Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
Dated Dec. 30, 1884

A.B. Steiner returned today from a trip to Chicago and Milwaukee.

E.C. Overman, editor of "The Call" in Sioux City is in LeMars today.

Dr. Brink has relocated in Remsen.  He has been Marcus the past year.

A little child belonging to George Hughes was severely scalded this
morning by pulling over a pan of hot water.

The public school of Neptune under the excellent management of Will
Kennedy, has an attendance of thirty pupils.

Young Bingenheimer, living near Holly postoffice, was thrown out of
wagon by a runaway team and badly cut about the head.

Merchants report a very good week of business.  Farmers have been coming
in freely with grain and hogs and trade is better than for a long time

L.F. Morton, a young Englishman, living near Hawarden, walked from that
place and returned fifty-four miles, Wednesday and spent several hours
in LeMars during the day.

One of the snow white Pacific cranes captured by C.A. Spring on the
Arkansas river, is on exhibition here.  It measures from tip of toes to
the end of bill six feet and four inches. The tail feathers curl like an
ostrich plume.

L. R. Wasmer was severely injured and Chas. Adamson sustained severe
injuries about the hip when a scaffolding collapsed in the Methodist
church where the men were engaged in papering, Wednesday morning.  A
third man escaped injury.

At the thirteenth annual meeting of the Plymouth Bible society, the
following officers were elected:  Capt. R. Moreton, president;  Prof.
F.B. Cooper, vice president; J. Wernli, secretary;  G.H. Spring,
treasurer; J. Wernli and J. Blodgett, auditing committee; D.W. Held,
J.M. Emery, J. Blodgett, N. Redmon, G.C. Maclagan, J. Sutter, J. Wernli,
H.S. Payne and A.W. Gilbert, executive committee.

The sale of thoroughbred and graded stock at Capt. Moreton's Tuesday was
fairly well attended.  The principal buyers from abroad were F. R. Price
of Merrill; B. F. Holway of Kingsley; F. Chamberlin of Cherokee; J.H.
Warren of Larchwood, and James Fleetwood of Sioux Falls.  The prices
ranged from $35 to $230, the latter price being paid by A.J. Colledge
for the fine bull.  "Lord Henry" Holway bought fourteen head and Capt.
Price nine head.  Mr. Fleetwood paid $180 for "Belle of Vine Hill," a
four year old cow.  Other buyers were Arthur Gee, Jerry Garnett, W.
Thompson, J. Morgan and A. H. Burgess.

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