Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
August 6, 1896

By our Correspondents and from Exchanges.

AKRON: (From the Register)

E. M. Sayles and family will soon become Chatsworth residents.

Robert King, of Emmetsburg, is visiting in this city.

Joseph Beech is the proud father of a pretty little girl, born Monday, July 20.

C. J. Wholenburg and family, of Holstein, Iowa, are visiting in Akron, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thode.

Mrs. W. H. Swartz, accompanied by her son, has arrived in Akron to remain permanently with her family.

Elmer Seward, of near Richland, has purchased property just south of the Lutheran church and will soon commence the erection of a fine residence building.

O. F. Haskell will establish a lumber yard in Akron in the near future on the lots just north of W. J. English’s blacksmith shop. His first car of lumber has already arrived.

O. F. Haskell has purchased the Brown residence property now occupied by J. W. Millner.

It is reported that a new firm has purchased the grocery stock at A. D. Collins & Co. and will continue the business with an exclusive grocery store.

A temperance program was presented Tuesday evening in the Methodist church under the auspices of the Good Templars. No admission was charged and a fairly large audience was present.

B. F. Round has returned home from a four week’s vacation in Nebraska, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

Wm. J. Homer’s funeral services were held at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. T. McCaustland, near Westfield last Monday. The services were conducted by Rev. Geo. C. Fort. The remains were buried in the private graveyard of the family.
Transcriber Note: The name of the deceased (per cemetery records) is Willard J. Homer, born 5/25/1858 and died 7/26/1896.

LeMars Sentinel, August 24, 1896

By Our Correspondents and from Exchanges.

REMSEN: (From the Bell.)

Mr. J.T. Mohan of LeMars was taking free silver in Remsen Wednesday.

Jos. Miller got the middle finger of his right hand badly bruised while
unloading beer last Tuesday.

Mrs. P.D. O'Leary of Elkhorn township, worshipped in Remsen Sunday and dined
at the P.J. Conway table.

Mr. John Hoffmann of the Jacob Homan farm, and Peter Schmidt of Marion
township, took the west train Monday evening for a visit among friends in
and around Montrose, Mo.

The LeMars Implement Co., by A. Strang, Agt., just erected fine windmills
and completed a water system on the farms of Nicolas Kohler and Henry
Sauers. A contract for similar work will be completed on John Majerias farm
near Oyens this week.

The Remsen co-operative creamery is again in first class running order. The
first shipment was made Wednesday and over one hundred pounds of butter were
bought by private families that day.

IRETON: (From the Clipper.)

Lightening rod swindlers are fleecing the people in this vicinity. Several
have bought rods and later have discovered that the notes to be given for
them were bigger than expected.

James Tierman lost a barn, hay, grain and six horses by fire caused by
lightening. Insurance $500. In the same storm by lightning G. L. Houlton
lost a barn and two horses; Wm. Vander Hamm lost a setting of oats; Evan
Thomas lost forty acres of oats; Thos. Woddall lost barn and horse.

T.C. Parker had some of his clothes stolen about a week ago. Three tramps
were apprehended, but two of them got away. The one, who was held got ten
days in the county jail.

Credit is going out of style here and everybody is getting down to a cash

The stone foundation for C.W. Plumb's new house is under way.

The wind was too much for the wind mills on the farms of W.A. Morgan and
Henry Vander Hamm last week. Both of them were blown flat.

S.H. Carr is a candidate for the Republican nomination for county attorney.
Mr. Carr is an able young man, a good speaker, and full of Republican vigor.
He is a young man of good blood being the son of Rev. C.W. Carr, the
president of the University of the Northwest and well known as a minister of
the Methodist church. Mr. Carr graduated with credit from college and during
the few years that he has been in the practice of his profession has pushed
himself to the front rapidly. He has the right kind of stuff in him and our
Sioux county Republicans will make no mistake if they give him the

MERRILL: (From the Record.)

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Julian yesterday. All are doing

Mrs. W.S. Crouch left Tuesday morning for a week's visit with her brother at
Alton, Iowa.

H.J. Calhoun is the champion tall corn raiser of this section thus far. He
has a corn stalk in our window just 12-8.

Mike Konkel, who lives near Neptune, had several stacks burn by being
struck by lightning last Saturday morning.

During the electric storm last Saturday morning lightning struck James
Harker's residence. No amount of damage was done. The lightening struck the
chimney thence ran along the wall of two sleeping apartments, filling the
rooms with smoke and gas. The occupants were quite badly stunned but
otherwise no damage was done.

Leo Kowalski informs us that last Sunday he plucked a 26 pound watermelon
from a vine in his garden. He took good care not to show it to the editor
before it had vanished from sight.

It is probably that a free silver club will be organized here some evening
next week. Keep your eyes open for the date. Prof. Shoup of LeMars Normal
school and T.F. Ward, president of the LeMars National Bank, have consented
to speak.

KINGSLEY: (Special Correspondence)

Died, Artle, oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Bert P. Mill, on Tuesday morning.
[there appears to be one line missing and then it picks up again] ..........
....contributed by neighbors and friends of the family and the W.C.T. U. The
family have been greatly afflicted for a year past and Mrs. Mill has been an
invalid requiring the constant care of Mr. Mill at that time. The sorrowing
family have the sympathy of the entire county.

The Christian church has purchased the lot directly across the street east
of the Congregational church and will build a church edifice at once.

Miss Ines Conklin started for her home in the east of Wednesday evening.

The Farmer's Club picnic opened up on Thursday. The first address was made
by C.J. Rundell in the afternoon. The crowd was not very large on Thursday
but fairly well attended. What they lacked in number, they made up in
enthusiasm. In the evening, Mr. Will of LeMars made the speech.

County Clerk Pfaffle was in town over Thursday night looking for support for
nomination to the office. There has nothing been said among the people as to
county offices as yet this year.

Rev. Mr. Cole was in attendance at the district conference of the M.E.
church of this district at Galva this week.

Miss Pearl Johnson returned to Kingsley on Friday to take up her work in our
public school again.

Our ball team went to Marcus on Friday to play a return game with Marcus
boys. Quite a number of our citizens went over to witness the game. Score
stood 8 to 15 in favor of Marcus.

Judge Van Wagnen spoke at the picnic Friday afternoon to a large crowd. In
the evening arrangements were made for an address by the Judge in the rink
in Kingsley, which was well filled, where he spoke for two hours.

Nearly all of the teachers from this part of the country will attend the
normal institute in LeMars this year.

Miss Jennie Twogood went to Correctionville to stay over Sunday with her

AKRON: (From the Tribune.)

At the meeting of the school board August 15, the following teachers were
Prof. I.C. Hise, principal;
Lizzie Jeffers, grammar department;
Gertie Plumb; first intermediate;
Ettie Ross, second intermediate;
Hattie Wierne, first primary;
Lou Stanley, second primary.

The following teachers were appointed for the schools outside of Akron:
Jennie Ross, Tucker school;
Maud Van Orsdoll, Stewart school;
Avis William, William school;
Eva Bradley, Moore school;
Inez Melius, Jones school;
A.G. Chandler, Stony Point school.

A resolution was adopted that all schools commence the first Monday of

There was considerable discussion in regard to the schedule of wages, the
contention being in regard to difference in prices paid to teachers in and
out of Akron. It was finally decided that the salary of the principal should
be $80; of the Akron teachers $40, and of teachers in the balance of the
district $35 per month.

Last Tuesday Moore Bros. sold a large bill of lumber to W.J. English, who
will erect a handsome residence on the property he recently purchased of
W.E. Sargent, near the Edgerton place.

It is a pity that South Dakota has not an effective fish law and a wide
awake commissioner to enforce it. A good deal of seining is done in the
Sioux river and Mr. Delavan, the vigilant Iowa commissioner, is powerless to
prevent it, as the stream forms the boundary line between the states, and
offender elude punishment by keeping on the Dakota side.

A large delegation from Akron will attend the National Grand Army encampment
at St. Paul, September 1. They will leave here August 31 on a special train
over the Milwaukee road. Among those who have signified their intention of
going and taking their wives are J.P. Kendall, John Ruble, George Ruble, T.
Stinton, A. Wilson, T. Lias, William Sayles, Henry Ruble, W.G. Lillibridge,
Geo. Way, M.R. Tuttle, N.S. Moore, and M.W. Toppings. Mrs. Biddlecome, Mrs.
Simmons and Miss Simmons and J.P. Peters will probably be of the party.
Others will go if they can shape their matters so as to leave, and the
number is likely to reach thirty.

(From the Register.)

J.E. Hampton, wife and little daughter returned home last Saturday from
Mississippi. Mr. Hampton thinks too much of Plymouth County and Akron to
leave this vicinity permanently.

Geo. A. Toppings and family made an overland trip to Washta, Iowa, last week
outside the hail district and George says that the times are no livelier
there, if as lively, as in Akron.

LeMars Sentinel, Tuesday, August 27, 1896, Page 4, Column 3:
Other People's Chickens.

    Neighbor's poultry have been the cause of many a family row and
neighborhood jangle ever since the time the geese cackled at Rome.
    Last Saturday Mrs. Amsler, who lives in the historic Third ward,
bought a rooster at a meat market.  She cut off the head of the bird in
the alley.  While she was decapitating the fowl with three hard blows in
about the same way that Mary Queen of Scots lost her head at an earlier
period of history, somebody told a neighbor, Mrs. Karley, that Mrs.
Amsler was killing one of her (Mrs. Karley's) chickens.  Mrs. Karley did
not wait to ask any more questions; but went out into the enemy's
country at once and accused Mrs. Amsler of stealing her chickens.  Then
and there followed a passage at the tongue's end that made the
atmosphere burn as these women hurled hot words at each other that
fairly sizzled as they flew through the air.  Mrs. Amsler had Mrs.
Karley arrested for defamation of character and for using language that
was unbecoming the peace and dignity of the city of LeMars and
derogatory to the good morals of the public.  The case came off before
Mayor Brown Tuesday afternoon.  Frank Roseberry appeared for the city
and Pat Farrel appeared for Mrs. Karley.  The evidence brought out the
language used in the controversy in the alley, but as it was hot enough
to melt the type in the hands of the printers, and the SENTINEL does not
want to have any of its printers burn their hands the language will not
be recited in the paper.
    The mayor fined Mrs. Karley fifteen dollars and suspended the fine
during good behavior.

LeMars Sentinel, Monday, August 31, 1896
Chapter 2 of the Chicken Scrape.

    Mrs. Amsler was taken before the mayor Thursday on charge of using
language that was not proper for a back alley in her scrap with Mrs.
Karley about the rooster.  Mrs. Amsler plead guilty.


The wedding of Mr. W. W. Payne, of Kingsley bank, and Miss Mae Matthews,
of LeMars, is announced to take place at St. George's church in LeMars,
Thursday afternoon, September 10.  Reception to the guest will be given
at the home of the bride's mother at the corner of Cedar and Seventh
streets immediately following the ceremony.  In the evening a dancing
party will be given at Columbia Hall.


Last week Friday Herman Groetkin suffered the breaking of his leg in a
peculiar manner.  He was out visiting at the home of H. Bortscheller in
Fredonia township and when he started to come home his team started up
quickly ..[there is no more of this article to transcribe on this page.]


J. U. Sammis will discuss the campaign in a speech at Cleghorn Saturday
evening, September 5.

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