Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
March 9, 1896


Mrs. Ella Belau, of Sibley, Declared Insane
Taken to Independence Last Night

From Saturday's Daily.

Mrs. Ella Belau was yesterday found insane by the commissioners of insanity
and ordered taken to the hospital at Independence.

Mrs. Belau is the wife of Rev. Julius Belau, an Evangelical preacher, who
has a circuit in and around Sibley. He brought his wife here a short time
ago, when she began showing signs of insanity, in order to have the
assistance of his brothers here in taking care of her. He has made his home
with Gus Belau. The woman's insanity is hereditary, her father having died
insane and several of her sisters and brothers exhibiting traits of the
disease. She was in the asylum for a short time two years ago, but her
condition was such at that end of four months that she was allowed to return
home. Her reason was, however, never been very sound and a short time ago
she became violent. Her imagination led her into the belief that she was
possessed of an evil spirit and that she should join the Salvation army. A
ring which she wore was the object of special hatred since it was a thing of
satan. In her madness she kicked panels out of doors and broke lights out
of windows. Her relatives were at last no longer able to control her and
asked that she be sent to the asylum.

She imagined that she had another husband, Wm. Harrison, in eastern Iowa
whom she very much wished to see and under the belief that she was going to
see him she left in company with Sheriff Herron last night on the flyer,
seeming to be quite contented.


The $10,000 Damaged Suit Against the City of LeMars Will Not Be Tried Until
the May Term

From Saturday's Daily.

The Priestley damage suit has been continued on motion of plaintiff and will
not come up until next term.

The case was begun this morning at 9 o'clock and the work of securing a jury
begun. I. T. Martin assisted Hon. I. J. McDuffie for the defense. A jury
had nearly been secured when a message was received from Dr. C. J. Hackett,
one of the principal witnesses for the plaintiff, saying that owing to his
illness he would not be able to testify. His testimony was necessary to
prove the extent of Mrs. Priestley's injuries. The testimony could have
been duplicated by calling other physicians, but the plaintiff preferred to
move a continuance. The court granted the motion.


From Saturday's Daily.

The Masonic school of instruction in charge of Custodian G. B. Vansaun has
drawn good attendance of member of the fraternity. Sessions were held
yesterday afternoon and evening. Today sessions were held in the forenoon
and afternoon and this evening work will be exemplified in the third degree.
The work will be followed by a supper. It is expected that the attendance
will be large. All Masons are urgently invited to be present.


One fare plus $2 for the round trip to points south, Arkansas, Indian
Territory, Oklahoma Territory, Kansas, Texas, etc. Tickets good until March
31. G.W. Jones,, Tkt. Agent

By our Correspondents and from Exchanges

REMSEN: (From the Bell)

Wm. Dent left Monday evening for Queen City, Mo., where he will make his
future home. His family will follow in a few days.

Prof. Keitges has taken charge of the Remsen public schools.

The old town council will hold its farewell meeting next Monday and Mayor
Reichmann as well as Councilmen Kass and Kramer will assume their posts.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gales died last Sunday, aged
nine months. The funeral was held Tuesday.

Married-At the residence of Theodore Fideler in Remsen by Justice of the
Peace J. P. Kieffer, Saturday, February 29, Mr. Michel Fidler and Miss Katie

The six months-old child of Leo Herbert, who lives eleven miles from town,
died last Tuesday and was buried Friday, March 6, at 1 p.m., from the German
Evangelical church, Rev. George Kreth officiating.

The following officers were elected at Monday's election: Mayor, W. S.
Scott; trustees, Joe Byren, F. W. Marienau, John Edwards, Chas. Neckles;
recorder, E. R. Parker; treasurer, H. F. McKeever.

IRETON: (From the Clipper)

Miss Minnie Huse and J. L. Williken, of Macy, Iowa, were united in marriage
yesterday noon at the home of the bride's brother, N. D. Huse, Rev.
McCaffree officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Milliken left on the evening passenger
for Macy, were they will immediately go to housekeeping.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. C. Brown died Tuesday forenoon.
Services were held at the house with a few friends present yesterday
forenoon Rev. Potter officiating.

The council held the closing meeting of the year Tuesday evening. Reports
showed the town in excellent financial condition. All indebtness could be
paid and a balance left in the treasury.

Mrs. Emelia Fokken, wife of John Fokken, departed this life Saturday,
February 29, aged 38 years, 4 months, and 3 days. She leaves a husband and
six children to mourn her departure. The funeral was held from the M.E.
church Monday afternoon. Rev. McCaffree preached the sermon, assisted by
Revs. Gault and Potter.

The citizens elected the following directors Monday: L. M. Black, C. P.
Bailey, E. French, J. J. Hemmingson, W. R. Wheeler, C. F. Bailey, A. S.

MARCUS: (From the News)

The annual school election will take place next Monday. There are two
directors to elect to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the terms
of C. W. Cisne and M. Y. Ames.

A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ricker, of Granville, died and the
remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery of this place Sunday last.
The parents have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement.

M. R. Stewart will move his family to Onawa, where he has built up a nice
grocery and bakery trade.

Mrs. Countryman has leased the Wilson Hotel and restaurant for a term of
years, and is now in possession. The Wilson family, we are informed, will
return to their old home in Wisconsin.

The following city officials were elected at Monday's election. Mayor, A.
H. Dwight; recorder, John Heywood; treasurer, Will Gund; councilman, James
Gurley and F. A. Bigelow; assessor, P. N. Brown; street commissioner, John

KINGSLEY: (Special Correspondence)

The following ladies and gentlemen were in attendance at the Wilson party in
Lincoln which we have learned since our report: Mr. and Mrs. McElrath, of
Moville; Mr. and Mrs. Royten and Miss Blanch Newcomb, of Odebolt; Mrs. F. L.
Martland and Mr. Martin, of Sioux City; H. C. Christian, Wm. Eberle, Frank
Scott and wife, W. C. Ellis, and Miss Clara Knowles, of Kingsley.

In the case of John Johnson whom Marshal Butler went after to Lake View,
charged with selling mortgaged property, Balaska, whose car of stock Johnson
had in charge, settled the matter up satisfactorily and the officer came
home without the prisoner who is now on his way to Texas.

Wm. Tallman went to Moville on Thursday to attend to some business matters.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Tincher, on Thursday, March 5, a boy.

Mrs. James Conrady has been quite sick with erysipelas, but is improving.

J. H. Shade is under the doctors care.

Mark McShea has moved up from Pierson to take charge of the dray line in

C. E. Smith went to Holstein in the interests of the Kingsley Dramatic club
on Saturday.

Marshal Butler arrested seven tramps Friday evening and gave them lodgings
in the cooler over night. Some of them have been hanging about town for
some days selling brass spectacles for gold ones, but whether they succeeded
in roping any one in or not we have not learned.

Mrs. J. F. Dewitte went to Cherokee on Saturday evening to visit friends a
few days.

Wm. Adams and James Smith went to Holstein on Saturday to attend a sale of
blooded stock which was held there that day.

CHURCHVILLE: (Special Correspondence)

Gus Mengedoht expects to leave for Nebraska again. This country does not
suit him.

Koenig Bros. put up ice last week. Better late than never.

Geo. Prinz has purchased the young grey team of horses from his father for
one hundred and thirty-five dollars.

Wm. Schumah made a business trip to LeMars Saturday.

Miss Lena Huebsch expects to leave for a visit to relatives in Minnesota
next week.

A large crowd of people attended the entertainment of school district No. 4.
The weather, however, being somewhat disagreeable prevented a larger crowd.
The program was well carried out, a net sum amounting to about seven dollars
was obtained. The winter term will close Friday, March 13.

Wm. Uthe sawed wood for Wm. Dobbert last week.

LeMars Sentinel
March 12, 1896

The Work of the Grand Jury Coming to Light. Joe Sweeney, Robt. Blumer, Ed
Lyons and Wm. Cunningham Give a Chance to Prove Their Innocence

From Tuesday's Daily.

The twelve indictments found by the February grand jury are slowly coming to
light. At the time of the adjournment of the jury absolutely nothing was
known of its action except the number of indictments returned. Since that
time nothing new has come to light until yesterday.

Sheriff Herron yesterday arrested four men on indictments charging them with
maintaining a nuisance. They were Joe Sweeney and Robt. Blumer, of Hinton,
Ed Lyons, of James, and Wm. Cunningham, of Kingsley. All of the men were
charged with running a saloon contrary to law.

Sweeney and Blumer were brought to LeMars this morning and waived
arraignment and plead guilty. Judge Gaynor fixed Friday at 2 p.m. as time
for judgment. They said they would give bail for appearance. Sweeney is a
young fellow well spoken of at Hinton, but although he does not himself
drink, runs a saloon of rather questionable character. It is, however,
discounted by Blumer's place, if the word of Hinton residents is to be taken
at par.

Ed Lyons, the fellow from James, has been arrested but has not yet made a

Wm. Cunningham, of Kingsley, is an old timer and his name is a familiar
sight on the criminal calendar at the courthouse. Last year he posed as a
reformer but this year has dropped back into his old tracks and gotten
himself in charge of the sheriff. He has not yet been arraigned.

The law breakers at Hinton and James not only sold without a license or tax,
but in an unincorporated town while Cunningham sold without bond or license
inside the town limits of Kingsley.

Six indictments are still left. It is said that they are along the same
lines of those already made public.

ADAVILLE: (Special Correspondent)

Farmers are preparing for spring work.

Four traveling men called on our merchants last week.

O. R. Gaston is making his annual visit as assessor.

Chas. Kanago, Sr., was elected subdirector for a term of three years.

Chas. Morehead and Lizzie Hoffman were married in LeMars last Wednesday.

Mrs. D. O. Bogenrief has gone to Minnesota to join her husband who has
rented a farm there.

John Henry has moved to LeMars and is working for J. U. Sammis.

James A. Hamilton, who has been in Kansas for the past month, is expected
home in a few days.

Alf. Williams, of Akron, is visiting friends in the valley.

Rev. Cronk went to Moville last Monday to assist in a meeting.

O. R. Gaston was called to LeMars last Saturday on business.

Wm. May was transacting business at LeMars Saturday.

Sylvester Stinton had the misfortune to lose a large horse which he had
recently purchased.

Ad Carpenter, of LeMars, formerly of O'Leary, has accepted a position with
Geo. Stinton to work on his farm.

Tom Dack will move to Hurley, S.D., and engage in farming.

Geo. Doty, of Alcester, S.D., will move one of Dr. Richey's farms in
Westfield township.

Mrs. Thos. Miller and daughter, Edith, are visiting relatives near Marcus.

Chas. Whitney, of Ireton, is calling on friends in the Valley.

Mrs. Emma Jones will teach the summer term of school.

Ed Stinton was setting up the cigars on the arrival of a boy at his place
last week.

Ed Baldwin and wife are visiting at Washta.

Deputy Sheriff Miller and T. W. Lewis were doing business in this vicinity
last week.

A. P. Marsh was transacting business in Sioux City last week.

Albert Morehead is preparing to move to Oacoma, S. D.

C. S. Rowley is going to build a new house this spring.

H. B. Morehead and Wm. Lytle are nicely located on the Lewis farm which they
recently rented.

Mr. Heaton, of Morrison, Ill., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Oliver King.

C. S. Rowles had a hauling bee last Monday.

Hub Mansfield had the good luck to bring down three large wild geese last

Miss Nellie Waddie is teaching at Big Springs, S.D.

Miss Carrie Miller, formerly of his place, but later of LeMars, was visiting
in the Valley last week.

Mrs. Alderson and James spent Sunday at the Lake residence north of Merrill.

LeMars Sentinel
March 16, 1896

Judge Gaynor Will Try the Cases After Court Adjourns Week After Next

Judge Gaynor has expressed his intention of remaining in LeMars a week after
court adjourns, March 21, to hear the election contest cases of
Herron-Conway and Wernli-Hise. It has been the desire of the parties that
the cases might reach a hearing this term and for that reason Judge Gaynor
has granted the special hearing.

By our Correspondents and from Exchanges

MERRILL: (From the Record)

Charley Rowley had thirteen of his neighbors in last Monday to help him haul
the lumber for his new house.

For various reasons the school entertainment has been postponed until a week

Mrs. Robt. Crouch arrived home Tuesday morning after a pleasant visit of
three months with friends in Illinois and Wisconsin.

Monday evening the old city council met for the last time. They spent most
of the evening in allowing bills and auditing reports. It is said that the
financial condition of the city is good. A report may be published next
week. Jas. T. Harker as mayor and Peter Arendt and Robert Crouch as
alderman vacate in favor of Wm. Frost, F. E. Lehr and J. R. Elskamp.

According to the city ordinance the new city council should not have been
organized until next Monday night, but on account of special and important
business the council got down to work immediately. Wm. Lawrence was
nominated as treasurer by the mayor and the nomination was endorsed by the
council. T. N. Moore was appointed the city marshal for the ensuing year.

The school election last Monday was one of the hardest fought contests ever
indulged in by the citizens of this city. Although both candidates were in
favor of enlarging the present school building and reorganizing the entire
school, the people took sides and worked hard for their choice. Eighty-five
votes were cast of which Jas. T. Harker received 42, P. Ausman 42 and John
Erpelding 1. It will be seen by the above that no candidates received a
majority and according to the law the matter will be decided by casting lots
at the regular meeting for organizing next Monday. But thee is liable to be
a contest as the polls were closed at about 5 p.m. while the law says:
(Section 1789) "In all independent districts having a population of three
hundred and upwards, the polls shall remain open from twelve o'clock to
seven p.m." Now what's to be done? The legal lights of the city are in a

MARCUS: (Special Correspondence)

The city council has expressed its intention of paying off the Barnes
Judgment as soon as the money is received by the treasurer.

M. R. Stewart has moved to Onawa to reside permanently.

G. E. Jones, our new attorney, has opened an office of Thompson's furniture

New school directors elected Monday were C. W. Cisne and M. E. Davis.

The co-operation creamery question is again being agitated in Marcus. A
meeting was held last Saturday at the opera house and definite steps taken
to push the matter and either to operate the present plant or build a new

IRETON: (From the Clipper)

Dr. Mesher returned Saturday from his trip to Norfolk, Neb., where he was
called in consultation with other doctors in the case of Joe McKeever,
brother of our townsman, Banker McKeever.

John Oleson, living with Byron Lawton west of town, has been suffering with
a severe case of appendicitis. He was removed to his home at Elk Point,
S.D., Tuesday where it is feared an operation will be inevitable.

H. M. Palmer moved from McCook county, S.D., last week and now occupies on
of Sioux county's best farms, the Farquhar place, east of Ireton.

Wm. J. Kinter is moving his household goods, etc, to his farm east of town.

The Northwestern railroad company's surveyors were running lines and
measuring distances along their property here Friday. They did not divulge
the meaning of their work.

The Junior League at their last business meeting held their annual election
of officers. Those elected for the year 1896 are: President, Hattie
Bartlett; vice-president, Jessie Keith; treasurer, Josie McKelvie;
secretary, Ada Farrand.

Geo. Rahe and wife arrived Saturday from Pendleton, Oregon, and are stopping
with Fred Frankee and other relatives in this vicinity. They left LeMars
about a year ago and tried the west and now have returned and will probably
locate in this section of God's country.

N. D. Huse departed Friday morning for Minneapolis where he has a good
position with a wholesale fruit firm.

C. S. Burkett, Geo. Rogers, and E. C. Carpenter are the newly elected school
directors. A $2500 levy was also voted.

ORANGE CITY: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. Peter Walraven and Miss Gertie Wentjes were married Wednesday, March 10.

G. Bolks and D. Schalekamp were elected school directors at Monday's
election. Eighty-nine votes were cast in favor of a $2500 levy for the
school fund and 76 votes against.

The 3-year-old son and 1-year-old girl babe of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wynia died of
diphtheria last Thursday. Another child whose life was despaired of is
better and Mr. Wynia, who was himself stricken is recovering rapidly. The
funeral of the children was held Friday. The disease was a particularly
virulent form and the authorities took special precaution to prevent the

AKRON: (From the Register)

Paul Mead arrived home from Iowa City the latter part of last week and will
not return to school for some time at least. He may accept a position in
Chicago or Sioux City.

J. C. Gordon, of Kearney, Neb., formerly of this place, arrived in Akron
this week to occupy the blacksmith property formerly occupied by George

The town authorities called a halt to the glove contest which was to have
taken place in Homer's hall Wednesday evening between James J. Everhart, of
the New York Athletic Club and Jack Costello of the Pacific Coast. The
boxers would not pay a license and in consequence the contest will not take

A large party went from Akron to Chicago, taking advantage of the
opportunity afforded by the shipment of a train load of stock from this
place. They probably had a good time enjoying the sights of Chicago. The
following were among the party: J. P. Cooley, Tindall, S. D., O. F.
Haskell, M. W. Toppings, J. F. Kennedy, Wilbur Sargent, Jno. Snyder, Jim
Snyder, Thos. Snyder, Fred Peterson, S. G. Hatch, Joe Farnham and Gus
Strohbehn, of Chatsworth.

Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Emery Neal and Miss
Edith Kimball. Rev. Mr. Fort officiated. The good wishes of the community
are with them.

The ladies of the cemetery committee, represented by Mrs. M. R. Tuttle,
canvassed the town of Akron Thursday for ready funds with which to commence
the excellent work they have undertaken.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Bennett, of Chatsworth, Sunday, March 8, 1896,
twin boys, weighing three pounds a piece. One lived but four hours, the
other and mother are doing nicely at this writing.

J. C. Wade has taken in a partner, Mr. A. J. Norton, of Decorah, Iowa, and
the business of the firm will henceforth be known as the Cash Grocery.

A. G. Johnson, Elmer Hammer, Henry Farnharm, John Seeman, and John Bowen
boarded the afternoon train Monday for Mississippi.

Rev. Smith, who has been helping Rev. Fort in special services was obliged
to go home Tuesday as he was quite sick with a sore throat and pneumonia.
The meetings have been discontinued for the present as Rev. Fort is now well
and has a bad cold and sore throat.

KINGSLEY: (Special Correspondence)

Alex Eddy and family left for Nebraska Monday morning, having sold
everything he had here even to his household furniture.

At the school election Monday there was 196 votes polled of which J. J.
Heacock received 135, C. H. Loring 132, Randolph Payne 61, J. C. Cottrell
62. A very large vote was polled for a school election and more work was
done than at any election of this kind for several years.

The Cuninghams returned home on Monday evening from LeMars, having arranged
for bonds.

The Kingsley Amatuer Dramatic club returned Tuesday noon from Holstein,
having met a most cordial reception and a good audience at that town.

The Juvenile Temple held an oratorical contest in the M. E. church on
Tuesday evening. The temple is composed of boys and girls under fourteen
years of age. The contest drew quite a large assembly and was very
interesting. The children have been preparing for this contest several
months under the supervision of Mrs. Josie McCowan. Miss Maggie Heacock
came out victorious. Miss Allace Tibbets did so nicely that her friends
presented her with a beautiful gold medal.

Rev. O. H. Anton, former pastor of the Free Methodist church of this place,
but now of Mondamin, Harrison county, came to Kingsley Tuesday on a business
mission. He is thinking of buying property in Kingsley and will permanently
locate in the future. Rev. Anton built the church here some years ago.

The Republicans will organize an Allison club in Kingsley on Friday evening
of this week. All Republicans are expected to participate and form a large
club. The first meeting will be in the G.A.R. hall.

James McMahan was arrested by Marshal Butler on information of William
Cunningham on a charge of keeping money that did not belong to him. It
seems that some time ago Wm. Cunningham gave McMahan what at the time he
supposed was a nickel but what proved to be a five dollar gold piece.
McMahan was taken to LeMars for trial before a justice of the peace, it is
supposed in order to make as much trouble and costs as possible. This
arrest is now doubt in retaliation for the indictment of Cunningham as
McMahan was the principal witness against him before the grand jury.
Probably the end is not yet.

Jeff Clark, of Sioux City, was doing business in Kingsley this week.

Prof. Buntly, wife and son gave a free concert in the Congregational church
Wednesday evening for the purpose of organizing a singing class and musical
convention. There is no doubt he will be able to organize a large class in
vocal culture here.

Randolph Payne and others will shortly organize a library society in
Kingsley and give a series of entertainments for the purpose of raising
funds to buy books. Mr. Payne is arranging to play "Blow for Blow" in
Correctionville in the near future for the benefit of the library fund.
This is a worthy and very beneficial undertaking and should meet the
approval and hearty support of all our citizens as into doubt will.

Wm. Tallman has been engaged to teach the same school he taught last fall
and winter, where he has given the best of satisfaction as a teacher. His
father from near Leeds, came over to see him on Wednesday.

Zettie Wetmore went to DesMoines and Keokuk Wednesday to purchase millinery
goods for her store in Kingsley.

Mrs. S. C. Monroe, formerly of Kingsley, but now living at Moville, was
married a short time ago to J. C. Barrett.

Mrs. Ayres went to Cherokee on Wednesday to visit a daughter living there.

P. H. Doran and family are here from Oklahoma visiting with his
brother-in-law, John Dugan. From here they will go to Montana to reside.

Van Saun, visiting custodian of the Masonic fraternity of Iowa, was in
Kingsley Wednesday and Thursday evening of this week instructing the
brothers. On Thursday evening a banquet was given in the dining department
of the lodge rooms.

The Hendershott entertainment on Thursday evening was largely attended. The
receipts of the evening was about $68. Some man in LeMars by the name of
Cole claiming to have belonged to a Michigan regiment during the war, wrote
Commander Mason of the Kingsley post that R. H. Hendershott is not the
original drummer boy of the Rappohanuack which raised quite a stir in G.A.R.
circles here, but it seems the G.A.R. became satisfied that Hendershott is
what he claims to be and he was allowed to proceed with the entertainment.

J. M. Wormly, Wm. Stevens, Wm. O'Shea and several others went to LeMars on
Friday having been subpoenaed by a constable before a justice of the peace
wherein James McMahan was taken on Tuesday and the trial put over.

The report is current to the effect that Eli Peters has rented the old
Trotter barn and will put in a livery soon.

Mrs. Dr. Walcutt gave a five o'clock tea party to the lady members of the
Congregational church on Friday afternoon at which time an aid society was
organized. Mrs. Walcutt was elected president, Mrs.Dr. Wilder treasurer and
Mrs. Whitmore was made the secretary. The object of the society is to aid
in the church work and for benevolent purposes.

Rev. Conrad, the newly called minister of the Congregational church,
preached his first sermon as pastor of the church on Sunday. Regular
services will be held each Sunday morning and evening in the future.

The "Pastime" club has been organized by Charley Varner and S. D. Alexander.
The first entertainment given will be a dance on St. Patrick's Day, March
17, and invitation are out to a large number of people who are likely to

An Allison Club was organized in J. S. Ellis' office Friday evening.
Committees were appointed to draft a constitution and the permanent
organization will be effected at the next meeting.

T. J. Alexander, the Times editor, and his wife returned from St. Louis and
Springfield, Mo., Saturday evening after an absence of several weeks
visiting relatives.

M. S. Snyder, one of the pioneer merchants of Kingsley, has sold his
business and store room to a party in Missouri. We understand Mr. Snyder
will move to northern Missouri to reside as soon as he gets his business
settled up.

Frank Turtell had a surprise party of young people from Elkhorn at his
residence on Saturday evening.

Mrs. Sam Peron and young Sam Peron have rented a farm near Leeds.

The children about Kingsley are having a disease of the eyes which for a
better name the people term "pink eye." The eyes become red and inflamed and
for a time quite painful for a day or two and subsides in about a week.

P. W. Prentice, of Earley, was doing business in Kingsley and visiting Dr.
J. J. Wilder and family.


To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reints, of Elgin, on Tuesday, March 8, a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew, of Oyens, Friday, March 18, a son.

At the residence of D. W. Green, on
Wednesday, March 4, 1896, Mr. Charlie
Morehead and Miss Lizzie Hoffman,
G. R. Bisby officiating. Mr. Morehead
has been a resident of Johnson township,
where he is well known, for ten years.
The bride was born and raised in the
same township. Both have a host of
friends who unite in wishing them a
long, prosperous and happy life.


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Plymouth County