Iowa Old Press

West Bend Journal
West Bend, Palo Alto co. Iowa
July 26, 1945

The Chris Alt’s, former Union township farmers, now living in Lotts Creek township, have received a letter giving some details of the recently reported death in action of their son, S/Sgt. Elmer W. Alt, while fighting Japs on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines.

Deceased is a brother to Mrs. Eli Gerber of West Bend.

The letter, which was written by Capt. Donald R. Pruett, of the 19th Infantry, and addressed to Mrs. Kate Alt, Elmer’s mother, follows:

“You have my deepest heartfelt sympathy in the loss of your son, and I hope that I can relieve your burden of sorrow by giving you as much information as possible, and to tell you just what his loss has meant to me and all the men of this organization, who have known him so long.

“We had just taken a strategic hill overlooking the small town of Mandog, eight miles north of the city of Davac. We fought all day in driving the Japs off the hill, and we finally successfully repulsed all attempts by the Japs to retake it.

“We held the hill through the night of the ninth of June and on the morning of the tenth, the Japs attacked our positions. During the ensuing action your son was wounded by a Jap machine gun bullet. He was wounded at 11:35 and died at 12:35 of wounds. All medical aid was given, but it was impossible to save the life of your son.

“Elmer was buried at U.S.A.F.F.E. Cemetery No. 1, at Taloma, Mindanao, P. I. and last rites were held by an army chaplain.”

[transcribed by L.Z., May 2015]


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County