Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
September 6, 1892

SENEY:  (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Zehr are made happy by a visit of their sister from

Mrs. Robert Smith is making a visit with her sister in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Randoff will soon return to Seney from Plankington,
S.D., where Mr. Randoff has been breaking and farming during the season.
A hearty welcome awaits them.

Mrs. Varnum, of North Fredonia, is making an extensive visit to her old
home in Canada where she will spend a few weeks.  We wish her a safe
journey and an enjoyable visit.

Mrs. M.G. Mills has been quite sick for some time with hay fever, but is
getting better.

Mrs. Elmer Austin and the Misses Beckers have been attending the Storm
Lake camp meeting the past week.

The Sunday Schools of North Fredonia and Seney will join in having a
Sunday school picnic in Mr. Howard's grove, one mile west of the
Fredonia school house.  They will gather at the picnic ground next
Thursday, September 8, at ten o'clock in the morning.  Bring your
baskets well filled and let us have a large table spread in common.  Old
and young are invited to attend.  The Seney children will gather at the
church where means of conveyance will be provided for them.  Ice cream
will be served in the afternoon.  Come to the picnic.

On the evening of September 3, a very enjoyable event took place at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reeves in commemoration of the
twentieth anniversary of their marriage.  A number of old settlers were
present as was also their pastor and his wife.  After partaking of one
of Mrs. Reeves' notable suppers they guests gave themselves up to social
enjoyment.  Near the close of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Reeves were
presented with some tokens of esteem by their friends, which were
acknowledged in a nice little speed by Mr. Reeves.  All joined in
wishing them another happy twenty years.

The Ladies Mite Society will meet Wednesday of September 14, at two
o'clock p.m. at the parsonage at Seney.  The members and all of the
friends are cordially invited to attend.

LeMars Globe-Post
September 13, 1892


On account of German Day there will be no session of the public schools on


School commenced yesterday Monday, Sept. 12th.

Miss Clara Ellis returned home last week; having been visiting in Clinton

Jim Grieve, J. A. Ingalls, J.L. Conrady, the Trotter Bros., Jack Douglas,
John Zimmerman and Sherm Bell started out last Tuesday for the wilds of
Dakota. They took a tent and all the necessary implements for a camping out

A flour and seed store is one of Kingsley's latest acquisitions. J. J.
Heacock who owns and controls the Quorn mills has opened up a store on Main

C. R. Wiseman has a sale of stock and implements, etc., on Thursday, Sept.

Rev. J. F. Yerger has sold his lot and residence, formerly owned by Tom
Thompson, to J.M. Wilson.

Geo. R. Willhoite, formerly depot agent here, was visiting in Kingsley for a
few days.

Great interest was evinced over the Sullivan-Corbett fight, and a number of
us assembled at the depot to listen to the telegrams from New Orleans,
giving the results by rounds. The backers of Corbett were very few, as most
pinned their tail on Sullivan.

J. M. Higgins, Jim Dickinson, Jim Hamer and Frank Willard went to Sioux City
to the show yesterday. They had only proceeded a few yards, when one of the
springs of the carriage they occupied broke. The cause must be attributed
to the combination of heavy weights who were riding in the vehicle.

D. W. Wood is a Kingsley visitor just now.

Farms around here are free sellers fetching from $80 to $40 per acre.

Quite a number of people in this vicinity have purchased land in South
Dakota, having great faith in the future prospects of that state.

LeMars Globe-Post
September 27, 1892


PRIESTLEY-HERRING:--At Great Falls, Mont., on Sept. 20, 1892, E.J. Priestley
and Una E. Herring of Great Falls.

Mr. Priestley started for Great Falls some three weeks ago on what was
supposed to be a little rusticating trip and his friends had no intimation
of his intentions until he returned Sunday evening, accompanied by Mrs.
Priestley, formerly an accomplished young lady of Great Falls. However, his
friends are congratulating him just the same and will wish them both an
abundance of prosperity. They returned home by the way of Salt Lake City and
the Rocky Mountains where they spent some time sight seeing.


A goodly number of Kingsley people attended the fair at Marcus, where they
had the pleasure of seeing Mogul trot.

Ed Banks went to Sioux City last week to take a position in Hansen’s drug

E.D. Heald is a recent purchaser of Dakota land.

W.H. Miller returned from Chicago, Saturday night, where he has been
purchasing goods.

Sheriff Dean of Potter county, S.D., was a Kingsley visitor last week.

Frank Prentice will leave shortly for Gettysburg, S.D., where he takes a
position in a store.

J.S. Heacock of Garrison is visiting with relatives in Kingsley.

Frank Herron returned to Kingsley Saturday, bringing with him Mogul, the
“pride of Kingsley.” Mogul has been successful in all the races he was
entered for, and has proved himself to be a very speedy and trustworthy
horse. As there are not more purses of any size, he will now take up his
winter quarters here. He has a record of 2:22 ½.

The recent warm and dry weather has been very favorable to corn and we have
now good prospects of an excellent crop.

Frank Martland and wife, of Leeds, were Kingsley visitors one day last week.

F.R. Robinson, Charlie Bowers, Geo. Fox, and M.C. Evans attended the
Democratic county convention at LeMars, Saturday.

W.F. Howard of Lake View was a Kingsley visitor last week.

Dave Peer’s running horse, Oakland, has been winning quite a lot of races
lately. Kingsley is “strictly in it” when it comes to trotting horses,
running horses, foot racers or shooters.



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