Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
March 14, 1885

At the residence of R.T. Tindall on March 4th at the "The Cheviot's,"
Maryville, Missouri, John Tindall Watson, aged seventeen years, only son of
Wm. Watson of Broken Kettle, Plymouth county Iowa. The father of the
deceased came here a year ago in December and was followed last spring by
his son and the two spent the summer and fall in the western part of the
county. In the winter the son went on a visit to his uncle in Missouri and
was joined a month later by his father. While there he contracted a cold
which culminated in lung fever and death. It was the intention of the mother
to come this spring to the home the father and son were founding in the new
world, but the sad death of her only child may deter her from making the
long journey. The young man was popular and well thought of by his
associates and the father has the sympathy of friends in his irrepairable
A meeting of the officers and directors of the public schools of Plymouth
county was held at the court house this afternoon. We go to press too early
for any detailed account of the proceedings, which may be expected in the
Monday issue.
Cherokee Times: W.W. Hitchcock went up to LeMars with Casper Merkle, the
Marcus saloon man, who was made to feel the necessity of hunting up five
hundred dollars for violating the liquor law. It is to be hoped that Casper
will have the money, in LeMars, with which to satisfy the state.
LOST.---A plate book of nursery stock and house plants of all kinds. Finder
please return to Welters restaurant. JENCY DAROCHIE

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