Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
Dated week of October 24, 1889

Since Mr. Smiley has gone to Chicago, Pat Hopkins has been engaged by
the Plymouth Roller mills to buy whet for them on the market.

John McCreedy, yardmaster at the Central, got his right hand badly
bruised while coupling cars on Sunday morning.  The thumb and middle
finger were badly disfigured.

Married at the residence of Rev. J. E. Snowden on Tuesday, October 22,
1889, Albert Ford to Miss Annie Schweppe.  They will farm on Mr. Treat's
place in Washington township.  At the Presbyterian parsonage, October
24, by Rev. D. W. Fahs, Grant S. Troxell and Laura E. Doty, both of
Johnson township.

George King will take a position as clerk in the H. F. Dow's clothing

Born October 24, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Chester, a son.

H. A. Miller was fined $75 and costs in police court for defying the
diphtheria quarantine regulations.  The complaint was made by the city
health officer, Dr. J. C. McMahan.

Bryson Love has been employed the Plymouth Roller Mill company to buy
grain on the streets in place of Wm. Smiley.

Mr. and Mrs. Pitt Seaman left this week for an extended visit in Boston
and other places in the east.

Cad Sibley has returned from Dakota and will at once being work in the
office of Wilson and McLain with W. A. Cottrell.

Sixty-four business houses were represented in a carnival given under
the auspices of the ladies of the Congregational church given at the
opera house this week.

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