Iowa Old Press

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, January 4, 1939

Passed Away Monday Evening After Long 
Illness at Age of 85 Years.

    Orville W. Goff, a resident of this vicinity for 66 years, passed away at his home in the north part of Ruthven at 8:15 Monday evening, following a long illness. He was 85 years of age.
     Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church in Ruthven on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the pastor, Rev. Belden Weikel, officiating. Burial will take place in Crown Hill cemetery. His widow and two sons, Emory and Paul, survive.
    An obituary will be published next week.
    The Lightle Funeral Home of Ruthven has charge of funeral arrangements.

    Eugene Schillinger, 17-year-old Emmetsburg youth was sentenced to the state reform school last week for breaking into an Emmetsburg store and stealing a number of skunk hides. He also took an undetermined amount of cash from the same place.

Dickens Resident is Fined for Shooting Pheasants.
    Ray Hyde of Dickens was fined $200 at Spencer Sunday night on charges of taking pheasants in closed season, shooting without a license and carrying a loaded and assembled gun in his car.


- Millard Hancher of Davenport, Ia., visited here over Christmas with his father, A.E. Hancher.
-  T.J. Brennan was absent from his duties at the postoffice last week on account of illness. Claude Nolan has been taking his place at the postoffice.
- Mr.and Mrs. Howard Minear returned to their home at Maxwell last Wednesday after a visit at the home of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Bert Miller.
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Olsen of near Graettinger visited at the home of Mrs. Helen Sporan last Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Olsen were married last month on the 21st.
- Mrs. Gust Linden left Tuesday for a weeks' visit with her daughter at Rochester, Minnesota.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Koppen from Buffalo Center visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rosa Hughes last Monday evening.
- Carl Scott of Dickens was arrested here last Saturday for disorderly conduct and sentenced to ten days in the county jail.
- Fred Goerner, new baker at Ruthven, has sold his bakery at Albert city and will move his family here at the close of the present school year.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Anderson went to Rochester, Minn., on Monday of last week and Mrs. Anderson underwent an operation for ulcer on Thursday morning. Letter to Mrs. Anderson should be addressed to her at Colonial hospital, 4th Floor, Room 4?1, Rochester, Minn. Mr. Anderson returned last Sunday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spaulding, Mrs. Melissa Spaulding, Mrs. Myrtle Spaulding and Mrs. E.J. Brown drove to Knierim, Iowa, last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Thomas Wright who passed away on Christmas day. She was 80 years of age.
- Mrs. Ernest Bale returned on December 24th from a five-week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Dewey, at Los Angeles. Mrs. Bale says that the temperature was 92 degrees in Los Angeles one day while she was there and two earthquake shocks were recorded but they were so light that she did not know they took place until later. Mr .and Mrs. Dewey are now living at 314 South Olive St., New Maryron, Los Angeles, Cal.
- Frank Bestenlehner of Whittemore visited here at the Mrs. Josie Goff home on New Years day. His daughter was the bank bookkeeper who stopped the robbery of the Whittemore bank about three weeks ago. He says that she has received many cards, letters and boxes of candy from people in Iowa and other states who admire her for her courage in driving away an armed bandit. The bandit was captured across the Minnesota line a few days later and given a life term in prison.


Notice of Appointment
No. 2712
Notice of the appointment of Executor,
State of Iowa, Palo Alto county, ss:
    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as Executor of the Estate of Laura Moore, late of Palo Alto county, Iowa, deceased. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against said Estate will filre them will the Clerk of the District Court as provided by law, duly authenticated for allowance.
    L.R. Moore,
    Executor of said Estate,
    By Burt & Davidson, His Attorneys.
    Dated December 13th, 1938




Submitted by: C.J.L., December 2006


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County