Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
Monday, 06 Feb, 1896. Page 3, column 4

Winterset Madisonian: Mrs. H.L. Short died Wednesday morning at her home
in the southwest part of town. Mrs. Short was a victim of paralysis, and
had been an invalid for some years. Of the family of seven, only the
husband and son were present at the time of her death, the four daughters
being all at a distance. Two of them, Mrs. Frank Yates, of LeMars, and
Mrs. Kate White, of Chicago, arrived yesterday. The other two, Misses
Madge and Ava Short are at Phillipsburg, Montana, where their parents
expected to go the first of next month to reside. The funeral was held
this afternoon at the Church of Christ, under the auspices of the Woman's
Relief Corps, of which the deceased was a charter member. In the nine
years the Corps has been organized in Winterset, this is the first death of
a member. In the death of Mrs. Short a good woman and a devoted wife and
mother is taken away. The family are long-time residents at Winterset and
have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement.

Le Mars Sentinel, February 10, 1896

Poisoned By Morphine
Ben Amos Takes an Overdose of the Drug and is Found Dead in Bed

From Saturday's Daily:

Ben F. Amos died at his room over Ashley's bakery at 10:30 last night of
morphine poisoning. Amos has been on one of his periodical drunks for some
time past and has been in pretty hard shape for two weeks. All of yesterday
he was very much under the influence of liquor, although he was, as usual,
able to keep his feet with perfect ease. It is his custom, when recovering
from one of his sprees, to use considerable amount of morphine and their
frequence has caused him to be considerably addicted to the use of the drug.

He obtained seven, one eighth grain tablets from Dr. Mammen the day before
yesterday and had two of them left at six o'clock yesterday. Billy Shields,
a fellow who scrubs floors, etc., in the saloons and sleeps at the city jail
was up in Amos' room for some time previous to 10 o'clock. Ben said he was
feeling badly and "I wouldn't care if I were dead." Shields swept out and
cleaned up the room and went down to Henry Braband's to scrub the floor.
When he returned he found Ben dead. As soon as he was quite sure that life
was extinct he went down for the police. He first told Peter Crane, then
Frank Young, a cigar maker, who he met on Sixth street, and, later Oscar
Haerling. The four went back up to the room. They were all satisfied that
Amos was dead, but sent Henry Frerichs, who, with Roger Molampy, had been
called, after Dr. Mammen. The latter pronounced Ben dead.

The deceased has been a well known character of the town for many years
past. His worst fault was his periodical sprees. Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week he was in Sioux City and was intoxicated the greater part of the
time. Last night he showed Joan Jones, who has the room next to him, two
pint flasks of whiskey and a box of morphine. None of these could be found
after his death. Whether the drug which caused his death was some of his
own or some secured from Shields, who is a morphine fiend, is unknown.

Amos leaves a wife who left him on account of her husband's dissipation. An
inquest was held at 10 o'clock this morning at the office of Coroner Mammen.
Robert Black, J.A. Herrington and Abe Fletcher were called as jurymen.
Considerable evidence was introduced.

The jury brought in a verdict of "death by excessive use of liquor and
morphine administered by his own hand."

Ben Amos was a good-hearted fellow, and one who was always more or less
popular. He had considerable ability as a real estate man, but was hampered
at every turn by his taste for liquor. It was disasterous to him through
life and the indirect cause of his death.

The funeral was held this afternoon.

LeMars Sentinel
February 17, 1896

It was Celebrated Last Night at G.A.R. Hall by a Crowd of His Admirers

Soldiers of the rebellion, their wives, children and friends formed the
crowd that gathered to celebrate the birth of Lincoln at G.A.R. hall last
night. The old soldier must needs have a better understanding of the true
meaning of the word patriotism than any one else and consequently can come
nearer to the verge of enthusiasm at the mention of names such as Lincoln,
Grant, and Sherman. This was why he celebrated last night.

A quartet composed of Messrs. Struble, Bedell, Hilbert and Clark gave the
first number of the program and san war songs at intervals during the
evening. Following the, Mr. I. J. McDuffie gave a short and interesting
sketch of Lincoln and his wonderful work. The speaker was acquainted for a
long time with the great war president and since Lincoln's death has been a
careful student of his life. He had a great reminisces and anecdote and
spoke touchingly t times of Lincoln's personal traits.

Mr. I. T. Martin followed with some of Lincoln's most noteworthy sayings
enlivening them by sketches, etc.

Prof. Shoup spoke entertainingly of the great hero. He was for a long time
a personal friend of the president's and hand many opportunities of
observing his ways and traits not given to the public at large. It was only
Lincoln's personal friends that knew what the many really was. Prof. Shoup
is one of his warmest admirers.

At the close of the evening's program supper was served by the women of the
relief corps after which the evening was devoted to having a good social

From Friday's daily.

George Oltmans, the 18 year-old son of Fike Otmans, of Grant township,
suffered a very severe fracture of the leg yesterday. He was riding home
from school and when near the Grant blacksmith shop his horse shied at some
object, throwing him, the animal falling upon his lower limbs. Both bones
of one leg were broken just above the ankle and the ankle itself was badly
torn and wrenched in such a way as to badly complicate the injury. Dr.
Mammen was called and set the fracture.

From Friday's Daily.

Little nine year old James Peacock had his thigh broken yesterday at 4:30 by
being run over by a load of hay. He was riding on the wagon, and when at
the crossing of Cedar and Sixth streets was thrown off and fell directly
under the wheels. The wagon passed over his leg causing a serious fracture
of the femur or thigh bone. Mr. H. H. Bush picked the little fellow up and
took him home. He bore the pain heroically. The fracture was reduced and
time will bring about recovery.


Sioux City Journal: A Mrs. McKinley, of Akron, Iowa, who has been taking
treatment in this city for some time, wandered away last night and her
husband has as yet been able to find her. She was rather feeble minded and
was possessed of the idea that someone was pursuing her. This is the second
or third time she has strayed away.

An exchange tells the following vile like about LeMars and her new woman:

At LeMars, west of here, the young women of the town are going to adopt the
custom of saluting the men on the streets with something singular and
aggressive equivalent to the habit of lifting or at least touching the hat.
The difficulty is the dagger pin that holds the hat to the hair. It is
impractical to lift the bonnet or hat on the street, as it is anchored and
it could not be "set on straight" again without the use of a mirror. The
plan which meets with most favor and is likely to be adopted is to touch the
hat or bonnet with a full swing of the arm and bang it on one side.

An Old Man Named E. D. Millard Takes an Overdose of Morphine Near Merrill

From Saturday’s Daily:
E. D. Millard, an old man formerly employed on the McDonald ranch three
miles west and south of the town of Merrill, committed suicide by taking
morphine, dying at 1:15 yesterday morning. The old man has been a rather
hard drinker for most of his life, and as is usual in such cases, had
contracted a morphine habit. Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock he told Mr. M.
Ewin, who lives on the McDonald ranch, that he was going to the barn to die.
He usually sleeps in the barn, and since he has many queer habits nothing
was thought of his strange statement. He has many times gone to the barn to
retire and not showed up again until the following noon. He was not
therefore disturbed until about 1:30 Thursday afternoon, when John Foley, an
employee of the ranch, found him and reported to Ewin that, in his opinion,
the old man needed looking after. Ewin went to the barn and found Millard in
a serious condition. He denied taking morphine, but requested the attendance
of a physician, although he said he had no money with which to pay one. Ewin
summoned Dr. Nigg from Merrill. When the latter arrived, he gave very little
hope of recovery, although there was a small chance of his pulling through.
Medicine, however, had no effect, and at 4 o’clock the man lost
consciousness. His decline was gradual but certain from then until 1:15
yesterday morning when death came. Dr. Nigg’s presence made an inquest
unnecessary, and he was buried in the Merrill M.E. cemetery at 4 o’clock
yesterday afternoon.

Millard was 73 years of age and had been employed on the McDonald ranch
since 1888. A short time ago he was given his release, but refused to leave
the place. He owned a horse, cart, and harness, which he gave Mr. Ewin, the
tenant of the ranch, as pay for board until February 1. After that date he
remained at the place, sleeping in the barn and takings his meals at the
house. He was rather morose, and, it was thought, was strongly addicted to
the morphine habit. A box of the drug was found in one of his boots in the
room after his death. About a teaspoonful had been removed. Millard was an
American and claimed that he came to Merrill from the Red River county. He
said that he never went to school a day in his life although he was a fair
reader and could write. He often spoke of his family but it is not known
where they are living. If he has a wife or any children it is unknown since
his reference to his relations was always rather indefinite.

~TRANSCRIBER NOTE: More research finds E. Millard, age 63, male, widowed, birth place=
Woodbury Co., Iowa, located at 1007 4th St. Sioux City, Iowa, in the 1885
Iowa State Census.

LeMars Sentinel
February 20, 1896

From Monday's Daily.

Miss Julia Sullivan, daughter of Wm. Sullivan, died at her home in Stanton
township Saturday evening. The young lady has been suffering with a severe
cold, but during Saturday was feeling quite well until late in the day when
she was compelled to take to her bed. In a few minutes she was dead. Lung
trouble is given as the cause. She was 24 years old.

Funeral services were held at the Lincoln township church by Rev. Father
Reilly at 9 o'clock this morning, the body being brought to LeMars for
interment in St. Joseph cemetery. Rev. Father Baron conducted services at
the grave.

From Tuesday's Daily.

Mr. Frank Pew and Mrs. Mary Donovan were married at St. James church at 6:45
o'clock. Rev. Father Baron officiating.

Both parties are well known residents of LeMars having lived here for
several years. Mrs. Donovan was formerly Miss Mary Byrne, and is a sister
of Miss Carrie Byrne. Mr. Pew has been a resident of LeMars sixteen years
and a member of the firm of Pew Bros. during many of them.

The newly married pair left on the east bound train at 10:30 for a wedding
trip. The best wishes of a host of friends will follow them.


Last Saturday morning Mr. Chr. Bender received a letter from Chicago stating
that his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Boller, was suddenly taken sick with
hemorrhage of the brain and a paralytic stroke on the left side of her body
and Sunday he received the following dispatch, "Your sister died this
morning." Mr. Bender being confined to the house himself with the lagrippe
was unable to go and witness the interment. Mrs. Boller is well known by a
goodly number of Plymouth county Germans, especially in the vicinity of


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