few days.

F. Richardson and wife expect to go soon to visit for a few weeks with their
daughter, Mrs. Levi Waddington, near Moville.

A county bridge will soon be put in on the road past Mr. Kavarnas' farm.

Earl Remington, of Sioux City, visited Saturday at D.M. Baker's.

Roscoe Small and family, of Millnerville, visited relatives here Sunday.

Dr. Hess was out to his farm here Sunday. The doctor has been real sick for
some time and this is the first time he has been out since his illness.

Rob Crouch, of Merrill, visited his son here Sunday.

The school board met in the Potosia school house on Monday and quite a
lively time was had. A petition objecting to one of the teachers was
brought before the meeting which produced a good deal of discussion. The
director claims he will contest the case. No charge was made against the
teacher whatever and we would suggest that for the good of the teacher the
director let the matter drop as quietly as possible. The school for which
she had applied has the name of being a "hard one" and the patrons thought
another teacher should be chosen.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

C.A. Rodolph transacted business at Akron Monday.

Miss Anna Brunken, of Sterling, Ill., arrived Tuesday evening for a visit
with relatives in this vicinity.

Mrs. Stella Penman, district president of the W.C.T.U. arrived here Tuesday
evening and perfected a Union at this place with eight charter members.
Mrs. C.A. Rodolf was elected president; Mrs. Miles Kennedy, secretary, and
Mrs. Wm.Collins, treasurer.

On last Sunday evening Rev. Hotchkiss closed his year's labor as pastor of
the M.E. Church here.
Mr. Hotchkiss has made hosts of friends here who will wish for him much
success wherever his lot may be cast in the future.

Born, on Monday morning, September 19, 1898, unto Lou Smith and wife, a
daughter. Lou is the proudest man in the county.

Among those who attended the Omaha Exposition from this place this week were
Mr. and Mrs. H. Becker, Watson Kennedy, James and Ella Deegan and their

Rev. Mr. Hotchkiss left Monday morning for Emmetsburg to attend the M.E.

Next Friday evening there will be a camp fire and sociable at the home of A.
McArthur in honor of the returned volunteers and old soldiers. Everybody is
invited to be present and enjoy a good sociable time.

H.R. Foster, of Deer Creek, Ill., arrived last Wednesday morning for a few
week's visit with his sister, Mrs. C. J. Zehr.

One night last week someone threw a hammock into W.C. Lancaster's yard.
Owner can have it by calling and identifying same.

The fall term of the Seney school began last Monday with Miss Briggs as

JAMES: (Special Correspondence)

Otto Zeiglein is threshing for the Claney boys.

Ben Dean and Chas. Reid are threshing for J.H. Woolworth.

Wheat on James Fulton's farm yielded 21 1/2 bushels per acre. Rob Woolworth
is the renter.

Mrs. I.N. Foss and Mrs. D. McCartney were callers at Chaneys Tuesday.

Mrs. Robinson from Manchester is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jos.

Mrs. C. E. Chaney is visiting Prof. J. H. Austin and family at Minneapolis.

Arrangements have been made to begin shelling the corn stored here next
Monday. Jas. Enrsby from Sioux City will do the work.

Mrs. Gracie E. Claney returned from a two weeks visit at Primghar Wednesday
morning. Mr. Claney is acting agent for the Central at Storm Lake.

LeMars Sentinel
September 26, 1898

CRATHORNE: (Special Correspondence)

Rev. Emil Mueller, now of Nora Springs, will preach at Plymouth church next
Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, September 28. This will be a great
pleasure to the many friends of Rev. Mueller in this neighborhood.

Mrs. Gill and Mrs. Geo. Doty and children and Will Davis, started Friday for
an overland trip to visit in Emmett county.

Donald McKinnon, of Hawarden, was calling on friends near Crathorne the
latter part of the week.

Miss Ella Zimmerman has been visiting at Crathorne, with Mrs. Blakeway, for
a few days.

John E. Erickson has gone over to do plowing on his farm near Adaville.

It is hoped all of the friends, both old and young will be in attendance at
the Sunday School picnic, Wednesday, September 28, at the Ross grove,
southwest of Crathorne.

John McGillvery and family move this week to Dakota to make their future
home. May success go with them is the wish of many friends in this

School began today at the Glezen school west of Crathorne, with Miss Minnie
Bixby, teacher.

Some from this neighborhood attended church Friday evening at Dalton.

Miss Bessie Ross was a Crathorne visitor Monday night with Mrs. Blakeway.

WESTFIELD: (Special Correspondence)

C. Meigs and party of land seekers left Tuesday for Minnesota.

Mr. Huchins, of Sioux City, was in town last week looking after the contract
for the doors and windows of the First Congregational Church.

Milo Mills and E.W. Mass shipped a couple of cars of wheat last week.

H.G. Chapman and wife, of Sioux City, visited Sunday with his brother, Wm.

Miss Mille Martin is to teach the coming winter in the new school house in
this district.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dewolf, on Saturday, September 17, a boy.

John Adams and G.A. Sammis, of LeMars, were in town Friday.

HANCOCK: (Special Correspondence)

C. O. Bess and Mr. Posten, of Marcus, were in this vicinity last week after
cattle which they had in the pastures here.

A few of the farmers are still putting up hay in this neighborhood. The
grass is getting very dry and haying cannot last much longer.

H. A. Carlisle marketed a load of wheat in Sioux City last Wednesday.

Frank Baker, who has been in the Indian Territory for some time past, is now
in this vicinity. He has been suffering with the ague for several months
and is still very low. He hopes , however, that our northern climate will
soon put him in a condition to be able to walk about with the best of our
young men.

T. A. Ross left for Iowa City two weeks ago. He intends to spend two years
at college and will study law. Mr. Ross has many friends in this vicinity
who heartily wish him success. If any young man is worthy of success in
life it is T. A. Ross. During the years which he spent upon the farm at
this place he has been a most diligent scholar and has striven nobly to
prepare himself for a station in life which few under the same circumstance
would ever have attempted to obtain. Again we say may success attend him.

Threshing is getting well along in this vicinity.

C. E. Ross is preparing to have a fine new barn built within a short time.

REMSEN: (from the Bell)

Misses Kate and Eva Gill, who have been visiting at the Kass home, went to
LeMars Wednesday evening to visit with their cousin, Mrs. J. J. Gehlen, for
a few days.

W. J. Kass departed Monday evening for Ann Arbor, Mich., where he will enter
the State University and study law. Willie's many friends here wish him all
kinds of success.

Among the many curiosities to be seen at the Plymouth County Fair were all
the candidates on the Democratic and Republican tickets for the various
county offices.

Of late every stranger in Remsen is looked upon with suspicion by a deputy
United States Marshal. Uncle Sam's representatives promise some sensational
developments here in a few days.

The school board met in annual session last Monday afternoon, pursuant to
law, and transacted the usual routine of business. Nic Kass was re-elected
secretary for another year. The books of the secretary and treasurer were
checked up and found correct, with a balance of $1084.10 cash on hand.

A mass meeting was called for Tuesday evening at the town hall by Mayor
Jorgensen, for the purpose of securing volunteer donations for the purpose
of erecting a monument in honor of the dead heroes of the Spanish-American
War. The attendance was small and no action was taken. The opinion of the
public as near as The Bell is able to feel their pulse is that the
government will care for such enterprises when the proper time comes. They
have done it before and no doubt will do it again.

A deputy U.S. Marshal has been in Remsen for several days and on Tuesday
evening arrested E. Burdorf and took him to Sioux City to answer to the
charge of shipping spirituous liquors under the name of mineral water, in
violation of the internal revenue laws. Mr. Burdorf plead guilty to the
charge and at the present writing his sentence has not been pronounced. C.
C. Baughmann, the I.C.R.R. agent, was taken to Sioux City as witness. We
understand a large number of other people are on the program to appear
before the bar of justice and that a large number of arrests will soon be
made for violating the revenue laws in various ways.

Charles Labreche, one of the oldest, most widely known and wealthiest
farmers of South Dakota, died at his home near Jefferson last Tuesday. He
moved to Union county in 1862 from Dubuque, Iowa, and was born 72 years ago
at Montreal, Canada. He had served three terms as county commissioner from
his district and was also a member of territorial and state legislatures.

People of Akron who were awake at about 4:05 last Friday morning were rudely
startled by the violent trembling of the earth. The sound resembled that of
the approach of a heavily loaded train, and the reverberation continued for
over a minute, passing from west to east. Dishes and lamp chimneys were
jostled and broken, clocks stopped and people in bed roughly jarred. The
earthquake was felt at various places south and east. A similar shock was
felt here a few years ago.

MERRILL: (from the Record)

G. W. Tibbles, of Pennsylvanian, visited at the A.C. Demaray home Sunday.

At the county fair last week the Ellendale creamery butter took second

J. E. Sanford left this week on an extended land seeing trip into Manitoba
and other Canadian points.

John Eberhard received the congratulations of his friends Tuesday morning
over the arrival of a big baby boy at his home that morning.

Uncle George Haylock informs us that he has sold more building hardware the
past thirty days than at any time before in the history of his hardware

Mesdames W. H. Parsons and B. L. Gates of Marshall, Minn., have been
visiting their sister, Mrs. Van Winkle, this week. Mrs. Gates returned to
Minnesota yesterday upon receiving word that her husband had arrived from
Circle City, Alaska, where he and W. H. Parsons are in business.

Edgar Van Winkel seems to be pursued by a Geni of misfortune. One day last
week he reached up and took a saucer containing fly poison from the dining
room table. He drank a portion of it, but by prompt and energetic medical
assistance his life was saved. Tuesday evening his little sister was
wheeling him about the depot platform. In a moment of thoughtlessness she
stepped into the depot, leaving the chair and its occupant on the platform.
A sudden gust of wind swept the chair along the high platform, dashing the
baby head-foremost onto the railroad track. The little one fell so as to
strike a large burr with his forehead. A physician was again called and
found the child quite badly injured. It took eight stitches to sew up the
ugly wounds. Edgar is a bright little fellow, but somehow seems to be the
victim of many painful accidents.

AKRON: (from the Tribune)

Alfred Waterbury painfully hurt the middle finger on his left hand last
Tuesday while cleaning away the chaff on the sifter of a separator. He will
not lose the finger.

Married, at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kennedy, in
Akron, Wednesday evening, September 21, 1898, David Eugene Kennedy and Iva
Violet Ervin.

There occurred in Sioux City yesterday the marriage of Oliver H. Winfrey and
Maggie E. Peterson, both residents of Akron. The bride is a step-daughter
of Lawrence Barr. The groom has recently been employed on the farm of Frank
Bohner, near Chatsworth.

At a caucus held at the engine house last Saturday afternoon, with J. B.
Jarvis as chairman and H. K. Mosher as secretary, the following township
officers were nominated: Justices of the Peace, R. R. McCorkell and R. A.
Smith; constables, Alfred Waterbury and George Byrne; trustee, Wm.
Tremaine; clerk, A. E. Holler; assessor, outside of corporation, Chas.

The family of T.W. Lias is enjoying a visit from Wm. Gibson of Andrew
Jackson county, Iowa, whose father and Mr. Lias were comrades in Company M,
Second Iowa Cavalry, during the Civil war.

Iowa Old Press Home
Plymouth County