Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
February 6, 1879

A painful and perhaps fatal accident
happened to Wm. Stinton, of
Johnson township last Thursday or
Friday. He undertook to brace his
corn- crib with a good sized log, but
when he got it nearly to its place, his
feet slipped and down he fell, the log
striking with its full weight on his
head. He bled profusely at the nose
and ears, and Dr. Porter, of LeMars,
was summoned. He seemed to recover
somewhat, but for the past forty hours
(we write this Wednesday forenoon)
he has been unconscious and appears
to be sinking. He is about 50 years
of age, and highly respected by neighbors
and friends.
P. S. Before going to press we learned
that Mr. Stinton died yesterday (Wednesday)

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