Iowa Old Press

LeMars Daily Sentinel
May 8, 1884


May 8th.—Chas. Bullis, comrade in Co. H. 32 Iowa and one of the old settlers in Elkhorn township, will celebrate his 56th birthday in the grove on his farm, near Quorn, by giving a free dinner to all comrades that may wish to avail themselves this invitation.
--The Methodist Sunday school in Kingsley have received their new organ and will give a strawberry festival in a few weeks to pay the balance due.
--There is a fine opening in Kingsley for some man to make a fortune in a first-class creamery and cheese factory.
--How many candidates are there for circuit judge? Please publish the list.
--Why not have LeMars and Kingsley connected by telephone?
--Dr. E. F. Miller and Dr. E. H. Banks made a flying trip to LeMars this week.
--The city council forgot to include pool tables in their ordinance for license.
--Ed. L. Hatch is doing a rushing business in the insurance.
--Ireland & Co. have laid in a fresh supply of goods, and are doing a good business.
--The temperance billiard hall is putting on a fine appearance by the fresh coat of paint it is receiving.
--Mr. Cathcart moved into his new house this week.
--Kingsley will vote on the 16th inst. on the question of issuing $4000 for a school house.
--E. W. Szitnick has sold his building to Mr. Luhman, and will leave for the west this week.
--C. H. Luhman hs rented his building on Main street to Chas. Brandon for a printing office.
--Chas. Brandon will soon move the TIMES office into the Luhman building. Charlie is getting to the front in elegant shape.
--Kingsley is a small place but it has a few voters who are ready and willing to make great sacrifice for the purpose of getting office.
--Brandon, Marshall and other leading republicans speak favorably of G. W. Argo for circuit judge.
--Ed. Dillion, Wm. Cunningham and L. Herrington & Co. are the only saloon men that have had the courage to invest in license and oppose prohibition.
--Marshall, Cassaday & Co. are having a big trade in agricultural implements.
--Reike & Kluckhohn are laying in a fine line of dry goods, gents’ clothing, boots and shoes.
--The Curtis house and St. Charles register make a good showing of visitors.
--Moore, Loring & Co. have an immense stock of lumber and building material of all kinds and more coming.
--M. E. Courage left this week for a visit to England.
--M. L. Marshall makes a good postmaster.

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