Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
April 30, 1886

What is going on Around the County.
Items Gathered by our Correspondents.


April showers bring forth May flowers.

The Ladies Guild gave a New England supper on Friday night, which was a grand success.

Mr. Gordan, the gentleman who purchased the Close Bros. ranch, west of town, arrived here Thursday and is having the house painted and also other improvements.

Mr. and Mrs. Gates, of the Curtis house, are spending a few days in Cherokee visiting friends this week.

D. W. Wood and family, also G. A. Garard and family took advantage of the cheap rates and went to Los Angeles, where they intend to remain a few weeks.

Attorney O’Dea has had a telephone placed in his office. Mr. O’Dea’s business is not confined to Kingsley. His increasing business in the county seat has compelled him to have a private instrument.

F. H. Williams left for southwestern Nebraska Tuesday where he will go into the land business. Fred is a number one, and we wish him the most successful success in his new biz.

Miss Minnnie and Nettie Grieve entertained quite a number of their young friends on Thursday evening. The evening was spent in games and music, which was enjoyed by all.

Mr. George Marks, who has been sick for some time, has about recovered and is now stopping once a week at the Curtis house.

Some of our back streets and alleys are in a very filthy condition, being in places almost filled with garbage which should be removed and all precautions taken against such invitations to contagious diseases which are visiting our neighboring towns.

We hear a good many complaints about the mill dam which has no fish shoot and fish coming up stream can go no farther than the mill, but we understand that Mr. Heacock will place one in the dam in the course of a week.

C. B. Oldfield and wife returned from Sioux City Monday.

Why is it that people are so anxious to offer an editor a poem on spring when they knew that a dollar and a half on last years subscription would be far more acceptable. ~LITTLE ONE.

Trade has improved some although no grain is offered. There is considerable wheat in the farmers hand but they are holding, hoping for an advance in price.

Rev. Benedict goes to Merrill next Sabbath and Rev. Schneider of LeMars, will fill the M. E. pulpit here; service will be 10 o’clock instead of evening.

Number four has put in an appearance at G. W. Reeve’s. It is a girl this time.

The board of health will meet at the Wood’s school house next Saturday. Our citizens had better urge them to have the numerous nuisances removed.

W. H. Kennedy is arranging to take a trip to the Black Hills.

I. S. Small is rigging up machinery for sinking drive wells and erecting windmills and will canvass the county this summer.

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