Iowa Old Press

Iowa Liberal
Wednesday, August 09, 1876
LeMars, Iowa


YOUNG.—On the 7th inst., Willie, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Young,
aged 13 months and 10 days.
Dubuque papers please copy.
Never has love so swift a foot, so soft
a touch, so tender a voice as when its
ministry is bestowed on a wee creature,
who is as beautiful as a rose bud and as
fragile as a bubble. And when the angel
of life enters any door, be it of palace or
of hut, and bring with him freight from
Baby-land, all hearts are glad. So,
when his brother of the veiled face and
the dark wing glides over the threshold
and takes the treasure back there is gloom
and heartbreak, the light becomes darkness,
joy culminates into gloom, glad
hearts change to sadness and fond hopes
perish as a withering leaf. Our Willie
has gone—an angel came and kissed his
sweet life away to swell the angelic hosts
in the children's heaven.

Iowa Liberal
August 23, 1876

BLACK—WILCOX,—In LeMars, August
17th, 1876, by Rev. R. O. Glass, David
W. Black and Mrs. Harriett M. Wilcox.
All of LeMars, Iowa.


BENNETT . — August 20, 1876, Ethel
Alleta, youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Bennett, aged 14 months.
"Suffer little children to come to Me."

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