Iowa Old Press


The Daily Liberal Le Mars, Iowa Friday, November 4, 1881 Page: 1 

First Wedding.-The new town of Remsen was in a furor of excitement yesterday over a wedding, the first that ever took place there. The contracting parties were Mr. Julius Pryor, of Kansas, and Miss Emma S. Bagley, daughter of J. I. Bagley, Esq. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. A.E. Arnold officiating. A large number of friends were present, and an enjoyable time was had. 'The gifts were numerous and of a useful character. On the afternoon train the happy couple started on a "tour," accompanied by the good wishes of a host of friends. This was the first wedding for Remsen; the first for Miss Bagley; the first for Mr. Pryor, and the first for Mr. Bagley's family. We trust that it may prove first-rate all through.  

 [transcribed by EC, Oct 2022]

LeMars Daily Liberal
November 30, 1881

Harris Roope, one of the English colony, died this morning of malarial
fever, after an illness running through several weeks. Mr. Roope came to
Iowa in August, 1880, and entered as a pupil on the Benson farm. He worked
faithfully to master the difficulties of western farming, and had just
completed his course when he was taken with the fever. He lay for several
weeks at the Albion House, but Saturday was removed to the residence of M.
J. Chapman, Esq., where he died as above stated. Every care and attention
was given the sick man, but the disease was of the most serious type, and
recovery was impossible. Mr. Roope was about twenty-two years old; a quiet,
pleasant sociable fellow, well liked by all who knew him. In a strange land
his body will be laid to rest, while friends on both sides of the Great Sea
will mourn his untimely death. The funeral will take place on Friday at
half-past one o’clock.

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