Iowa Old Press

From the LeMars Sentinel, Thursday, November 8, 1894

     A large number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of C.
L. Hillebrand last evening to witness the ceremony which united in holy
matrimony his daughter, Lillie, and Mr. Will Becker, Rev. Mr. Dulitz
officiating.  Mr. Becker is the popular tinner in Pew Bros'. store and
his bride is a beautiful and accomplished young lady, beloved by a large
circle of friends.
     The home was becomingly decorated and immediately after the
ceremony a delicious supper was partaken of.  The band of which Mr.
Becker is a member, appeared on the scene and rendered a charming
concert on the lawn as a token of goodwill and friendship for the young
couple.  Before going away the band boys were treated to the good things
of the house.
     A large number of useful and ornamental presents expressed the
goodwill of many friends to the young couple who will immediately take
up their residence in town.


The returns from Grant township show that Roseberry did not make mistakes in
his speech on Monday night.  Billy Boyle went out there with two others on
purpose to get up a debate with Frank at his Republican meeting.  The vote
shows who made the best impression on the people.


KINGSLEY:  (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. E. A. Gosting is quite sick and under the care of the doctor.

Married, John Kissinger to Miss Annie Remer, of LeMars, on Wednesday at the
home of the bride's parents.  Mr. I. Kissinger and wife and daughter, Annie,
also Mrs. Grant Mesrole went up to witness the ceremony.  Mr. Kissinger is a
young man well thought of in his county where he and his parents have
resided for several years.  Miss Annie Remer was dressmaking in Kingsley for
some time and it was at that time the young people became acquainted.

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