Iowa Old Press

The Iowa Liberal
Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1877

John M. Carpenter, of Beloit, was in town Monday.

D. A. W. Perkins, of Sheldon was in town over Sunday.

Mrs. Miller, of Aurelia, mother of Mrs. W. H. Reynolds, is visiting her
daughter in this village.

O. E. Hardy, of Portlandville, was in town Monday evening. Mr. H. remembered
the Liberal.

Judge Lewis went up to Lyon county Monday evening. He will hold district
court at Rock Rapids this week.

Rev. J. H. Lozier has gone to Marshalltown and Clear Lake, on business
connected with the Clear Lake Camp Meeting.

Fowler Seaman has left the Post Office book store. He will, we learn, devote
himself to grain buying and curb stone broking.

Mrs. S. Greenwald took the Illinois Central train east for Independence, her
old home, last Monday. Sam is as grumpy as an old bear.

G. L. Morlock, of the Clinton Republican, has at last entered the
Benedictine ranks. Tis to be hoped that he may now let up on his “girl”

Charley Rudolph has gone into the Post Office, to succeed Frank W. Guernsey,
who qualifies as Surveyor and County Superintendent the first of January.

N. W. Gilbert, of Columbia county, Wisconsin, has cast his lot with the
people of LeMars, having reached our village early this week. Mr. Gilbert
is a brother to A. W. The two gentleman will engage in the grain and coal

Nov. 28, 1877, in Sioux county, Mrs. Ann Daw, wife of Mr. A. Daw.

She was born in England, March 18, 1840. Death found her ready and in the
language of the Psalmist, she exclaimed, “Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
they rod and staff they comfort me.”

Her funeral was attended by a large number of friends and neighbors. She
leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. ~W. M. E.

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