Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel, February 17, 1888

A Christian Convention conducted by D.L. Moody assisted by Ira D.
Sankey, Prof. Burke, and other Christian workers will be held in the
Goldie rink, Sioux City, Iowa, commencing Tuesday, February 21, at 7:30
p.m. and closing Thursday, February 25, at 9 p.m.  After the Christian
Convention, D.W. Whittle and Prof. Burke will hold Gospel meetings,
continuing some weeks.  Following is the program:

Tuesday, February 21
  7:30 p.m.    Praise Service, conducted by Prof. Burke
  8:00 p.m.    Bible Reading ... Dr. S.E. Wishard
Wednesday, February 22
  9:00 a.m.    Praise Services, Mr. Sankey and Prof. Burke
  9:30 a.m.    Address: Church and S.S. Music...Mr. Sankey
10:30 a.m.    How to get people interested in the Bible
11:00 a.m.    Question Drawer..Mr. Moody
  2:00 p.m.    Praise Meeting...Mr. Sankey
  2:30 p.m.    Church Work in Cities
  3:30 p.m.    Sermon.....Mr. Moody
  7:00 p.m     Praise Service, Prof. Burke and Mr. Sankey
  8:00 p.m.    Gospel Meeting...Mr. Moody
Thursday, February 23
  9:00 a.m.    Praise Services, Mr. Sankey and Prof. Burke
  9:30 a.m.    Work for Young Men
10:30 a.m.    Question Drawer...Mr. Moody
  2:00 p.m.    Praise Service, Prof. Burke and Mr. Sankey
  2:30 p.m.    Revivals-How and When?
  3:30 p.m.    Address......Mr. Moody
  7:00 p.m.    Praise Service...Mr. Sankey
  8:00 p.m.    Gospel Meeting...Mr. Moody

The following prominent Christian workers, with others, are expected to
be present and assist in the Convention:
Rev. Stephen Phelps, Council Bluffs,
Rev. H.L. Stetson, Des Moines,
Rev. F. M. Robertson, Sioux Falls,
Rev. W.J. Harsha, Omaha,
Rev. W.T. Smith, Council Bluffs,
Rev. D.F. Bradley, Yankton,
Rev. A.W. Lamar, Omaha,
Rev. J.E. Snowden, LeMars,

The Western Passenger Association, through their chairman, Mr. John W.
Abbott, have kindly promised reduced rates over the different lines of
railroad.  From all points within 100 miles of Sioux City a special rate
of one and one-third fare for the round trip has been made to enable all
who desire to attend the meetings.

Arrangements have been made with the hotels and boarding houses for
reduced rates for board and lodging for those attending the meetings.  A
committee will be in waiting at the Y.M.C.A. Rooms to receive and direct

Southern Land Excursions

The Illinois Central R.R. will sell round trip tickets to Jackson,
Tenn.; Aberdeen, Jackson, and Artesia, Miss.; Hammond, Crowley,
Jennings, Welsh, and Lake Charles, Louisiana; Citronville, Alabama, and
to points in Texas, at a rate of one limited fare for the round trip, on
the following dates, viz:  Feb. 21st, March 6th and 20th, April 3rd and
24th, May 8th and 22nd, and June 5th.  These are the lowest rates ever
made to these points, and parties who desire to visit the south should
by all means take advantage of them.  For full information, circulars,
excursion bills & c., apply to the undersigned Manchester, Iowa. 
J.F. Merry
Gen. West. Pass. Agt


,  In this city, Wednesday, Feb. 15th, at the residence
of the bride's parents on Cedar street, by Rev. D.W. Fahs, Mr. O.J.
Bennett, of Platteville, Wis., and Miss Ella M. Adamson, of this city.

The wedding ceremony was witnessed by a large number of guests, and the
wedded pair were the recipients of very many handsome presents from
relatives and friends.  We wish them all manner of success.

TIESLER-KALASS,  At the residence of the bride's parents in Perry
township, Feb. 14th, by Robert Crouch, J.P., Mr. Ernest W. Tiesler and
Miss Minnie Kalass, both of Plymouth county.

STENGEL-REES, At the residence of the bride's parents in this city, Feb.
16th, by Rev. J.E. Snowden, Geo. Stengel of Sioux county, and Miss
Louise Rees, of this city.
The following railroad ripple is from the Rock Valley Register:
The building of the Sioux City & Northern railroad during the coming
season is an assured fact, and the route will be largely determined by
the interest the people take in the matter.  This is the line that is to
form connections with Duluth and the Northern cities.  Delegations from
Rock Rapids, Doon, Ireton, and other towns in this vicinity have
interviewed the Sioux City managers in hopes of securing the prize.  The
Choice of routes lies through Rock Valley, and an effort on the part of
our people would secure the road.  The benefits to be derived need not
be here related for they are too well understood.

Alton Democrat:   Hon. Henry Hospers has telegraphed to Orange City that
inasmuch as dancing is a very wicked thing, that he will hereafter
refuse to rent the hall in his building for that purpose, and ladies at
that town have drawn up a bill, which they will forward to the
legislature requesting them to pass a law prohibiting dancing in Orange
City, since the honorable gentleman from Sioux feels so hurt over it.
But Alton hasn't any such people.  Everybody can come to Alton and dance
whenever they choose.  No one man owns this town, neither has it a
member in the legislature.  Come to Alton.  Hands all around and Hospers
in the center.
It is estimated that there are fully 1,500 loaded freight cars on the
line of the Illinois Central between Dubuque & Sioux City awaiting
transportation.  The cause of this blockade is that the company has not
got engines sufficient to handle the business.  Their engines have been
very badly used up by working in the snow and, although the shops in
this city are being run day and night, they are unable to repair the
machinery fast enough to keep the freight moving.  The Iowa division
needs an improved equipment very much. 
Waterloo Curier


Dr. M. Hilbert left on a business trip to Council Bluffs. He will be gone
for a week.

Hon. H.C. Curtis and Dr. W.O. Prosser are enjoying the beauties of Salt Lake
City at present.

Dr. Foster has returned from a trip to Boston, where he was called by the
illness of his mother.

Redmon Bros. are moving their barber shop to the basement under the Sartori
& Pfieffer drug store.

Joe Ainslie, of the Sentinel bindery, boarded the evening train Wednesday,
to visit friends in Fort Dodge.

Lewis E. Day has closed his labors on the Ireton Clipper, and sold his half
interest to his partner, H.L. Wheeler.

C.L.V. Robertson, popular resident of this place, is going to Salt Lake
City, where he will engage in the real estate business.

Richard Bailey, of Dyersville, has taken up his residence in this city and
joined this brother, Walter Bailey, in the agricultural implement business.

At a meeting of the Third regiment, Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias of
Iowa, at Council Bluffs, Capt. C.W. Hicks, of Council Bluffs, was elected
colonel and Major M. Hilbert, of LeMars, lieutenant colonel.

The social and cotillion party given at the Prairie Club Friday evening was
pronounced a brilliant success. The guests were the elite of the city. In
the course of the evening delicious refreshments were served.

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