Iowa Old Press
LeMars Weekly Sentinel Thursday, September 13, 1883

Estate of Dominick Frank, deceased. STATE OF IOWA PLYMOUTH COUNTY.
To Maggie Frank, known heir at law of Dominick Frank, late of said county, deceased; and all others concerned: You are here by notified that on the 11th day of Sept., 1883, there was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Plymouth County, and opened and read by said Clerk, an Instrument in Writing purporting to be the last will of Dominick Frank, deceased, late of said county. And you are further notified that the third day of the next term of said Court, commencing on Monday, the 10th day of December, A.D. 1883, has been fixed for the final proof and hearing of said will, at which time all persons interested may appear and show cause why the same should not be admitted to probate.

W.S. Welliver, Clerk of Circuit Court of Plymouth County.

LeMars Sentinel, LeMars, (Plymouth), Iowa, Thursday, 20 Sep 1883, Page 4, Column 2:


Robert Wilson, a Farmer and Large Land Owner on Elliott Creek, Drawn in Front of a Moving Machine and Instantly Killed.

Last Saturday afternoon Robert Wilson, a farmer and heavy land owner on Elliott creek, met with a most horrible death, the circumstances of which were as follows: Mr. Wilson was putting up hay and had three machines in the field, one following the other, he riding on the first machine and driving the team. Mr. Wilson got off the machine for some purpose and went to the head of the horses, when the team became frightened and started to run. One of the horses struck Mr. Wilson, knocking him down, and the machine passed over his body. The team following became frightened and also started on a wild run, headed directly for the spot where Wilson lay, the machine striking him in much the same way as the other had done and passing over him, the wheels of both machines running over his body, and the knives of the first one cutting off three of his fingers. The workmen hastened to his relief, but when picked up life was found extinct, he having probably been killed by the first machine.

The deceased, who was well known throughout this entire section of [the] county, was a native of Pennsylvania and came west last spring. He purchased a tract of 5,000 acres of land just north of the Plymouth county line. A $5,000 residence and other improvements were being put on the estate by its owner. Deceased leaves a wife and nine children. Our informant did not know at what time the funeral would be held.

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