Iowa Old Press

West Bend Journal
West Bend, Palo Alto co. Iowa
August 30, 1945

Memorial Services for Elmer W. Alt
Sunday at 1:30 at the Christian Apostolic church east of West Bend, memorial services were held for S-Sgt. Elmer W. Alt, who died June 10, of wounds suffered at Mindanao, Philippine Islands. Knoll Post 549, Burt, had charge of the military part of the service. The procession formed at the Alt home in Lotts Creek township and at the church the color bearers were followed in order by the pastor, honorary bearers, the family, and patriotic service groups. The service was in charge of the Rev. Joseph Banwart, assisted by a son, the Rev. Paul Banwart, both of West Bend.

Honorary bearers were Floyd Bacon, Floyd Riebhoff, John Scuffham, Irvin Gerber, Eli Breullman and Fahe Gress. J. Luther Miller, Commander, and W. J. Lockwood, Adjutant of the Burt Legion Post, presented Mrs. Alt with an American flag. Concluding the services taps were played by Dale Lockwood.

Elmer was inducted into service Feb. 3, 1942, and received basic training at Camp Wolters, Tex. From there he was transferred to Angel Island, San Francisco, where he remained two weeks and was then ordered to Hawaii. In early June 1942, he was sent to the S. Pacific, and had served in Hollandia, Leyte, New Guinea, and Mindanao. A member of Company D, 19th Infantry, his company June 9 had taken a strategic hill overlooking the little town of Mandog, eight miles north of the city Davao. A defense was established which was held through the night of June 9, but on the morning of June 10, the Japs counter-attacked and during the ensuing battle young Alt was wounded by machine gun fire. All possible medical aid was given but he died an hour later. He was buried at U. S. A. F. F. E., Cemetery I, at Taloma, P.I., with rites by an army chaplain. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Alt received the Purple Heart which had been awarded posthumously to their son.

Sergeant Alt was born Jan. 6, 1914, on a farm near Stephens, Minn. When he was five years old the family moved to a farm near Corwith, and lived there till 1924, when they moved to a Union township farm. Elmer helped his father there till he entered army service. Two years ago the parents moved to a Lotts Creek farm.

Surviving are his parents; brothers, Harry and Melvin, Algona; Lawrence, Fenton; sisters, Mrs. Albert Wibben, Mrs. Harold Lampe, Bancroft; Mrs. Albert Speth, Ringsted; Mrs. Eli Gerber, West Bend; Evelyn and Rumy, at home; and a grandmother, Mrs. Lydia Ringenberger, Gridley, Ill.

Persons who attended the services included: The Lewis Alts, Deloria Trebesch, Sleepy Eye, Minn.; Wm. Wilkening, St. James, Minn., daughters Norma and Nancy; the A. E. Ringenbergers, Morris, Minn.; Mrs. Lydia Knohl, Hancock, Minn.; Lena Aeschliman, Chicago; D. E. Alt, LaCrosse, Ind.; Evelyn Alt and Evelyn Dodda, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alt, daughter Rebecca, the Jos. Bauers, and daughter Laura, all of Cessna Park, Ill.

Mrs. Patricia Grant, daughter of Mrs. O. E. Wheeler of Iowa Falls and Arthur Frieden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frieden of this place, were married at 4:30 p.m. August 23, at the home of the bride’s mother. Reverend Crowl of the Baptist church of Iowa Falls officiated. The room was decorated with baskets of gladioli and ferns. The bride wore a rust colored suit and carried a bouquet of yellow roses. The couple was unattended.

The bride attended the Iowa Falls school and Iowa State Teachers College. For the past several years she has been engaged in teaching. The groom graduated from the local high school and remained on the farm until he entered the U. S. Army in September, 1942. He recently returned from service in Germany and will report to Jefferson Barracks on September 8 for further assignment. The couple left for a two weeks trip in Minnesota and the Dakotas.

Guests at the wedding included Mrs. O. E. Wheeler, Mrs. Sherry, the Misses Barbara, Shirley, and Betty Grant and Mrs. Crowl of Iowa Falls, Mrs. Pierson of Steamboat Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Frieden of West Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Mendell and daughters of Alden.

[transcribed by L.Z., May 2015]


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County