Iowa Old Press

LeMars Daily Sentinel
Le Mars, Iowa, Tuesday Evening, March 4, 1884.

Seney, March 3:

March came in like a lion.

School closed for the winter on Friday, and the young urchin is again
at large.

On account of the bad weather work on the Nimble Nickle store
progresses slowly.

The town is billed for a magic lantern show for Friday evening next by
Henry Winchester, who lost his arm last fall. We hope all will turn out and
give the worthy man a lift.

The closing exercises of the winter term of school were on Friday
evening, and consisted of a spelling match and recitations in which the
community in general took part.

The funeral of "Uncle" Sam Freeman was held at north Fredonia instead
of our church as at first intended. Through some inadvertence the grave was
not completed when the procession arrived at the cemetery, and the services
at the grave had to be postponed for about three hours until the grave was

Wm. Waters, ex-treasurer of Dubuque county and Charles Coats, wholesale
grocer of Dubuque, are visiting their old friend, Dick Hines, of this place.

At the spelling school Friday night a disgraceful row occurred, in
which one Wm. Randolph with his fists disfigured the head and face of Wm. Burgess.
A warrant was sworn out for the arrest of Randolph, and Deputy Sheriff
Fuller was in town Saturday to arrest him. While on the way to the house where
Randolph was staying, some one gave him notice of the approach of the
officer, and he mounted a horse and skipped leaving the deputy to return alone. Before
returning to LeMars the sheriff arrested a man for aiding the prisoner to
escape, and took him before 'Squire Morrisy, but concluded for some reason
that he would not prosecute, and let the man go. It is hinted that there is fun
ahead on this case.

There was a pleasant dancing party at E. M. Sedgwick's last Thursday
evening. About twenty couples were present.

County recorder, W. S. Freeman, was in town today, shaking hands with
his many friends.

The election was all over at noon today, and P. M. Hull is the man that
will look after the school ma'ams for another year.

They have a girl baby at W. L. Darvill's, that arrived Saturday.

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