Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel Thursday, March 9, 1893 


BAUMA--On Monday night about 9 o'clock, Miss Minnie, daughter of Peter Bauma, of Preston township. The deceased was a girl of about seventeen years of age. She has been an invalid for many years. She died of consumption. The Bauma family are well known, having lived about three miles east of this city, on the Good farm, for a number of years. Life to Miss Minnie has been a perpetual cross, yet she bore all without a murmur. 


CUNNINGHAM--Seven miles southwest of this city, John Cunningham, son of Phillip Cunningham. He was engaged in the Cuhady packing house at South Omaha, was terribly burned in an accident about ten days ago. He suffered for eight days when he was released by death. He died last Sunday evening and his remains were brought to this city for burial. The funeral occurred yesterday. Father Barron officiating. The deceased was twenty-seven years of age, thus it is seen that in the midst of life we are in death. The family have the sympathy of the entire community.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel March 20, 1893 


HANSEN--At Sioux City, March 15, of pneumonia, Mr. Hans Hansen, aged 82 years and five months. 

MURRAY--On Tuesday, March 7, 1893, Mr. Timothy Murray, aged 88 years. Mr. Murray has been a resident of Iowa for 53 years. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his loss. 

ROOP--On Friday, March 17, Luella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roop, aged seven days. Funeral took place from the residence, corner of First and Howard streets Saturday morning. 

"There's many an empty cradle, 

There's many a vacant bed, 

There's many an aching bosom, 

Whose joy and light has fled. 

For thick in every graveyard, 

The little hillocks lie. 

And every hillock represents, 

An angel in the sky." 


MINER-TOWNSEND -- At Potosia, Plymouth county, March 16, by Rev. Mueller: Fred Miner and Nellie Townsend. 

NOLTENSMEYER-FROMME -- At Neptune, March 15, by Rev. J. Hauernfind, at the residence of Abraham Jung: August Noltensmeyer and Fredericka Fromme. 

STEELE-BRANDON -- At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brandon, Kingsley, Iowa, March 15, 1893, W. S. Steele and Leona Brandon, Rev. C. D. Wendell officiating. 

BUTLER-RANDALL -- On March 18, by J. C. Kain, Justice of the Peace: Mr. T. W. Butler and Miss Alice Randall, both of LeMars, Iowa.  

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
March 30, 1893

—At the M. E. parsonage, LeMars, by Rev. G. W. Carr, Thomas
Case of Elkhorn and Francis Rainboth of Union.

ANSTINE-BELL—At the home of the bride in Seney, Iowa, March 21, 1893, Geo.
W. Anstine of LeMars to Marion Bell. Rev. J. L. Sudduth, pastor at Seney,
performed the ceremony. The happy couple will make LeMars their future

SCHINDEL-BERNER—At the home of the bride’s parents, Gotlieb Berner and wife,
Plymouth township, W. H. Schindel and Miss M. A. Berner, Rev. Henry
Kleinsorge of LeMars, officiating. This worthy young couple will go to
housekeeping at once on the groom’s farm.

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