Iowa Old Press

The Iowa Liberal
LeMars, Plymouth County, Iowa
Wednesday, July 18, 1877

DROWNED.—About ten o’clock Saturday morning, three persons were drowned in
the Big Sioux river near Portlandville, an old gentleman named Crane, Mrs.
Radebach, and a seven year old child of Mrs. Maynard. The party were
attempting to ford the river, but were swept into a deep hole. Mrs. Maynard
and another child were saved by the mother retaining her hold on the wagon
box. This sad accident makes four drowning cases for this section during the
present month.

GOOD FARM.—The Day boys, in Elgin township, have a farm that will compare
favorably with any quarter section in the county. It lies in such a position
that the country for miles around can be seen, giving a panoramic view that
beggars description. Besides giving considerable attention to grain farming
these gentlemen deal largely in stock, and have one of the most complete
dairies in the northwest. Their milk cellar is well worth visiting.

NARROW ESCAPE.—Wednesday evening last, Col. I.R. Clark, of Remsen, tried to
board the Illinois Central freight at the LeMars depot, just as the engine
was pulling out. Missing his footing, the Colonel was dragged between the
cars and the platform, nor did he get out until the platform was passed. Had
it not been for his coolness, the Colonel would have been killed. Don’t get
on the cars when they are moving.

We learn that Mesrs. O. W. Bennett and W. F. Allison intend placing a
watering trough in front of the corner store, where horses may be watered
during the heated term. The supply will be brought from Bennett’s force pump
by means of a hose.

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