Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
Tuesday, January 17, 1888

The Death Roll

The event of the death of Mrs. Patrick Farrel, of this city, which
occurred yesterday, is indeed most sad intelligence.  A little more than
a year ago Mr. Farrel brought to his new home a young lady well
calculated to share the toil of his life and help him to win success,
and whose qualities of mind and heart won for her many warm friends.  A
little daughter came a few days since to make a happy home circle more
complete, and while mother and child seemed to be doing so well, the
future promised nothing but hope.  But most suddenly and unexpectedly
the reverse came, the light of a bright home went out, and the stricken
father left with an orphaned child, both of whom, in such peculiar
trial, will have the generous sympathy of all.

Mrs. John McDougal died on Wednesday of this week of erysipelas.  The
funeral will be from the residence tomorrow at 2 o'clock P.M., Rev.
Snowden officiating.  Mrs. McDougal was a woman of many noble qualities,
and in her death the husband and family of four children are bereft of
the true wife and mother, while society sustains the loss of a valued

[Note from the transcriber..definition of erysipelas:  a skin disease
caused by strep infection which devastates the blood.]

St. George's Church

On Sunday evening the Rector will continue his sermons on Mrs. Eddy's
work, Science and Health.  He will consider the question, "Are sin,
sickness and death real or unreal?"  "Text, I John 5:12.  He that hath
the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son hath not life."  The
services which commences at 6:30 P.M., will be semi-choral.  All are
cordially invited.  Seats free, but a collection will me made towards
church expenses.


-At Centerville, D.T., [Dakota Territory] January 7,
1888, by Rev. Wausshuis, Mr. T.R. Mitchell of Ireton, and Miss Lora
Haymond of Hawarden, Ia.

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