Iowa Old Press

September 8, 1881 Le Mars Sentinel

Come to the Fair

The eighth annual exhibition of the Plymouth County Agricultural
Society will be held on the Fair Grounds in Le Mars, beginning Sept. 21,
just thirteen days hence. In this glorious year of prosperity and booms the
fair ought to be the best ever held, and ought to be attended by every live
man and woman in the county. There is more and better stock in the county
than there ever was before, and samples of the best animals on every farm
ought to be brought, so that a fair and intelligent comparison may be
instituted. The exhibition is designed for the benefit of the farmer, and
on the interest he takes in it, depends its success or failure.

Our fair grounds are among the finest in Northern Iowa, and the
officers of the society present a long list of special attractions that will
add generally to the interest of the festive occasion.

Let it be remembered that over $1,000 in special premiums are
offered by the live go-ahead men of the county - that the cash is ready, and
that each and every premium will be paid whenever awarded.

Besides the solid exhibits of Grain, Stock, and other products
there will be the light, airy features that cheer and make jolly, "all work
and no play make John a dull boy," therefore let the farmers of Plymouth
county look upon their county fair as the great annual holiday for their
wives and families, and be sure to and bring them to the Fair.

(Transcriber's note: In the September 22 edition of the Sentinel, it was
reported that the Fair's opening day of September 21 was delayed by one day
due to heavy rain, and that the Fair would be extended by one day to make up
for it.)

Hubert Kaiser, brother of our townsman, N.B. Kaiser, died on his farm two
miles south of Lemars (this is how it was spelled in the paper) on Sunday
last (making it September 4). He was sixty-four years of age, and came to
Plymouth county in 1873. He was an estimable gentleman of irreproachable
character. He was a member of the Catholic church and died in full hope of
a blessed resurrection. His wife preceded him to the other world several
years ago, and his children are all grown up. Those who knew him respected
him for his many sterling qualities.

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