Iowa Old Press

The LeMars Sentinel, November 23, 1896


Friday night at about 2 o'clock Dr. C. J. Hackett died at his rooms on
Main St., aged 56 years.

He had been sick for several months with dropsy and a complication of
diseases. He was born in Louisa Co. VA, August 27, 1840, and was educated
in his profession of medicine at the University of New York and at the
Richmond Medical College. During the war he was connected with the
medical department of Gen. A. P. Hill's command of the Confederate Army.
He went to Sioux City from Virginia a few years after the war and
practiced medicine there for several years, locating in LeMars in 1878.
He enjoyed a large practice in LeMars. His skill as a surgeon and
thorough knowledge of medicine gave him a great reputation in his
profession. He was a man of generous impulse and had many friends. He
was married about a year ago and his wife survives him. His sister, Mrs.
Perkins, and her two daughters are the only other relatives in LeMars. A
sister lives in Kansas City. During his long illness he has had the most
kind and careful attention from his relatives and from his partner, Dr.

The funeral services were held at St. George's Episcopal Church Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity by
the old friends and acquaintances of the deceased. The pall bearers were
Drs. Somers, Brick, Foster, Reeves, Cole and Mammen.

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