Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
January 3, 1895


The funeral of J. J. Wilson, of Sioux City, son-in-law of Capt. D. Drew, of
LeMars, was held yesterday afternoon. The Journal says of his life and

Joseph J. Wilson died at 4:30 a.m. yesterday at his residence, 512 Twelfth
street, of consumption, aged 38 years and 5 months.

Although Mr. Wilson was young in years, he was considered as one of the old
settlers, having come to Sioux City in the spring of 1876 from Ogdensburg,
N.Y., in company with D. E. DeLong, and accepted a position with the old
Tootle-Livingston Dry Goods company as traveling salesman. After this firm
ceased to do business in Sioux City, he took a similar position with the W.
H. Livingston company and continued in its employ for about six years, when,
in company with Frank Kimberly, he started a wholesale notion house at the
corner of Pearl and Third streets, from which he was compelled to retire
several years ago owing to his impaired health. Since that time he had been
practically a condemned man, waiting patiently, even longingly, for death to
claim him and alleviate his untold suffering.

In an early day, before he was stricken with consumption, Mr. Wilson was
quite prominent in the society circles of the city. He was then a young man
of fine personal appearance, pleasing address and a great deal of individual
magnetism, which made him many warm friends, who, during his extended
illness have done all they could to insure his comfort. D. E. Delong, Mr.
Wilson's bosom friend, sat up with him during the last hours. He showed the
same remarkable vitality and fortitude that had been with him throughout his
long sickness by sitting upright in bed in his dying condition and
conversing pleasantly with those around him. At 2 o'clock, when the end was
evident, he smiled and asked for a cigar, but before his request could be
fulfilled, he dropped back upon his pillow and sank into a heavy slumber,
and at 4:30 he was dead.

Mr. Wilson leaves a wife and two children to mourn his untimely death,
Eddie, aged 10 and Gene, aged 8.


Quite a company gathered at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Marcue
on New Year's evening for a surprise party in honor of Miss Flora E.
Simonds, Mrs. Marcue's sister, who was a former teacher of many of the
company present.


At Berlin, Ontario, on December 29, 1894, Daniel Bergey, aged 80 years. The
deceased was the father of Mrs. J. C. Buchanan, of Pittsburg, Kansas, and
the grandfather of Mrs. J. C. McMahan, of this city.


The annual meeting of the stockholders of the German American Savings Bank
will be held at their banking house on Thursday, January 10, 1895, at 4:30
p.m. M. H. Finney, Cashier.

AKRON: (From the Register)

The Misses Mamie and Katie Phillips are spending the holidays with their

Geo. Raish and Chas. Seid are in DesMoines attending the Grand Lodge of the
Modern Woodman in session at that place.

Died, Ettie M., daughter of C. S. and T. R. Chandler, in Akron, Ia.,
December 22, 1894, of consumption, age 30 years, 1 month and 21 days. Born
in Northwestern Oneida county, N. Y.

We learn as we go to press of the marriage of Grant Barr and Miss Laura
Jhelinas, both of this place. There were married at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Maxon.

There was a second I.O.O.F. lodge organized in Akron with twenty-five
members last Friday evening. This lodge will be known as the Plymouth lodge
number 21. Grand Mater White was up and organized the new lodge.

The K. of P. lodge will hold their annual installation Tuesday evening,
January 8. The following are the officers to be installed: G. E. Wells,
C.C.: Wm. Schuyler, V.C.; James Jarvis, P.; John Ross, M. of A.; H. B. Palm,
K. of R. and S.; B. Ross, M. of E.; L. Lillibridge, M. of F.; Jos. Beck, M.
of W.

The Epworth League of the Methodist church will open their league room as a
reading room on Wednesday evening of next week, January 2. It is the
purpose of the league to keep the room opened on Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday evenings of each week. The leading magazines, papers, and good books
will be found there and all are cordially invited to avail themselves of
them. No charge of any kind is made and all will be equally welcomed.

Mrs. Walter G. Lillibridge, after about five days illness, died at her home
two miles northwest of Akron, Dec. 21, 1894, aged 43 years, 10 months and 17
days. The funeral services were held at her late residence at 1:30 Monday,
Dec. 24. The services were conducted by Revs. Neyman and MacLeod. The
remains were interred in the Akron cemetery. The members of the Akron lodge
of the Eastern Star, of which she was a member, were present and took charge
of the services at the grave.

B. R. Round is spending the holidays at Council Bluffs, and Milt Haviland is
in Lincoln, Neb., visiting his mother. Consequently John Raish and ye
scribe have to fill all the offices of trust connected with the newspaper
business of which the following are the most important: Devil, angel, typo,
jobber and editor. We have an understanding that we are to divide the
honors equally with the exceptions of the angel and devil. John is acting
in the capacity of an angel and he makes a good one.

KINGSLEY: (Special Correspondence)

Chris Stortz is very sick and under the doctor's care, with something like
the grip.

Henry Anderson came up from Anthon to spend New Year's with the young

Charley Whitnell is in the eastern part of the state visiting relatives
during the holidays.

New Year's Day was a very quiet one in Kingsley as there was no public
demonstration of any kind. Family reunions and the usual turkey and skating
parties of the young people constituted the sum total of enjoyment.

Miss Ida M. McSparn, of Jessup, Io., a former teacher in our public schools,
has been a guest of I. Z. Patterson's family a few days, but has returned to
her home.

Rev. Mr. Stedwell is in Solon this week for the purpose of organizing a Free
Methodist church at that place.

J. S. Brice, of Odebolt, was in town this week.

Mayor Wormley spent Christmas at Newton with his parents and friends,
returning last week.

The gun club held a pigeon shoot on their grounds in Kingsley on New Years
Day. The weather was spring-like and the shots from the surrounding country
were in and participated.

W. Mason was up from Lake City Friday to visit his brother and family.

John Baum, of Grand Junction, was in town last week.

M. S. Mason departed for Missouri Valley to spend the winter with his
brother, Dr. Mason, who was formerly a resident of Kingsley.

Lewis Snyder departed for his home in Onawa Saturday.

Vito Guthrage has purchased a livery barn in Pierson of L. B. Spenson,
trading land for the same.

HANCOCK: (Special Correspondence)

Married, on the 30th of December, at 4:30 p.m. at the Bellvista, Charles J.
Milligan and Miss Clara B. Nurse, Rev. R. W. Jamison, of Sioux City,
officiating. On the account of Mr. Milligan having been very sick for some
time past, although at this time much better, it was thought best to have
the affair as quiet as possible. The parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. H.
K. Nurse, and two grand-daughters of north Omaha, and Mrs. Mary Liscomb, of
Dunlap, Iowa, a sister of Mr. Milligan, and Master Harvey, son of Mr.
Milligan, being present. On account of illness in her own family, Mrs.
Liscomb had arranged to go home on the 31st, the friends from Omaha will
remain. Mr. Milligan will still have a nurse, while in reality changed to a
benefactor. Their many friends unite in wishing them a bright future.

On Christmas Eve, at No. 2, the good people thereabouts gathered many fine
tokens of love from the fine tree carefully prepared for the occasion. The
house was well filled, all going home happy and ready to join the
festivities arranged for at No. 3 on Xmas evening; the evening being of the
finest; the exercise being immense; the people from far and near doing all
in their power to make all things work well, the entertainments will long be

The Ladies Aid society presented Rev. R. W. Jamison a fine lap robe, among
the many good things they have done.

On the evening of the 30th of December J. H. Cowell, was thrown from his rig
on his return from the city and seriously injured as it now appears.

The parents of Lue Lamkin are spending a few days on a visit with them.
There home is in O'Brien county.

It appears from the file that all parties, elected at the last election, for
Hancock, have qualified.

STRUBLE: (From "The Other Fellow")

A dance at Brandt's hall last Friday night was quite well attended.

Claus Hennings and John Holstein, who are drilling wells in Minnesota, spent
Sunday in Struble.

Mr. Chatterton, brother of our doctor, returned to his home at Marcus Monday

POTOSIA: (Special Correspondence)

Miss Sue Massey, who is teaching in the Sioux City schools, is spending part
of her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Ira Eberly.

Prayer meeting will be held at the residence of Mr. M. Welliver this week

Cal. Pearson, who is attending the LeMars Normal, spent vacation at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Benstead, of Allen, Neb., who have been spending the holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Berger, returned to their home Monday. Mrs. Adkins, of
Sioux City, has also been visiting at Berger's.

Five of the Baker children spent the latter part of the week visiting
relatives south of LeMars.

Miss Agnes Clary went to Westfield Wednesday for a visit with her brother
and sister.

Our lodge is still prospering. The membership is increasing and all seem
interested in the work. A program will be given at the next meeting.

LeMars Sentinel
January 7, 1895


KINGSLEY: (Special Correspondence)

The installation of officers of Kingsley I.O.O.F. No. 204 last Friday
evening will long be remembered by the brethren as having been a very
pleasant and profitable affair. Deputy Grand Master Whitney, of LeMars, was
in attendance and conducted the installation ceremonies. The lodge first
met in regular session and after attending to regular routine business the
installation ceremonies took place. The following are the main officers of
the lodge for the ensuing term:

James Day, N.G.

Wm. Lilly, V.G.

Chas. Erhus, Sec.

Judd Ingalls, Treas.

As soon as the installation ceremonies were over the Daughters of Rebecca
invited the brethren to partake of a fine banquet they had prepared, and it
is useless to add, which the brethren enjoyed to the full extent. A .
Furchner, J. S. Watkins and R. W. Harrison, of the LeMars lodge, were down
to enjoy the occasion.

The Kingsley cornet band on Friday last received the fine new E flat contra
bass horn which they were much in need of. The firemen have kindly consented
to divide the profits of their dance on Feb. 22 with the band to help pay
for the instrument and the Kingsley orchestra will furnish the music.

Mrs. Bell, mother-in-law of Charley Philips, came up from Moville on
Saturday to visit friends.

Dan McCorwin and family have moved to Moville where Dan has lately secured a
position with the railroad company.

Esquire Henderson has been holding justice court every day for some time and
still the end is not yet.

James Mattison and wife are sojourning n the country during the absence of
Mrs. Van Buskirk in Omaha, whither she went to visit a sister.

The new general store which came in here about a month ago has concluded to
move to LeMars during this week as they had their last open day in Kingsley
on Saturday.

The G. A. R. boys and the W. R. C. had a good time on Saturday at which time
the ladies cooked everything they could think of that was good and all
enjoyed a regular feast, not only in the eating line, but of social good
cheer. Of course the old boys fought it all over again as is their custom
and which they enjoy so much. The old soldiers and their families were in
from the surrounding country to join with their comrades. In the afternoon
the mustering in of the officers of the post took place and also the
officers of the W. R. C. were installed and another mile post in the flying
years passed.

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated January 10, 1895


KINGSLEY:  (Special Correspondence)

Twelve carloads of stock left Kingsley Monday evening by special train
for Chicago.

The Epworth League elected officers Monday evening.  Miss Eva Knowles
was made president and Annie Gosting, secretary.

At the annual election of officers at the Congregational Sunday school,
Mrs. Chas. Whitnell was elected superintendent and Dwight Mason
secretary, all the old teachers were returned to their former classes.

The Congregational church commenced Monday evening to hold the week of

Rev. Gardner, the M.E. pastor has been in a dangerous condition for
several days.  His brother, a physician, was telegraphed for and come to
take charge of him.  It is hoped he may soon be out of all danger and be
restored to his charge again. The sick man was taken to Lawrence, Kas.
They started with him on Wednesday morning.  People were surprised to
learn that he was to be taken away, as it was thought he was too low,
but his brother, the doctor, had to return home and thought it best to
take him along.  Mrs. Gardner accompanied her husband.

The school teachers all returned after the vacation and school opened
with a full attendance.  The high school grade has been moved to the
upper room of the new building and Mrs. McCowan occupies the lower room
in the new addition with the kindergarten so that all the school is now
comfortably located in one building. 

Mr. Hill, of Nebraska, a former resident of Kingsley, was in town this
week shaking hands with old acquaintances.

Bessie Clarke has been employed by the school board to assist Mrs.
McCowan in the primary grade as there are more pupils than one teacher
can properly instruct.

George Wilson, of Lincoln township, will start Saturday to Chicago with
some cars of stock from the farm.

The Kingsley Times has made many improvements under the new management,
is a frequent remark among our people.

O'LEARY:  (Special Correspondence)

D.C. Reynolds and Mr. Hasbrook have been to Oklahoma to take up

Mrs. James Lindsey and children and Mrs. James Mase returned Saturday
from Wisconsin.  Mr. Lindsey remained with their mother, as there is
little hope of her recovery.

Between twenty-five and thirty persons have joined the Presbyterian
church as a result of the revivals.

Emmet and Allen Semple have exchanged their horses, hogs and farm
machinery for two lots in the Normal school addition, LeMars.  Charley
Webster will work their father's farm the coming season.

Olney Semple returned to Buena Vista college, Storm Lake, Tuesday.

Wm. Dent, who lives on the Jim Hoyt farm, has lost two of his best
horses and forty hogs.

Henry Seal has bought a hundred acres of land of W.J. Smith at
thirty-five dollars an acre.

Mrs. Peter Steele's brother and brother-in-law, of Paulina, have been
making a visit here.

Nellie Warner and J. Watson have gone to LeMars to attend the normal
school.  Howard Smith, Myrtie West and Louisa Kehrberg, who have been
spending the vacation at home, have also returned to the Normal.

Bert Cummings, of Cherokee, has been visiting friends here.

Chas. Webster is rejoicing in the arrival of a daughter and Charles
Carpenter has a young son.

MILLNERVILLE:  (Special Correspondence)

Mr. Tom Casson has been wearing a broad smile the last few days caused
by his wife presenting him with a bright eight-pound boy on Wednesday

Mrs. E.D. Switzer and four children returned home last week after having
spent a couple of months visiting relatives in the eastern part of the

Myrtle and George Millner, of Akron, have been visiting at the home of
the grand parents of this place.

Geo. Benefield, Chas. Parker and Wm. Waddle were doing business in Elk
Point last Saturday.

What might have proved a very serious accident occurred at the home of
Thomas Mason one day last week.  His two little boys, Willie and Joseph,
had the shot gun out hunting when they some how became engaged in a
scuffle for possession of the gun.  During the scuffle the hammer of the
gun was accidentally struck against something, discharging it and
tearing off part of Joseph's left hand with which he had hold of the
muzzle of the gun.

Bluford Smith, who has been ill for a long time, was well enough to do
business in Sioux City last Wednesday.

Mr. Smith suffers from lung trouble brought on while following the flag.
Though he is not and has not for several years been able to perform
manual labor, this administration requires him to make additional proof
or have the small pension he is now drawing discontinued.  He has a
splendid record as a soldier, is an honest and intelligent citizen and
it is to be hoped that this pension will not be stopped.


-- At St. Joseph's church, LeMars, Tuesday morning,
January 8, 1895, at 8:30, Mr. Jos. Obermeyer, of Elgin township, and
Miss Amelia Haerling, of this city, Rev. Father Meis, officiating.

The young people are both well known and liked by a large circle of
friends in Plymouth county and they will start housekeeping, after their
return from a trips east, on Mr. Obermeyer's  200-acre farm in Elgin
township with the best wishes of all.  The groom is industrious young
farmer who now reaps the reward of many years hard labor in securing for
his wife the popular daughter of Gus Haerling, proprietor of the Grand
Central Hotel.  The wedding was very well attended and the couple left
for the east in the evening amid the blessings and congratulations
usually attendant.

LAX-HEUERTZ: -- At St. Joseph's church, in this city, at half past ten,
Tuesday morning, Mr. Nicholas Lax and Miss Helena Heuertz, both of

The ceremony which united these two young people in the holy bonds of
matrimony was one of the most solemn and impressive rites ever performed
in this city.  Rev. Father Hoffmann, of Ashton, uncle of the groom,
acted as Celebrant in the ceremony and he was assisted in the
solemnization by Rev. Father Bourgmeyer, of Wisconsin, as deacon and
Rev. Father Meis as sub-deacon.  The church was beautifully decorated
with flowers, was crowded with friends and spectators at the appointed
time and when the bridal couple was ushered in to the grand music of the
organ in the gallery the scene became one of impressive grandeur and
overpowering holiness.  The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. John
Lax, and Mr. M. Heurtz, and the bride, attired in the conventional
bride's dress of white silk, by Miss Hoffman, of Remsen, and Miss Celia
Merkle, of Luverne.

A bountiful supper was served in the evening from 5 until 9 p.m. at the
residence of Mr. John Lax, on Fifth street, and over two hundred friends
called to tender congratulations and express their wishes for the future
happiness of the young couple.  After the reception, the guests were led
to a hall on Sixth street where dancing and merry-making was kept up
until the approach of dawn warned the participants to retire.  The music
for the occasion was furnished by Berg's orchestra.

A splendid array of presents testify to the good wishes of friends and
the young couple will start housekeeping in the house of the bride's
mother at the corner of Third and Fulton streets with everything
necessary to complete a luxurious home.

The choir and organist have the thanks of the priests conducting the
ceremony for the excellent music rendered.

BRAUCH-HEINEMANN: -- At. St. Joseph's church, in this city, at 8:30,
Wednesday morning, January 9, 1895, Mr. Henry Peter Brauch and Miss Mary
Matilda Heinemann, Rev. Father Meis, officiating.

A crowded church yesterday morning witnessed the impressive Catholic
ceremony which united these two popular young LeMars people in the bonds
of Hymen.  The impressive ritual of the Catholic church in the ceremony
of holy matrimony is always an attraction, but when in addition to the
mere performance of the ceremony is the fact that it unites two such
well-known and popular young people, an interest is attached to it that
compels every acquaintance and friend to attend.

The ceremony was conducted with much solemnity and the bride looked
charming in a beautiful dress of pink silk with white satin bodice. She
was attended by Miss Brauch, sister of the groom, who wore a charming
dress of ecru-colored silk.  The groom and groomsman, Mr. M. Kilburg,
wore the conventional black.  The young couple shortly afterwards took
the train for Sioux City from which point they went to St. Cloud, Minn.,
for a visit with relatives.  They will probably visit at Chicago before
their return which will not be for a month, when they will take up their
residence at the home of the bride's parents.

LOVE-SWANZEY: -- At the home of the bride's parents, on Court street, at
five o'clock yesterday afternoon, Mr. Bryson Love and Miss Clara Belle
Swanzey, Rev. D.W. Fahs, officiating.

Nearly a hundred invited friends witnessed the ceremony at the residence
of Wm. Swanzey yesterday afternoon which made these two popular young
people one in the bonds of holy matrimony.  The house was beautifully
decorated with flowers and plants and at the appointed time the bridal
couple, escorted by the members of the bride's Sunday school class
carrying flowers, took their places within a pretty floral design in the
bow window and the ceremony was quickly concluded by Rev. Mr. Fahs.  An
interesting feature in connection with the marriage was the fact that
the bride was attired in the same beautiful gown in which her mother was
married.  A delicious wedding supper was served to the attendant guests
and the couple took their departure for Chicago amid the good wishes and
congratulations of all.

The groom, who on January 1, in partnership with Robert Long, purchased
the C.L. Favor grocery store and who had been for several years previous
to that time in the employ of the Plymouth Roller Mills as buyer, has
prospered well and gained many friends by reason of his sterling
integrity.  The bride has, since settling in LeMars, endeared herself to
a large circle of friends by her loving nature and many other graces of
mind and character and all are glad to see her happily wedded.  A
quantity of useful and beautiful ornamental presents testify to the
esteem in which the young couple are regarded.  On their return from the
wedding trip they will take up their residence with the bride's parents.

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated January 17, 1895


Geo. E. Pew was an Omaha visitor last week.

G.B. Campbell was in Des Moines on business last week.

H.P. Braithwaite, of Sioux Center, was in town Sunday.

Ada Ferris left Friday evening for a week or ten days in Sioux City.

Math Wurth went to Granville Saturday to spend Sunday with friends.

Geo. F. Kirscher left Friday morning for a trip on business to Canton,

Wm. Pech, of Atlanta, Ill., arrived last week for a visit with relatives
and friends.

Thos. Dealtry, of Adrian, Minn., visited friends here Friday returning
home Saturday.

J.S. Hoyt is trying his hand at the coal business while Linden is
superintending his ice cutting.

Miss Dorathea Matthews returned Friday night from a two weeks' visit
with friends in Sioux City.

H.F. Dow put in several days in LeMars last week taking stock and
getting ready for the business of the new year.

Miss Minnie Seucker has returned from Sioux Falls where she was clerking
for the Palace Dry Goods company is clerking for Geo. Heinemann.

Rev. D.W. Fahs goes to Cherokee tomorrow to assist in the installation
ceremonies of Rev. W.H. Kearns as the Presbyterian minister of that

John Klise received a telegram announcing the death of his sister, Mrs.
Jasper Dalby, in Greenleaf, Kansas.  The body was taken to Olive, Iowa,
where Mr. Klise goes tonight to attend the funeral.

Cedar Falls Gazette:  Our esteemed citizen, Henry March, died at the
residence of his daughter, Mrs. H. Jacob Pfeiffer, on Saturday, January
5, at 8 p.m.

Mr. March was born in Yorkshire, England, on July 28, 1834, and with his
parents came to America in his tenth year and settled in LaFayette
county, Wisconsin, where he was engaged in farming and stock raising
until 1873 when he removed to LeMars, Iowa, and since that time has been
engaged in the real estate business in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas, and
at the time of his death he owned valuable real estate in Nebraska and

Deceased was married 34 years ago, and leaves a wife and five children,
John H. of Topeka, Kas., Mrs. Sarah White of Sioux City, Mrs. Mary
Pfeiffer of this city, Oscar W. of South Sioux, Neb., and Henry T. of
Topeka, Kas.  They were present with their companions at the funeral.

He united with the Methodist church over 25 years ago, and has always
been an earnest and faithful Christian.

The funeral services were conducted on Tuesday afternoon, by Rev.
Hurlburt from the M.E. church of this place.  He was a man of pure
Christian character and the kind words spoken of him is evidence of the
warm esteem of those who knew him best.

He was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal church 26 years ago,
and continued to be to the day of his death a consistent, faithful and
devoted member of the same.  As a member of the church, he served in the
various official relations of class leader, steward and trustee, and in
each one of these offices he was most faithful in the performance of
every duty.

The Victims of the Runaway are Recovering From Injuries

The accident of last week to Mr. and Mrs. John Welters and wife for a
time promised to be quite a serious affair for Mrs. Welters, but she is
now getting along as well as could be expected.

The man and his wife were out riding near the Moreton farm and the colt
that they were driving became very restless.  Mr. Welters got out to
take off the halter that was on the colt under the bridle-thinking that
the halter was what annoyed the colt.  When he removed the bridle the
colt started.  He endeavored to stop it until the colt stepped on his
foot and threw him.  Then the colt ran with Mrs. Welters in the buggy.
She fainted and fell out.  The buggy wheel hit her in the face as she
fell cutting an ugly gash in her forehead and breaking her nose.  The
colt ran home with the buggy and reached the barn without injury to the
rig or himself.  Mr. Welters is all right except a bad foot.  Dr. Mammen
is treating the patients.

Residence of W.G. Marcue Entered and Ransacked

Returning from town a week ago Wednesday afternoon, W.G. Marcue was
quite taken back upon opening the door at the appearance of things.
Every drawer, closet, cupboard and trunk all through the house was
thoroughly searched and the contents scattered upon the floor.  The
trunk of a young lady visitor was also ransacked.  The burglars took
thirty dollars belonging to the hired man which they found in his
clothing.  The rest of the family lost nothing.

A peculiar incident connected with the burglary is that the house had
been left alone barely forty minutes.  Mrs. Marcue and her sister having
gone to visit a neighbor just before Mr. Marcue returned from town.

Le Mars Daily Sentinel
Lemars, Plymouth Co. Iowa
January 21, 1895

Death of Nicholas Hoffmann
A large number of Le Mars people were at Alton last week to attend the funeral of Nicholas Hoffmann who died at Ft. Madison and was buried at Alton.
The Democrat says:
The funeral of Nicholas P. Hoffmann occurred Thursday at St. Mary's Catholic church in this city, Rev. P. Hoffmann, of Ft. Madison, officiating, assisted by Rev. Brune of this place and Rev. Schilmocler, of Hospers. Mr. Hoffmann was a native of Germany and came to America fifty-three years ago. He was afflicted with asthma, which disease caused his death on Sunday, Jan. 13, in the 66th year of his life, at the residence of his only son, Rev. P. Hoffmann at Ft. Madison, Iowa. The remains were brought to this city for interment and a very large audience of friends attended the funeral, attesting their love and affection for this good old man who had so often befriended them. His wife, one sister Mrs. Nic Hoffmann, of LeMars, and one brother, Chas. Hoffmann, of St. Donatus, survive him. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Arens, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfeffer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mousel and the Goebel brothers are also relatives of the deceased.

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated January 24, 1895

MERRILL:  (Special Correspondence)

There has been a change in the Hollandsworth & Co's lumber yards here
this week.  Mr. Hollandsworth retiring and his associates in business
Bowman Lumber Co. taking the active management.  Mr. Hollandsworth will
retain his residence in Sioux City for the present.  Albert
Hollandsworth will have charge of the yard here.

Frank Kowalski and Miss Katy Knecht were married in Sioux City Tuesday.
Frank is one of our most promising young business men, and we predict
will be a model husband to the affable young lady whom he led to the
marriage altar.  Miss Knecht is also a resident of this city and is the
leader of a wide circle of young friends.

Miss Clara Arendt, the youngest child of Peter Arendt, died at the
family residence on Douglas street at about one o'clock Monday morning.
Her death was caused by dropsy of the chest which illness attacked her
some seven months ago. Everything the medical profession could do was
done to save the life of the little one.  Clara died at the age of 5
years, 7 months and 13 days.  She was the pet of all the young people of
the neighborhood and her death caused a cloud of sorrow to rest over the
hearts of many.  The funeral services were held in the Catholic church.
The following were the pall bearers:  Lida Harker, Hattie Swan, Ettie
Tooker and Eva Frost.

O'LEARY:  (Special Correspondence)

Will Eyres and Hugh Maxwell have bought the steam threshing outfit which
belonged to the Walker Bros., who were killed by their engine breaking
through a bridge near Remsen last fall.

Andrew Bentz, who had a sale last week, expects to move back to

Dave Tucker is visiting his relatives near Marshalltown, Iowa.

Miss Fronia Eaton is visiting her cousin at George Hoyt's.

It is reported that Hon. Henry Schroeten, of Stanton township, was
married New Year's Day to the lady who had been his housekeeper.

Mrs. Henry Newell, of Stanton township, is very sick and her mother,
Mrs. Demara, of Dakota, has been telegraphed for.

The social at the manse was enjoyed by seventy-five or eighty people and
quite a sum added to the Y.P.S.C.E treasury by the height of the ladies,
at five cents per foot, and one cent an inch for all over five feet.

Carson Herron shipped a car load of cattle to Chicago Saturday.  Errol
Herron, of Kingsley, was up to help drive the cattle to that place and
he also helped to make things lively at the Y.P. S.C.E. social.

Jim McCartney has sold his farm of 160 acres to Adam Clarke at forty
dollars per acre.  Harry Hammond has lived on the place three years and
all will be sorry to have them move away.

Mr. and Mrs. Mac Campbell, of LeMars, spent a few days last week with
Mr. Campbell's parents in Elkhorn township.

STRUBLE:  (From "The Other Fellow")

Mrs. Web Edwards was visiting in LeMars first of the week.

Mrs. L.T. Craig is visiting at Vermillion, S.D., for a week.

H.L. McFarland has opened up a barber shop on south side of Main street.

I.Q. Adams & Co. have shipped in a car of hard wheat from the north and
selling it to the farmers on very reasonable terms considering quality.

A LeMars newspaper man was doing Struble one day this week.  We did not
hear his name.

The good prices being paid for grain at Struble is now bringing more
farmers to town than for a long time and Mr. Long appears to be the
cause of all this commotion.

FREDONIA:  (Special Correspondence)

Prayer meeting was held last Thursday evening at the residence of Wm.
Collins.  It is to be held next Thursday evening at Mr. R. Vallinga's.

Miss Ethel Baldwin's birthday party was well attended last Wednesday
evening.  She was presented with a rocking chair, supper was served and
the evening spent in dancing.

On account of her sickness, Miss Mina Darville gave up her school in
district No. 2 last Tuesday and Miss Bertha Becker, of Seney, has taken
her place.

Real Estate Loans negotiated on short notice at low rates, giving the
borrower the privilege of paying installments of $100 or more when
interest is due.
  34tfs                                       Francis J. Moreton

Money to Loan - On inside improved city property; farm loans in Iowa,
Dakota and Nebraska made at the lowest rates.  No delay. 
C. Dier. Rooms 5, Granite block, LeMars, Iowa              45tfs

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated January 28, 1895

By Our Correspondents and From Exchanges
In and Around Plymouth County

Death from Diphtheria at Remsen.
Nothem & Reichman Dissolve.
Eastern Star Chapter Organization at Kingsley.
Thieves Kill a Boy.
Revival Meetings at Seney.
Will McNeil Heir to a Fortune in England.
John Horrigan's Barn, Grain and Stock Burned Up near Merrill.
Newsy Letters From Hinton and Millnerville.

KINGSLEY:  (Special Correspondence)

Prof. Oscar F. Lumsy and wife are in the city visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Rev. Croker.  Mr. Lumsy was for thirty one years professor of
ancient languages and political economy in Wheeston College and author
of National Suicide and Its Prevention.  The professor will lecture in
the rink Saturday evening, January 26, on the financial and other issue
of the day, no charge, everybody invited.

Wm. Wentz, of Belle Plaine, Iowa, came in on Monday evening's train to
visit his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stortz and family.  He will
remain a few days.

A chapter of the Eastern Star was instituted in Kingsley on last Monday
evening in connection with Cosmos Lodge, A.F. and A.M.; Grand Matron,
Mrs. Sarah E. Woods, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was here and instituted the
lodge.  Mr. Conrady was elected worthy matron; J.J. Wilder, worthy
patron; Mrs. W.C. Titus, associate matron; R.B. Thomson, secretary; Mrs.
S. Creasy, treasurer.  The chapter starts with twenty-three charter
members and promises to become a strong institution in the near future.

The Firemen will hold another of their series of grand balls Friday,
January 25.

The Kingsley Times came out with four pages printed at home last issue
and will, we understand, continue so in the future.

The M.E. pulpit was filled last Sunday by Rev. Blakesly, of Galva, and
arrangements have been made to have preaching each Sunday during the
illness and absence of Rev. Gardner, the pastor.  We understand his
health is improving somewhat.

Mr. E.M. Cathcart's brother, Mr. Ramsey, of Prairie City, who has been
here on a visit for several days, departed for home.

Pete Shean, a former clerk of M.C. Evans, came the latter part of the
week remained over Sunday with old friends.  He is a traveling salesman
for a Boston clothing house.

Someone went into D.S. Rathburn's hog yard the other night and butchered
one of his best hogs, no doubt, with the intention of having some pork,
but Mr. Rathburn hearing a noise got up and went out to the barn, but
seeing nothing unusual went to bed, but the party was evidently
frightened away and the dead hog was left in the yard with its throat

A sad accident occurred at school Friday afternoon, Miss Pearl Shands
slipped and fell in such a manner as to break one of her lower limbs.
Dr. Wilder was sent for and set the broken limb when she was taken home.

Prof. Lumsey starts for the east Monday on his way to Florida to look
after a colony in which he is interested in the southern part of that
state under the auspices of Koreshan society whose headquarters are at
Washington Heights near Chicago.

Mr. Farrington, from California, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mattison last week and departed Saturday morning.

James Mattison was in LeMars doing business on Saturday.

The Kingsley orchestra are negotiating for an organ especially
constructed for their use both light and powerful.  This musical
organization is making some good music and is a credit to the town. 

Attorney Moore was up from Moville conducting a case before Esquire
Henderson in place of J.A. Dewey, who is on the sick list.

Mr. Roe, a veterinary surgeon, has located in Kingsley.

MERRILL:  (From the Record)

A surprise party was gotten up on Elsie Shirbon last Thursday evening,
23 of our merriest young people attended.

Word was received here the first of the week announcing the death of a
distant relative of Will McNeill in England.  The death leaves an estate
of several million dollars to be divided among the relatives.  "Some are
born rich, some achieve riches, some have riches thrust upon them."

John Horrigan, who recently moved on the Harris farm near town, had his
born, hay, grain, 3 horses, 40 chickens and some machinery burned by
fire last Saturday night.

Joe Keller has sold his interest in the Merchant's Hotel to his partner,
Jno. Neth.  Joe is a good citizen and we hope his selling out does not
mean that he is to leave town.

Lambert Ausman slightly dislocated his knee cap Sunday morning.  While
corralling some stock his foot caught in some wire throwing him forward
on a piece of iron.

At a meeting of the Presbyterian board last Saturday the following
trustees were elected:  C.W. Leekley president, W.A. Julian secretary
and treasurer, Jno. Crow, Jas. Harker, and Jno. Shirbon.  The finances
of the society are satisfactory.

John Fletcher, of Adaville, returned from Morriston, Ill., last Saturday
where he has been visiting the past weeks.

Murry Owens writes that "water in Sioux Center is more costly than beer
and not half so good."  Rock river water is shipped in in tanks at $3.50
per tank.

Last Monday over 10,000 lbs. of milk was received at the creamery .
This is the largest receipt since the creamery has been in operation.

A.D. Zook and family moved to Nebraska Monday.  Mr. Zook has been a good
enterprising citizen and of the kind that makes good towns.

After several weeks of investigation, and agitation the people in the
vicinity of Ellendale have contracted with J.A. Cushing & Co., of
Waterloo, Io., for a first class $2,700 creamery.  The plant is to be
ready for business by March 15.

SENEY:  (Special Correspondence)

The revival meetings which, have been held here for the past three
weeks, came to a close Sunday evening, after some good being

Miss Sarah Wilcox, the lady evangelist and returned missionary of
Africa, has gone to Storm Lake where she intends to spend a few days and
then is expected back to assist Rev. Fox in the meetings at Maurice.
They will begin their work Sunday, January 27.  All are cordially
invited to attend one and all of the meetings.

Miss Lydia Strubb, of Rockford, Ill., is the guest at the house of her
cousin, C.J. Zehr.

A great conundrum arises in our vicinity.  Why is W.L. March so prompt
in going to the depot to meet the 9:11 p.m. train every Monday morning?

Mr. and Mrs. R. Collins have recently moved into their new residence in

The anti-mustache fad seems to have struck our neighborhood.  It came on
us like a cold wave last week and now many of our best looking men are
entirely beardless.

J.L. Krosen, of LeMars Post, was shaking hands with friends in Seney
last week.

Our suspicions have been confirmed, Sunday we again noticed Jim start
northward toward Maurice with a smile hovering over his countenance.
But misfortune must have over taken him because he didn't return until
Monday evening.

Miss Mina Darville, teacher of sub-district No. 2, Fredonia township,
has suddenly given up her school, and Bertha Becker has taken possession
of the school.  As it is her first term, we wish her success.

We are sorry to learn that one of our farmers, Mr. Mat Ewin, is going to
leave us.  He is going to the Dan McDonald farm southwest of Merrill in
a few weeks.

REMSEN:  (From the Bell)

Miss Carrie Bower, of Sioux City, formerly in the employ of M. Beck, is
in Remsen on a two weeks visit, the guest of the Misses Lena and Emma

Mrs. John Manderschied and her daughter, Mrs. M. Luther, of Sioux City,
and Mrs. A. Dedier, of LeMars, were the guests of the Bell family last

Bill Hoxie, of Marcus, took lessons in the noble art of poker playing
here last Saturday, and became the guest of the town over Sunday.  The
poker lesson cost him about twenty-five dollars and the hotel bill the
usual $9.85.

The masquerade dance was a happy affair and successful as far as manager
and participants were concerned.  The two five dollar prizes wee awarded
to Mr. Johannes Asmussen and Miss Wiebke Schirner, while Mr. Chas.
Martin and Miss Mary Spicker carried the two three dollar prizes.  A
large number from LeMars and Marcus attended.

Through the agency of Frank Wengler, Paul Beaver sold his farm to
Sebastian Merges for $40 per acre and also the Lilly farm to Beaver for
$45 per acre.  Both deals are closed with cash payment, and Frank
Wengler makes the stake.

Anna, the 12-year-old daughter of farmer Jurgen Peters, who lives six
miles north of Remsen, in Sioux county, died last week of diphtheria and
Sunday, January 20 her 16-year-old sister, Celia, fell victim to the
dreadful disease.  Several other members of the family are very low with
diphtheria.  Mr. Federspiel, who waited on the sick in the Donahoe
house, has been engaged to attend those in the Peter's house.  Later -
Tuesday, Jan. 22, George, the 12-year-old son of Mr. Peters, succumbed
to the disease as the third victim, but here is good hope that the other
members of the family will come out all right.  A woman who had offered
her services to the stricken family, while milking, Tuesday morning, was
kicked in the breast by a vicious cow, but she will also come out all

Nothem & Reichmann have determined to dissolve partnership.  Whether Mr.
Nothem or Mr. Reichmann will continue the lumber yard has not been
decided so far.  The settlement of the affairs is in the hands of a
board of arbitrators, consisting of Messrs. D.W. Townsend and F.A. Post,
both of whom were chosen by Messrs. Nothem and Reichmann.  It is to the
fact that Nothem gets the Oyens branch and all the Remsen business
except the lumber and coal yard, which falls to Mr. Reichmann, who will
build an office on the ground and go on with the business.

HINTON:  (Special Correspondence)

Miss Amanda Hoese, of Harrington, Neb., visited a few days with her
parents in this burg.

Died.  Rose Luce, the two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luce,
January 24.  The remains were interred in the Sioux City cemetery.

Revival meetings at the church are well attended, seven souls profess to
have found peace with their God.

The flowing papers will be read and discussed at our teacher's meeting,
February 16.
"How may spelling be taught successfully?"  Miss Josie Labarge.
"How should reading be taught so as to cultivate a taste for
literature?"  W.E. Palmer.
"Is forcible and elegant language best taught through language work or
technical grammar?"  Miss A. Fisher.

MILLNERVILLE:  (Special Correspondence)

Esquire George Millner visited LeMars one day last week.

Mrs. William Muir, of Akron, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Simeons, of this place.

Mrs. Frank Williams, who has been making his home with Phillip Lindsey,
left Saturday for Sioux county.

Mrs. Dr. J.M. Jenkins has been visiting friends for the past week in
Union county, S.D.

Mr. Judd Nichols has been spending the last few days with friends living
near Westfield.

Mrs. Phoebe Glann, of Stanton township, is spending the week with her
daughter, Mrs. Dale Hunter.

The family of Mr. Geo. Gosting, of Westfield, and John Paramore, of
Hawarden, spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart.

Miss Dollie Hunter closed a very successful term of school in
sub-district No. 3 last Friday.  A very interesting literary program was
rendered by the pupils in the afternoon.

A large crowd attended the lyceum last Friday evening.  The members of
the society met and elected the officers for the next four weeks before
the hour fixed for the commencement of the literary program.  The debate
was very interesting and the literary exercise unusually good.  We thing
the interest taken in the lyceum is creditable to the people of

[Transcriber's note ..from the dictionary:  "lyceum: a concert or
lecture hall; an organization that provides lectures and concerts"]

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated January 31, 1895
By our Correspondents and From Exchanges


O'LEARY:  (Special Correspondence)

Charley Woodard's sister, from Minnesota, came to make him a visit
Saturday.  He went to LeMars to meet her.

Frank Pinney is talking of renting the Ankrum farm on section 26, Union
township.  If he does, he will move his household goods from
Plankington, S.D., and rent his farm there.

Mrs. Mase, mother of James Mase, fell part way down stairs last Thursday
and injured her knee so much that at first it was feared that some bones
were broken.  She has been confined to her bed since, but is now able to
move her swollen limb a little.

Mt. Hope. M.E. church will begin a series of revivals Sunday evening,
February 3.  Rev. Mr. Allen, of Waterloo, is expected to assist with the
meetings when he returns from Illinois, where he was called from LeMars
on account of the serious illness of his daughter.

Rev. Mr. Semple has been suffering with a severe cold, and has been so
hoarse that he has had to make a special effort to preach for two

A few of the little friends of Ralph and Mida Wilson were invited to
enjoy their birthday supper, Monday, January 28.  Ralph was five years
old, and Mida two the same day.

O'Leary needs a daily mail, and is surely as much entitled to have it as
Neptune is, and why could we not have a more appropriate name?  The post
office has been moved over a mile since it was named and we certainly
did not need to move the name, too.  Prairieville or Kohlville would be
much nicer.

Wallace Munro left Monday for a week's visit with his sister, Mrs.
Milliman, at Canton, S.D.  He expects to stop in Sioux City to have an
operation performed on one of his eyes.

James Lindsey returned from Wisconsin Tuesday.  His mother was buried
Sunday, January 27.

As one of the girls was driving home from school with Ethel Eyres and
some of her pupils Tuesday, the horses turned out so far on a little
bridge that all the occupants of the buggy were dumped in the ditch, but
no one was seriously injured.  The horses ran two miles and a half
before they were stopped but did not damage except a little to the
harness and buggy.

Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Warren expect to move soon to their new home near
Meriden, Iowa, and on Tuesday evening, January 29, a number of their
friends met at the home of Mrs. Warren's father, Mr. Campbell, in
Elkhorn township, to give them a farewell surprise.  The greatest
pleasure of the evening was the astonishment of Mr. and Mrs. Warren on
being presented with a dozen silver knives and forks, a dozen teaspoons,
butter knife and sugar shell.  Refreshments were served and a pleasant
evening enjoyed by all in spite of the cold weather outside.

POTOSIA:  (Special Correspondence)

The cellar is already built for the ice house at Ellendale, and ice will
be hauled next week.  Work will be begun on the creamery soon, and we
understand a store is to be built also.  As they already have a
blacksmith shop and all only a little over three miles from Potosia, our
little town will probably be rather dull unless some new interest can be
started.  It is too bad Potosia couldn't have got the creamery.

Mrs. Jake Berger has been confined to her bed part of the week with the
sore throat which is going through the neighborhood.

An unsuccessful attempt was made on Thursday evening by a few of our
young people to organize a literary society.  Potosia doesn't seem to be
much interested in anything of this kind.

Miss Celia Donovan, who has been visiting relatives at Elk Point, S.D.,
since Xmas, arrived home Saturday.

A number of the young people attended the dance on Thursday evening,
given by Mrs. Chas. Reynolds, who is teaching the Mansfield school, for
the benefit of the school library.

Revival meetings will begin in the new school house next Monday
conducted by Rev. Mr. Leonard.  Rev. Leonard is getting to be quite a
revivalist, and it is earnestly hoped good results will follow the
meetings in this neighborhood.

Miss Minnie Beaurly and school visited our school on Thursday afternoon.
Spelling down was the chief attraction.

At the regular meeting of the lodge last Saturday evening officers were
elected as follows:  Chief templar Mrs. J.M. Crouch, vice-templar Avery
Van Dusen, chaplain Cora VanDusen, marshal Derwood Burnette, guard Leroy
Watts, past chief templar Frank Crouch, treasurer Will Richardson,
secretary Oscar Crouch, financial secretary Linda Baker.  The paper
caused a good deal of laughter, but we would suggest that they be a
little more particular about some of their locals.  We have known of
just such things entirely breaking up societies.

Sunday school will be held at 11 next Sunday.

T. Clary sold two loads of hogs to parties in Hinton Monday.

I.J. Eberly hauled a load of machinery to his farm near Westfield

SOUTH FREDONIA:  (Special Correspondence)

The South Fredonia Presbyterian Sunday school recently purchased a fine
organ from Mrs. Emery; the management is to be congratulated for
securing such a fine instrument.

There was a surprise at Mr. Anthony's on the 28th, it was got up in
honor of Miss Clara Tovey's birthday.  We expect they all had a good a
time as they always do at Uncle John's.

Some good folks are giving a dance out on the western end of the
township next Friday night; the boys and girls are looking forward to as enjoyable an
evening as they spent at the same place about three weeks ago.

The first meeting of the South Fredonia literary and debating society
took place last Saturday evening at the Dickenson school house.  In spite of the
thermometer being away below zero it was a great success.  Mrs.
Dickenson favored the company with a charming solo, in fact all who took
part in the program performed their share in a very creditable manner.
The society has a membership of thirty-three at present, quite a few
more are expected to join if the weather is not too severe.  The next
meeting takes place on Feb. 2, the subject for debate is "Who is the
greater, the discoverer or the inventor?"  A Danish song by three
members of the society is also an attraction on the program.  Now, North
Fredonia,  wake up, go ye and do likewise, then let us have a joint
debate and see if we cannot find some future Depews or Choates, or
Nelson Millers.

MILLNERVILLE:  (Special Correspondence)

Henry Crow, of Akron, spent Friday with his cousin, Joseph Crow, of this

Phillip Lindsey and wife were LeMars visitors last Tuesday.

Joseph Herbert made a business rip in Nebraska the latter part of the

Many of our young people attended the literary at Adaville last Thursday
evening.  We think much credit is due to Miss Marie Good, teacher of the
Adaville school, for the manner in which the exercises were conducted.

Cold as last Friday night was the young folks who attended the dance at
the home of J.T. Banks report a splendid time.

Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart entertained several of their friends at cards
last Friday evening.

L.L. Prather is harvesting ice on the Sioux river.  He has seen the ice
on the Sioux for twenty winters, but says the ice he is getting out this
winter is the best her ever saw.

There has been much talk of a creamery being built at this place and
several meetings have been held for the purpose of uniting upon some
plan of action.  Last Saturday those interested in the project met at
the school house.  $1300 dollars worth of stock was subscribed and it is
thought that the coming season will see a first class creamery erected
in Millnerville.

FREDONIA:  (Special Correspondence)

Miss Laura Muffett's school closed for the winter, Jan. 28.

A flourishing literary society has been organized and meetings held in
school house No. 4 every Saturday evening.  Thirty-five members are
already on the roll.

A small company spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. C.L.Weber.  A
like gathering was also held at Mr. Solomon Perry's and good times are
reported from both.

Mr. J. Tott will soon move his family to Orange City, where they will
make their future home.  The neighborhood sincerely regrets their loss.

Mr. Lew Smith will soon make another shipment of cattle to Sioux City.

We extend cordial greeting to our new correspondent at Seney, but hope
said correspondent will not be guilty of trespassing on Fredonia

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