Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
Dated March 13, 1888

Hinton Truths:

Hinton has a new blacksmith.

Ed. Stone returned home last Thursday from Pennsylvania where he has
been visiting the past winter.

B.F. Bogenrief took a flying trip to Sioux City Friday.

Hon. John Rea, the famous newspaper correspondent from James, paid us a
visit on Tuesday.

Rev. G. Koehn went to Magnolia last week on business.

T.J. Mudgett, the teacher in sub-district number two, gave up his school
Friday and will go to Remsen next Monday to teach the summer term.  A
Mr. Argo (not G.W. Argo) will finish the winter term and also teach the
summer school.

There was a big time at the Melbourne school house Thursday evening.  A
spelling match and exhibition combined.  Miss Lizzie Moist was the best
speller and George Hatham the best on declamation.  George is a graduate
from Oxford, England.

Dr. Henry Nigg returned from Iowa City University and has come out a
full fledged medical doctor.  If keep perceptive faculties, great
natural abilities, scholarly attainments and resolute, unflinching,
persistent effort count for anything in the medical profession then we
may expect to see Mr. Nigg at the top of the ladder of fame ere long.

At her residence in DesMoines, March 6th, of paralysis of the heart,
Mrs. B.F. Dodson.

Deceased was for many years a resident of Plymouth county, during which
time she made friends who will be greatly pained on account of this sad
intelligence.  None could know her without a feeling of esteem for her
many excellent traits of character, while her unchanging devotion to her
friends will be held by many in long and grateful remembrance.  A son
and daughter received careful training and education at her hands, and
mourn the loss of a most faithful mother just as they enter the estate
of manhood and womanhood.  Few and brief were the years she was
permitted to spend with the bereaved husband, the union being a second
marriage.  Their residence was for some years at Merrill, where deceased
held the position of post mistress.

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