Iowa Old Press

The LeMars Leader, Friday, September 16, 1887


Elsie Foskett died of heart disease at Sioux Falls, Dakota, Sept. 14th, aged 18 years lacking 20 days.  She came to LeMars with her parents at the age of six years, where she resided until fourteen years of age, when her family moved to Pipestone, Minn.  They had been in their new home at Sioux Falls but a short time, when the difficulty which had caused her much suffering during her life reached its fatal termination. 

The LeMars Semi-Weekly Globe, Saturday, September 17, 1887


Elsie, the seventeen-year-old daughter of Wm. Foskett, formerly of LeMars, but now of Pipestone, Minn., died last Wednesday, September 14, at the hospital at Sioux Falls, of heart disease.  The body arrived in this city on Thursday and was buried on Friday afternoon, as we go to press the funeral services are being held in the M. E. church.  Miss Elsie Foskett was well known to many of our people, particularly the older residents.  She was a sweet child, and through her long illness never complained, but met the king of terrors with that fortitude and resignation that distinguishes the real Christian when the final summons comes. 

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