Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
Dated March 1, 1883

Quorn Lynx

Mr. Bissel, an old gentleman, living about three miles east of town, was
seriously injured in the intestines Tuesday.  He was driving a bull and
the animal turned on him and almost pinned him to the ground, one horn
going nearly through him.  Dr. Miller was called and dressed the wound.
Little hope is entertained for his recovery.

Seney Items

Business this past week was very satisfactory in all lines.

T.J. Reeves has just opened another large invoice of nice fresh

Joseph Kingman has been suffering for over a week with a very severe
attack of rheumatism.  His life was despaired of for a time but skillful
treatment and careful nursing has made a change for the better and we
hope to see Joe on the street again in a very few days.  Dr. Prosser has
charge of the case.

The snow plow on the St. Paul road going south yesterday morning struck
five head of cattle belonging to S. Reeves.  One was tore to pieces, two
was injured too much to be of any service and other two are badly
injured but will perhaps recover.

School election comes one week from today.  As the office of
sub-director is an office of honor rather than pay, the lucky man will
undoubtedly be the most popular.

William Sardeson and Eliza Osborne were married last Wednesday afternoon
by Justice Milton Coolbaugh of Fredonia twp.  William kindly remembered
your reporter when he passed the Havanas although he has forgotten our
weakness for wedding cake, nevertheless we join with the happy couples
many friends in wishing them a pleasant trip as they jog down the rough
road of life together.

J.W. Ferguson has moved his effects in the Lancaster house at the end of
third street and is comfortably settled for the coming year.

The first of March is nearly here when our neighborhood will be all a
bustle, all land leases expire on that day and tenants all change about
to new homes.

The board of directors have kindly granted us one more month of winter
school, so our school did not close last Friday as previously reported.

Produce continues to come in slow although prices have an upward
tendency.  Corn sells readily at 31 @33c, oats 20c, wheat, barley, rye
and flax-none offered, butter 16c, eggs 30c.

LeMars Sentinel
Plymouth Co. Iowa
Thursday March 22, 1883

- March 11, 1883 died of Scarlet fever Bertha, daughter of M. and J. Verheul, at the age of 1 year 6 months and 28 days.

VERHEUL - Died of Septicemia, March 18, Jane wife of M. Verheul at the age of 49 years and 6 months. The deceased was born in Holland in 1833, she arrived in America with her parents at the age of 13 years. Her parents settled in Bergen county New Jersey, where she at the age of 23 years married M. Verheul. In May '56 she with her husband moved to Pella, Marion Co., Iowa, where they lived until May 1870, when they emigrated to a homestead in Sioux County, Iowa, where they lived up to May 1876, and moved to LeMars where they lived up to this date. The result of their marriage was thirteen children of which six have died and seven are living. She always was a true wife and kind mother. She confessed her faith in Christ twelve years ago, in which faith she died, and entered also into that Rest which her Redeemer prepared for her.

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