Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
February 5, 1886

Kingsley Items.
KINGSLEY, IA., Feb. 2, 1886

M. L. Marshall expects to start for Nebraska next Monday.

J. D. Buckingham returned from Arlington, Illinois, yesterday.

The foot race at the rink last Saturday night was easily won by Hart.

Quite a good deal of stock and grain was shipped from this place this morning.

C. H. Kluckhohn, of LeMars, was doing business in Kingsley Monday morning.

Albert Williams, the tailor, has gone to Grinnell; where he will engage in business.

Miss Maggie Brandon, of LeMars, is visiting with friends and relatives at this place.

The pop-corn festival, held at the church last Friday evening, was not a brilliant success.

Henry Becke, with Rieke & Kluckhohn, is visiting with relatives and friends at St. Louis.

Revival meetings are being held at the M.E. church. We do not know how they are progressing, but suppose they are doing some good at least.

Marshal Boyle was doing business in LeMars yesterday. We do not think there is another town in Northwestern Iowa that has a better marshal than Kingsley, or one who gives more universal satisfaction.

Kingsley is to be favored with a lecture, or rather a course of lectures, by Dr. Sanford sometime during next month. It is to be hoped that he will give better satisfaction than Eli Perkins did, when here last winter.

The postoffice is now settled in its new quarters. The selection of a location is as good as could have been made being very centrally located, and gives almost universal satisfaction. Kingsley now has a postoffice of which the citizens may well be proud. ~BILLY BOY

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel

Friday, February 12, 1886 


Marriage licenses are a little slow.  Since our last report only one has been granted, which was to Peter Reese and Matilda Margreta Pecks.

There will be a wedding in high life in LeMars, February 16th, the contracting parties being Mr. Val. B. Diehl, of Scotland, D.T., and Miss Lizzie Sawyer, of this city.  The invitations were issued yesterday.

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