Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Thursday, Feb 6, 1930

John Daley Killed Instantly
Francis McNally Badly Injured
Oil Truck Accident Monday Night

Leo McDonald Also Suffers Slight Bruises. McNally is Still in Alarming
Tragedy Occurred on No. 17, South of Graettinger.

Monday night about 12 o'clock Jack Daley of this city was killed instantly
in an oil truck accident on No. 17, two miles this side of Graettinger, and
Francis McNally of this place, who was with him, is fighting the battle of
his life for recovery. Leo McDonald, who was also a member the party,
sustained a number of severe bruises and a terrific nervous shock but he was
able to leave the Palo Alto hospital this afternoon and was taken to his
home. McNally suffered an ugly seven-inch scalp wound on the back of his
head and one of his ears was badly cut, requiring two stitches to close it.
There is a gash over one of his eyes but he may save the use of the optic.
There is a deep cut in the fleshy part of the lower side of one of his hands
between the knuckle joint of the little finger and the wrist but we
understand that this injury will not prove so serious as was first feared.
Last evening blood was oozing from the injured ear. Dr. Brereton, who has
charge of his case, fears that the skull is fractured in one or two places,
although it will take an x-ray examination to decide this conjecture. Mr.
McNally is too weak to undergo the necessary test. He is showing remarkable
pluck. This will probably prove strongly in his favor in his fight for life.

Daley's neck, face and one of his jaws were crushed and the skull also
fractured. An arm was broken. Part of the truck was binding him to the
ground until help arrived when the body was extricated. The remains were
brought to the Foy Undertaking Home where it took 10 to 12 hours to prepare
them for burial. The funeral takes place this Thursday morning. Services
will be conducted in the Assumption church to which he belonged.

The three young men who were well known to all our local citizens, had been
playing volley ball in the K.C. hall until some time after ten o'clock when
they decided they would take the truck and run to Graettinger to spend a
short time at a dance at that place. They had gone down an incline something
over two miles this side of Graettinger when the truck evidently commenced
to sway and, leaving the main track, skidded along the side of the graveled
road. It crossed over the ditch on the right side and plowed through the
dirt and snow for some distance before it stopped. McNally was evidently
driving and McDonald was in the center with Daley on the right side. Just
how the tragedy occurred cannot at present be determined, as the two young
men who survive have been in too serious a condition to discuss the details.

Mrs. John Pollestad Dies at Holliday, North Dakota
Chris Thompson, living northeast of this city, received the sad news
yesterday that his sister, Mrs. John Pollestad, had passed away at her home
in Holliday, North Dakota. She lived in Fairfield township 20 years ago.
Funeral services will be held at that place on Tuesday.

Mrs. Darby Foley Dies Des Moines
Funeral in Emmetsburg Friday. Burial in St. John's Cemetery. Old Settler in
our County.

As we go to press Michael Fleming of Whittemore calls to tell us his sister,
Mrs. D. Foley, well known in this county, passed away at Des Moines this
morning. The remains will be brought to Emmetsburg for burial. The funeral
will be held Friday. Services will be conducted in the Assumption church by
Father Coleman of Ruthven. The burial will be in St. John's cemetery. Mrs.
Foley lived in Emmetsburg when a young lady. She came to our county in 1872.
Mr. Foley died five or six years ago. Mrs. Foley and her daughters, Agnes
and Nell moved from Ruthven to Des Moines in September 1928, where they
subsequently lived. Mrs. Foley ws not very rugged during the past four or
five years. An only son, Michael, lives at some place in Minnesota, and
another daughter, Mrs. Leo O'Grady, resides in Montana. Mrs. Foley was 88
years of age. The Democrat will give further particulars in its next issue.

Geo. Gehrt to Move to Ames
Geo. Gehrt, who will have a farm sale February 17, intends moving to Ames.
Two of his sons will attend Iowa State college at that place. Another son is
soon to finish at Morningside.

[transcribed by C.J.L., August 2004]


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County