Iowa Old Press

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 1, 1939

Mrs. John Dolan Funeral at Estherville Tuesday.
    Mrs. John Dolan, former resident of this vicinity who died at her home at Estherville last Saturday, was buried in Calvary cemetery on Tuesday of this week. She was about 50 years of age. Funeral services were held at Estherville.
    Mrs. Dolan and her husband moved away from Ruthven about ten years ago and Mr .Dolan passed away about six years ago. A son, Thomas, and a daughter, Mary, survive. Mrs. Dolan was a sister of Frank Murray of this vicinity.

Passed Away This Wednesday Morning While Eating  Breakfast.
    Mrs. Joe Fieseler passed away at about 8 o'clock this Wednesday morning at the Emmetsburg hospital following a  brief illness with heart trouble and dropsy. Mrs. Fieseler was taken to the hospital yesterday forenoon and passed away while eating breakfast this morning.
    The Lightle Funeral Home of Ruthven will have charge of the funeral arrangements.
    An obituary will be published next week.
    Arrangements for the funeral had not been completed as we go to press.

    William Raymond of Estherville and James Headley of Sherburn, Minnesota, were arrested last week for robbing gasoline stations. Raymond was given a prison sentence of 5 to 40 years and Headley drew a sentence of one to five years.

Mrs. Myron Dewey Dies
Funeral Monday Afternoon.
    Mrs. Myron Dewey, former Ruthven resident, passed away at her home in Spencer last Friday evening.
    Funeral services were held at the home in Spencer last Monday afternoon with Rev. Schearse, Rev.Clarence Tompkins and Rev. J.R. Walker officiating.
    Mrs. Dewey is survived by two adopted children, Mrs. Genevieve Dewey-Benedict, living in Michigan, and Homer Dewey, living in California. Mr. Dewey died in June, 1937.
    Mr. and Mrs. Dewey moved away from Ruthven about 25 years ago.
    Among the pallbearers were J.H. Thatcher, C.W. Goff, Jim Mason and Ray E. Barringer of this vicinity.
    Burial took place in Crown Hill cemetery at Ruthven.

Rolfe Resident is Charged in Pocahontas Man's Death.
    Trial date has been set for February 6 in district court at Pocahontas for George Spence of Rolfe, who pleaded not guilty to charges of manslaughter when arraigned in court here Friday before Judge Davidson of Emmetsburg after an indictment was returned against him Wednesday by the jury charging him with manslaughter.
    Manslaughter charges were placed against Spence by Pocahontas county authorities and he was bound over to the grand jury following the death of William Wiseman Jr., 26, of Pocahontas on December 26, 1938. Wiseman is said to have received a skull fracture in a quarrel with Spence early Friday morning, December 23, 1938, following a dance at Rolfe.


- Mrs. Arthur Roberts of Royal visited here this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Prather.
- Mr and Mrs. Walter Kabrick of Spencer visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rice, last Sunday.
- Nick Geelan, Tom Geelan and Miss Rose Geelan were called to Illinois last week by the death of their brother-in-law.
- Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Birt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins of Sac City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schnell last Sunday. Mrs. Birt and Mrs. Schnell are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are former Ruthven residents.

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 8, 1939

Passed Away Thursday Evening of Last Week; Came Here 37 Years Ago.
    Daniel William Prather was born near Des Moines, Iowa, February 14, 1866, and passed away at his home in Ruthven, Iowa, February 2, 1939, at the age of 72 years, 11 months, and 18 days. His parents were Martin and Elizabeth Prather and when a young man he moved with his folks to Audubon county, where he grew to manhood.
    On February 25, 1890, he was united in marriage to Mary Evaline Calloway and eight children, three boys and five girls, were born to this union.
    The family lived in Audubon and Polk county where the deceased was engaged in the lumber business, until 1902 when they moved to a farm on the north side of Silver lake, south of Ruthven. They lived for a short time on a farm near Gillett Grove, and then returned to the vicinity south of Ruthven. In 1934 they retired from farming and moved to Ruthven where the deceased made his home until his death. Mr. Prather served as town marshal in Ruthven for about three years. Following a paralytic stroke last September he was forced to give up this position, and while he rallied from this attack and was able to be about our town again, he had lost so much of his strength and vitality he was unable to survive a recent illness with pneumonia and passed away last Thursday evening at 8:30.
    He is survived by his devoted wife, three sons, Claude and Howard of Ruthven and Harold of Graettinger, and four daughters, Mrs. D.D. Waterman of Ruthven, Mrs. Arthur Roberts of Royal, Mrs. Roy Broadie of Estherville and Mrs. Walter Pitcher of Emmetsburg. One daughter, Bertha, passed away in 1928. Mr. Prather is also survived by one brother, Ed Prather of Ruthven, one sister, Mrs. Annie Howard, of Des Moines, 21 grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
    Mr. Prather was a member of the Methodist church and well liked by all who knew him. His last words, "I have knowingly wronged no one, and I have always tried to live a temperate life," spoken as death came to him, characterized his entire life. He was devoted to his family, interested in their welfare, and always striving for the better things of life.
    Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Ruthven last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Belden Weikel, pastor of the church, officiating, Rev. Weikel chose the 20th and 21st verses of Jude for the text of his sermon.
    Mrs. A.L. Bragg, Mrs. Lewis Capener, Harry Nelson and J.H. Thatcher sang, "In the Sweet Bye and Bye," "Sweetly Resting" and "Going Down the Valley One by One" with Mrs. Merle McGranahan at the piano.
    Five grandsons and one nephew were the pallbearers.
    Burial took place in Crown Hill cemetery.
    The Lightle Funeral Home of Ruthven had charge of funeral arrangements

Passed Away Saturday Evening After Long Illness; Funeral Services Tuesday.
    Henri Martin Brown was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, November 25, 1854, and died at the home of Mrs. Caroline Jensen on Saturday afternoon, February 4, 1939, at 5:30 at the age of 84 years, 2 months and 10 days. Mr. Brown was the eldest child of Julius O. and Betty Henrette Brown. He had one sister, Jennie, who died in Denmark in 1937.
    In 1874 he came to America and lived for a while in Chicago, Ill. Then he came to Ruthven, Iowa, with a C.M. & St. P. railroad crew to be employed at the construction of railroads through this county. When this work was completed, being a mason by trade, he settled on a farm northwest of Ruthven and helped build many of the homes of this community.
    In 1883, Mr. Brown was joined in marriage to Sidsel Jensen and they built a home on their farm in Lost Island township where they lived until the death of Mrs. Brown in 1914. They had no children. After the death of his wife he remained on the farm for several years and then spent a few years at the home of Mrs. Jensine Jensen in Lost Island township.
    In 1920 he bought a home in Ruthven and lived here until his health began to fail him due to his advanced years. For the past eight years he has made his home with Mrs. Caroline Jensen.
    Two years ago, Mr .Brown fell on an icy sidewalk and broke his leg and he was confined to the home where he stayed ever since.
    He is survived by his wife's nieces, Mrs. Nels O. Rasmussen and daughter, Mrs. Ralph McCullah, Mrs. Bertha Peterson-Holland,  Miss Jennie Jensen, Mrs. Fred Christiansen, Miss Margaret Jensen, Mrs. Eathan Mengers and Miss Emma Jensen and his wife's nephew, Edmond Jensen. As far as is known there are no living relatives on his side of the family.
    Mr .Brown was baptized in the Lutheran Trinity church when a child and joined the Walnut Danish church during his early years in this county. He remained a member and loyal supporter of the church the rest of his life.
    Mr. Brown will be remembered as a builder and a friend of those in distress.The comfortable homestead and beautiful gardens which he built on his Lost Island township farm for his invalid wife, reflected his patience, activity, industry and his love for beautiful surroundings and also his devotion for his loving wife. He was upright, honest and dependable. He had a deep and wide sympathy for all classes of mankind, and especially the unfortunate. For years he gave many sacks of sugar and flour as Christmas gifts to the needy families of the community.
    Funeral services were held at the Lightle Funeral home in Ruthven on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock and at the Danish Lutheran church  in Walnut township at 2 o'clock with Rev. Christianson of the Danish Lutheran church and Rev. Wicks of the Lutheran church at Ruthven, officiating. Burial took place in the South Walnut cemetery. 
    The Lightle Funeral Home of Ruthven had charge of funeral arrangements.

A Former Resident Dies at Spencer This Morning.
    Mrs. Grace Adams of Spencer, daughter of Mrs. E.G. Cope of Ruthven, passed away at her home at Spencer this Wednesday morning. She was manager of the Iowa Coal Co. office at Spencer.

Condensed State and National News of Outstanding Events of Local Interest.

- Joe Ferrin , a farmer living near Washta, was killed west of Cherokee last Friday when his automobile skidded and overturned on the highway.
- The first "blood test" case in Emmet county was made last Friday in an intoxication charge against Wilbert Hartsworn of Wallingford who was arrested while driving an automobile while under the influence of liquor. The test showed that there was sufficient alcohol in his system for intoxication.
- Michael Dailey, pioneer farmer and former director of an Ayrshire bank, died at his home at Ayrshire last Thursday at the age of 68 years.

Get Hard Labor Sentence for Attacking Policeman.
    Guy Eaton and Tom Jackman of Emmetsburg were each sentenced to 30 days in jail at hard labor for attacking an officer early last Sunday morning. About 1:30 that morning, Policeman Edward Kiehl arrested both parties and John Schupfer on charges of intoxication and as the officer was placing them in jail, they attacked him.  Sheriff Montgomery was called and the two officials quickly subdued the three.
- Charles Sartorius, manager of the theatre at Hartley, dropped dead in his automobile while driving to Ocheydan last Thursday.

Pioneer Pastor's Wife Passes Away February 1st; Funeral Held Saturday.
    Funeral services for Mrs. L.O. Wigdahl were held at the Zion Lutheran church in Ruthven last Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock with the pastor, Rev. T.G. Wicks, officiating. Rev. Wicks was assisted by Rev. S.O. Sande of Fenton and Rev. M.C. Thompson of Emmetsburg.
    Rev. Wicks delivered the funeral sermon, using as his text verses one and four of the 23rd Psalm.
    Rev. Sande spoke of the work of the pioneer pastors of northwestern Iowa and the work of the wives of these early pastors. He referred to Mrs. Wigdahl as a woman who was intensely interested in church work and also the welfare of the individual.
    Rev. Thompson spoke on behalf of the pastors and the pastors' wives of the Estherville circuit.
    Rev. O.L.N. Wigdahl, son of the deceased, spoke on behalf of the bereaved family.
    A double quartette sang "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" and "Jesus Savior, Pilot Me." Mrs. O.W. Myers sang "Beautiful Words of Life" and Mrs. Fred Grange sang "Behold a Host."
     The pallbearers were five sons, Rev. O.L.N. Wigdahl, L.J. Wigdahl, S.A. Wigdahl, L.A. Wigdahl and Harold Wigdahl, and Dr. L.M. Hadley. C.G. Wigdahl, the sixth son, was unable to act as pallbearer on account of illness.
    Mrs. Anna Wigdahl, daughter of Lars and Anna Osterhus, was born near Ossian, April 17, 1863, and passed away on Wednesday evening, February 1, 1939, at the age of 75 years, 9 months and 16 days. She was the fourth child of a family of six boys and six girls.
    October 7, 1883, she was united in marriage to Rev. L.O. Wigdhal, who at that time was a teacher in a parochial school near Ossian. Later they moved to Clear Lake where her husband was pastor of a congregation for a short time. In 1885, Rev. Wigdahl organized the Zion Lutheran church at Ruthven and became the pastor of this congregation and they located in Ruthven. Rev. Wigdahl continued as pastor of this church until July, 1936, when advancing years compelled him to give up his work as pastor. He passed away on June 18, 1938.
    Due to her early religious training and her kindly disposition, Mrs. Wigdahl was well fitted to fill the role of a pastor's wife. She helped her husband with his extensive church work in the various Lutheran congregations of northwest Iowa, and especially with his work in the Zion Lutheran church of Ruthven where he was pastor for more than fifty years. While her many duties as a pastor's wife took up much of her time, she never neglected her duties as mother in her home. With the teachings of the Bible as here guide, she brought up her children to live lives of usefulness and uprightness and was ever ready to sacrifice for their comfort or their welfare. She took much interest in the mission field and was always concerned about the poor and the unfortunate, and during her years of active church work, the doors of her home were always open to those in need of spiritual help. Failing health in recent years compelled her to give up much of her interests outside her home.
    The deceased was a devoted wife, a loving mother, a faithful Christian and a willing worker in the church. Her interest in the Bible, her appreciation of good literature, and her liking for wholesome entertainment, and her efforts in helping others to a higher plane of living will make her influence a lasting contribution to the welfare of this community.
    Mrs. Wigdahl is survived by six sons, Rev. O.L.N. Wigdahl of Mason City, C.G. Wigdahl of Emmetsburg, L.J. Wigdahl, S.A. Wigdahl, L.A. Wigdahl and Harold Wigdahl of Ruthven, and three daughters, Miss Alma Wigdahl of Flandreau, South Dakota, and Mrs. Belvina Hadley and Miss Lisa Wigdahl of Ruthven. One son, Dr. A.B. Wigdhal, died in 1924 and two sons died in infancy. She is also survived by two brothers, J.E. Osterhus of Ruthven and Jacob Osterhus of West Union, and thirteen grandchildren.
    The Lightle Funeral Home of Ruthven had charge of funeral arrangements.

P.V. Nolan, Who Had Store at Ruthven in Early Days Died at Emmetsburg.
    P.V. Nolan , a Ruthven business man of more than half a century ago, died at Emmetsburg last Saturday and his funeral services were held there on Tuesday of this week. The deceased and his cousin, P.J. Nolan, bought the Charles Hastings general store on the corner where Berg & Brennan store was located. He had been there but a short time until he was elected sheriff of Palo Alto county, a position he held for 4 years and then returned to Ruthven. Later he was elected county auditor and served two terms. P.V. Nolan sold his interest in the local store to his cousin and partner, P.J. Nolan, who sold out to J.E. Mulroney & Co. i n1892. The deceased later owned a hardware store at Emmetsburg. He was a cousin of the late James F. Nolan, a pioneer hardware dealer in Ruthven.

Farmer Near Emmetsburg Injured Fatally in Wreck.
    Martin Enger, bachelor farmer living near Emmetsburg, died Monday evening from injuries received at about 7:30 that evening when his automobile overturned on the highway four miles south of Emmetsburg. ice on the road is blamed for the accident. Enger was 66 uears of age.

 Items of General Interest Taken from Our Exchanges of the Past Week.

- William Shepherd, town clerk at Postville, Iowa, died Monday at the age of 86 years. He held the record in Iowa length of service in a town clerk office.
- Robert E. Alder of Waterloo was instantly killed by the explosion of an acetylene welding tank last Saturday.


- A.L. Steidl, brother of V.M. Steidl of this city, died recently at Lang, Sask., Canada, at the age of 71 years. He was a banker at that place.
- Miss Leona Wendt came from Redwood Falls, Minn. for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. O.A. Olson and family.
- Those from out-of-town who attended the funeral of D.W. Prather last Sunday are: Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Roberts, Mr .and Mrs. R.K. Blazer, Mr. and Mrs. O. Reid, and Mr.and Mrs. T. Lilland of Estherville; Mr.and Mrs. Dale Pitcher, Miss Anna Pitcher, Mrs. Art Anderson, Mrs. Christine Roberts and Mr .and Mrs. Earl Roberts of Spencer; Mr and Mrs. Marvin Schenatzki and Mrs. Maude Beck of Storm Lake; Mr and Mrs. W.E. Miller, Mr and Mrs. Joe First, Mrs. Erma Moorhead and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Howard of Runnells; Mrs. Emma Williams and son, Fred, Mrs. Bertha Rice, Mrs. Ida Curry and Mrs. V.T. McCall of Des Moines.

    Georgia Juanita Roberts, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Watson Roberts, was born in Des Moines, Iowa, July 6, 1901 and died at the Emmetsburg hospital on February 1st, 1939, at the age of 37 years, 6 months, and 25 days.
    She had been in poor health for several months and had been taken to the Emmetsburg hospital for treatment the day before she died. She passed away following a severe heart attack while eating breakfast at about 8 o'clock.
    She spent her childhood in the vicinity of Des Moines and in 1920 moved with her family to a farm near Webb. She had a natural talent for nursing and was employed in caring for the sick in homes around Webb and Ruthven.
    On June 10, 1931, she was united in marriage to F.J. Fieseler at Guthrie Center and they moved to Spencer where they lived for about a year and then moved to Ruthven where they have since made their home.
    Funeral services were held at the Lightle funeral home last Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Beldon Weikel, pastor of the local Methodist church, officiating. Rev. Weikel chose Job 14:14 as the text of his sermon.
    Mrs. A.L. Bragg and Mrs. H.K. Drennen sang "Lead Kindly Light," "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere," and "No Night There," with Mrs. Merle McGranahan at the piano.
    Burial took place in Crown Hill cemetery.
    Surviving are her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Roberts, three sisters, Betty of Des Moines, Mrs. Ben Fieseler of Spencer, and Mrs. Paul Larson of Ayrshire, and five brothers, Dallas, of Chicago, Ill., Francis of Cedar Lake, Indiana, Elvin of Emmetsburg, Dale of Ayrshire and Warren of Ruthven.
    The deceased was kind, patient and neighborly and the bereaved husband and relatives have the sympathy of the community in their loss of one who has meant so much in their lives.

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February15, 1939

Miss Edith Bowles Married at Local Church Sunday.
    Miss Edith F. Bowles, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Ed Bowles, was united in marriage to Carl G. Anderson of Estherville at the Methodist church in Ruthven last Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. Belden Weikel performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives of the contracting parties. They were attended by Mr and Mrs. Arthur Bowles of Spencer.
    The bride wore a dress of blue velvet and carried a bouquet of pink roses.
    The bride is a graduate of the Ruthven high school and Highland Park college in Des Moines. For the last eight years she has been office assistant at the Farm Bureau office in Emmetsburg. She is one of the most popular young ladies of this vicinity.
    Mr. Anderson owns a shoe store at Estherville and is a successful business man.
    A wedding dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bowles immediately after the ceremony and the newlyweds left for Chicago, Ill., on a wedding trip. They will be at home to their friends at Estherville after March 1st.

    George Spence of Rolfe was free under parole from an 8-year prison sentence last week on a manslaughter charge. Spence was charged with the death of William Wiseman at Pocahontas on December 26. Wiseman died in a fight at a public dance.

- Leta Woods, 13-year-old Red Oak, Iowa, girl was killed last Saturday when a sled she was using for coasting down hill, struck another sled.

Hold Tom DeBolt Funeral at Spencer Wednesday.
    Thomas J. DeBolt was born at Guttenberg, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1866, and passed away February 6, 1939, at the age of 72 years, 2  months and 4 days. He moved with his parents to West Bend in 1880, and on April 20, 1892, he was united in marriage to Cora Ellen Cook. Two children were born to this union.
    Mr. and Mrs. DeBolt lived at Ayrshire until 1909, when they moved to a farm northwest of Ruthven, and on the southwest side of Trumbull lake. Here the deceased lived for the remainder of his life.
    Mr. DeBolt was a member of the Lake Center school board for fifteen years and was a township trustee for a number of years.
    He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Sanders of Fort Dodge and Mrs. Paul Pierson of Dickens; three grandsons, Joseph Sanders and Robert and Donald Pierson; two sisters, Mrs. B.A. Morey of West Bend and Mrs. E.D. Treat of Ayrshire; and four brothers, Marion and Lester of Rodman, Phillip of Whitelaw, Canada, and Aris of St. Peter, Minnesota.
    Funeral services were held at Spencer last Wednesday afternoon with Rev. Belden Weikel of the Ruthven Methodist church officiating. Burial took place at Spencer.
    The pallbearers were Orrie Olson, Harry Madsen, Harold Roland, John Metcalf, James Mitts, and O.J. Endicott.

Items of General Interest Taken from Our Exchanges of the Past Week.
    - A number of cases of smallpox were reported at Whittemore.
    - E.C. Lowman of Curlew died last Thursday in Oklahoma. He went there a few weeks ago for his health.
    - Jacob A. Winders, 65, retired Emmetsburg merchant, died last Friday. He came to Emmetsburg from Illinois in 1912.
    - Bernard Meling, 78, farmer living near Fenton, died last Sunday.

Kenneth Johnson Killed in Emmetsburg Early This Wednesday Morning.
    Kenneth Johnson of Ayrshire was killed and Leslie Christianson of Curlew was badly injured in an automobile accident in Emmetsburg at about 2:30 this Wednesday morning. 
    The youths were driving a Chevrolet car, and it is believed that the windshield had  become badly frosted and they ran into a curb at the side of the street, and lost control of their car. It turned over and was wrecked.

- Postmaster reappointments announced by Representative Harrington of Iowa included: Linn Grove, Violet Shirk; Storm Lake, Vane E. Herbert; Washta, Jack G. Chapman; Peter???, Simon Wareham; Terril, Clara C. Lockmer; George, M.C. Ea?or; Soldier, J.R. Dickinson; Sheldon. W.J. Hollander; Sanborn, Justin Foley; Wall Lake, Walter Ward; Ireton, John Moller; Anthon, T.R. O'Donnell, Danbury, E.R. Pattern; Mev????, Mattie M. Bridges.


- Lyle Nolan has returned home from the Spencer hospital where he underwent an appendix operation.
- Mrs. Margaret Fenner returned to her home at Cedar Falls yesterday morning after a week's visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Bragg.
- Mr. and Mrs. Myron Alderson were called to Lexington, Missouri, last Wednesday by the death of a brother-in-law, John Lukenhill, whose funeral was held Friday. Mr. Lukenhill was helping the firemen fight a bad fire which destroyed a large business house. A brick wall gave way and he was crushed under it, killing him instantly. He was the father of Miss Mary Lillian Lukenhill, who visited in Ruthven last summer. Mr. and Mrs. Alderson returned home Sunday.
- A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Peterson last Friday, February 10th.
- Relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Brady on Wednesday of last week to help them celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary.

The Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February22, 1939

Passed Away Tuesday Morning at Her Home Following Long Illness
    Mrs. F.H. Garnett, a resident of this vicinity for 22 years, died at her home on the northeast side of Lost Island lake on Tuesday morning of this week following an illness of about a year and a half.
    Funeral services will be held at the Lightle Funeral home in Ruthven at 2 o'clock this Thursday afternoon with Rev. Belden Weikel, pastor of the local Methodist church, officiating. Burial will take place in Crown Hill cemetery. An obituary will be published next week.


- Roman Mikes of West Bend has been hired as manager of the Whittemore municipal light plant.
- Emanuel Jacobson of Garner, has been sentenced to two years in federal prison on charges of stealing from the mails.
- John Schupfer, living near Emmetsburg, was fined $5 and costs on an intoxication charge and $15 and costs for resisting an officer.
- Robert Bell of Spencer was fined $100 and costs at Spirit Lake last Saturday for forcing a Spirit Lake party to drive him from Orleans to Spirit Lake at the point of a gun.
- Richard Molenaar and Oscar Pierce of Rock Rapids, were each fined $100 and costs for the illegal possession of pheasants.
- George Herpst of Sioux Rapids and Carter Brick of Gillet Grove were sentenced to prison last week for attempting to rob a drug store at Havelock. Herpst drew five years and Brick one year.
- H.N. Scholtes, former resident of Estherville, Ia., was killed when a train was derailed. He was the engineer.
- Harry P. Kiefer, a transient giving Dayton, Ohio, as his home, was sentenced to 30 days in jail at Spencer last week on shoplifting charges.
- Harold Culver of Emmetsburg was fined $100 and costs for driving an automobile without a license and for failing to report an accident.

    Mrs. Hannah Forbes, former resident of Walnut township, passed away at her home at Pocahontas last Monday and funeral services were held at the Lutheran church in Walnut township cemetery. The deceased has a number of relatives in this vicinity and many friends in Walnut township where she lived until about eighteen years when she and her family moved to Pocahontas.

- Harry Goodner, negro held in the county jail at Keokuk, Ia., on eight charges of forgery, was shot and killed by a policeman early Monday morning when he broke jail.


- Roy Baker of Oskaloosa, Iowa, was killed last Thursday night by a hit-and-run driver who left his victim lying all night in the snow within a block of his home.
- A 34-year-old Waterloo, Ia., woman, Mrs. Munston Pond, died Sunday from the effects of fumes from a gas stove.

    Clem Henke, aged resident of Akron, Iowa, who will be 100 years old on March 3, routed three bandits with a shovel, when they tried to rob him in his home Sunday night. The bandits entered the home and had lined up the aged man and his daughter when a hired hand appeared and in the disturbance Henke grabbed a shovel and attacked a bandit. The hired hand secured a gun and several shots were fired, but the bandits escaped.

    Virginia Woods, 3 years old, was fatally burned in a house trailer fire at Manson, yesterday. She was sleeping in a trailer when an over-heated stove set it on fire and the girl received burns that caused her death a few hours later.

    Walter Bauman, owner of a bakery at Cherokee, was killed in an automobile accident near Gladbrook last Thursday. He and his wife had completed plans for a visit with relatives in Germany this spring and were scheduled to leave March 17th.

    G.C. Kilborn, 39, lineman for the REA, was instantly killed on Tuesday of this week when he came in contact with a high voltage wire while at work near Rockwell City.


- Mrs. John Davidson was called to Osage last week by the death of a sister.
- Mrs. Tom DeBolt has purchased the Rupert Miller house in Dickens and is moving there this week.
- Mabel Rohlf of Des Moines visited here a few days last week at the home of her brother, E.J. Brown.
- The pupils and teacher, Miss Rose Antoine of Highland No. 6 school, gave a farewell party for Eugene Jackson on Valentine day. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are moving to Hutchinson, Minn.
- Franklin Hastings is now stationed at Fort Sam Huston, Texas. He is with the 1st Batallion of the 15th Field Artillery.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Radke of Houston, Minn., drove here from Rochester, Minn., last Sunday to bring her parents, Mr .and Mrs. J.R. King, who have been at Rochester the past two weeks.
- Miss Beulah Rierson and Miss Verna Rierson visited with their sister, Mrs. Neal Lighter at Dickens last Sunday.


Submitted by: C.J.L., December 2006


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County