Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel, Friday, March 4, 1887, Page 3, Column 6:

The Northwestern Normal Institute at LeMars, Iowa, will begin March 28,
1887. The opportunity for the training of practical teachers is now open to
all who wish to avail themselves of it. Anyone intending to attend the
institution should apply at once either personally or by letter to the
undersigned. Such families at LeMars that are willing to board students are
requested to inform me in regard to accommodation and price.

Respectfully yours,
J. Wernli

Page 3, Column 5


Abigail W. Colburn was born in New Hampshire, Jan. 4, 1807, was converted
and joined the Congregational church at 15 years of age. Was married to
John Tullis in Wisconsin in 1838, removed to Eureka, Ills., in 1865, and
joined the Presbyterian church. She died Feb. 17, 1887, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Robinson of Plymouth county, Iowa.

The funeral sermon was preached from the text, "To live is Christ, to die is
gain." She leaves a husband, 3 children and 10 grandchildren, consoled by
the memory of her faithful Christian life.

LeMars Sentinel,  Bi - weekly
LeMars, Plymouth Co. Iowa
March 15, 1887

SHORT SENTINELS - area - ( partial of column 1 )

ALBERT and AUGIR make Abstracts.

$ 150, 000 to loan at six per cent, C. H. SMITH.

Go to LAUX Bros. for the best hard and soft coat.

George LORING is way on a business trip to Clinton.

A good work horse for sale, enquire of O. H. HINDS.

H. M. and J. U. SAMMIS are in Chicago for a few days.

Mrs. A. W. DURLEY made an over Sunday visit in Sheldon.

Money to loan at a low rate of interest, by A.M. Dunes and Co.

Hou. I. S. STRUBLE arived from Washinton Monday night.

Three farms to rent apply to C. L. TRENARY at CLAY Bros. office.

Miss RICHARDON os spending her school vacation at home in Sioux City.

Mrs. W. H. DENT went to Sibley on Saturaday for a days visit amonf friends there.

BAILY & DEJONG sell the Fountain City Seeder and David BRADLEY adjustbie Harrows.

T. L. BOWMAN Sundayed at home returning to his engagement in Omaha Monday morning.

Henry HEINRCIH has returned from a three weeks purchasing trip in New York and Chicago.

Women's and children's shoes the finest and best line in LeMars at KLUCKHOHN & KEHRBERG's.

Wanted, -- pupils to take music lessons, Mrs. PEMBERTON, Washington, 1 st door south of Fifth street.

G. W. PECK, editor of the Temperence News, Sioux City, Iowa, was in LeMars, yesterday looking after the interests of his paper.

Mrs. Flora HEBBENSTREIT will receive at her residence, opposite Dr. HILBERT's a class in music.  Instructions given on piano or organ. Apply at once.

There was a fire alarm and rush on Saturday to John HENTEGES, the fire was in his smoke house and was put out by the time the alarm was sounded.

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