Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel, Tuesday, May 25, 1886, Page 4, Column 2:

We are pained to note the death of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Britton's only baby age nine months. The little darling passed away Saturday night. The funeral services took place at North Fredonia at 2 o'clock p.m. today and a large number followed the little baby to the Seney cemetery, where the remains were interred. Rev. Benedict conducted the services. We join with the entire community in extending sympathy to the bereaved parents who are thus so severely afflicted.

[Contributor's Note--This child was Ernest Britton, who is buried in the Seney cemetery and shares a headstone with his sister, Gracie Britton, who died in 1887 and their mother, Nellie Britton, who died in 1888.]

Arthur Reeves received a severe kick in the stomach Saturday morning from a horse. Although suffering much pain no serious results are anticipated which will be indeed fortunate.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Reeves have gone to St. Paul to visit relatives and enjoy the salubrious climate of Minnesota during the hot weather.

G.E. Richardson of LeMars was taking in our vicinity Sunday.

T. J. Reeves was taking in the town of Akron Saturday.

The ladies of the M.E. church have effected a permanent organization of their aid society under the title of the Seney M.E. Ladies Mite Society. The following officers have been elected. President, Mrs. Stephen Reeves; Vice President, Mrs. E. Lancaster; Secretary, Mrs. T.J. Reeves, and Treasurer, Miss Belle Smith. The membership fee is ten cents a month. The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month and everybody is invited to attend. The first meeting netted the society about $5 which is very encouraging and we wish the ladies abundant success in this new venture to secure funds for their church.

Crops of all kind look good and farmers anticipate a bountiful harvest. The prospect of low prices next fall is the worst fear to farmers this year and they are going very slow on improvements pending the returns.

[Note:  The Ladies Mite Society is mentioned numerous times in
future newspaper abstracts from the Seney community.  It was interesting
to find the date of it's inception. Submitted by Viv Reeves]

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