Iowa Old Press

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Sept 11, 1929

     A.J. Berens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berens of Bancroft, Monday of this week paid a record price for a membership on the Chicago board of trade. A flash over the wires of the exchange stated that the sale was made at $50,000 flat, but Mr. Berens wired to Bancroft friends that he had made the purchase for $49,600.

    Mrs. Ed Spence, who was moving with her family from Newton to Hartford, South Dakota, was instantly killed at the Gridley crossing, east of Estherville one day last week when the truck she was riding in was struck by the south bound electric train on the North Western railway. Three others, who were injured in the truck, escaped uninjured.

    I have leased the Mikey Smith part of the lake. I will run it  in with mine the same as last fall. All must have permits before entering the lake.
    Geo. Schlosser.

    - About forty relatives gathered at the Harry Mason home last Sunday and helped Mr. Mason celebrate his birthday. It was a surprise on him. The day was rainy, but parties came from six different towns. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mason and children of Nevada, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris and children, Roy and Ethel, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sidles of Estherville, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Wood and children of Rodman, Mr .and Mrs. Lou Harris and children and Mr and Mrs. Frank Harris and son of Dunneell, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradley of Emmetsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Monk and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Spaulding and children of Ruthven, and Rex Smith of Estherville.  Mrs. Harry Mason with Florence Johnson assisting served the dinner.

    - The Methodist Woman's Foreign Missionary society met at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Schaal last Thursday afternoon and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: 
    President...Mrs. E.A. McMillin.
    Vice President...Mrs. E.A. Dewey.
    Treasurer...Mrs. Johnson
    Recording Secretary...Mrs. Schaal.
    Corresponding sec'y...Mrs. T.M. Hanna.

    Notice of the appointment of A.S. Morris, administrator of the estate of John Rundel, deceased, with the will annexxed.
    State of Iowa Palo Alto county, ss:
    Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as the administrator of the Estate of John Rundel, deceased, with the will annexed, late of Palo Alto county. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against said Estate will file them with the Clerk of the District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance.
        A.S. Morris,
    Administrator of said Estate.
    Dated, September 4, 1929.
    Cornwall & Cornwall, attorneys, Spencer, Iowa.
    (Published Sept. 11,18,25).

    Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a special execution directed to me from the clerk of the District Court of Palo Alto county, Iowa, in a cause in which the Emmetsburg Building and Loan Association is plaintiff, and William T. McNally; Margaret McNally; Iowa Adjustment Company; Receiver of the Farmers Trust and Savings Bank of Emmetsburg, Iowa; Crane Company; Ed McNally; First National Bank of Emmetsburg; National Bank of Emmetsburg; N.W. Irwin, receiver of the National Bank of Emmetsburg and Palo Alto county, Iowa, are defendants, wherein decree of foreclosure was rendered in favor of said plaintiff and against the said defendants except Iowa Adjustment Company; L.A. Andrews, receiver of the Farmers Trust and Savings Bank of Emmetsburg, Iowa; Crane Company; Ed McNally; First National Bank of Emmetsburg; National Bank of Emmetsburg; N.W. Irwin, receiver of the National Bank of Emmetsburg, Iowa and Palo Alto county, Iowa, and wherein judgment was rendered in favor of said plaintiff and against William T. McNally and Margaret McNally, defendants, on the 6th day of September, 1929, for the sum of $1,135.19 dollars, debt, and costs taxed at $61.70 and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following real estate as the property of said defendants, to-wit:
    Lots 7 and 8 of Block 128 Corbin and Lawlers Plat of Emmetsburg, Iowa, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand on the 7th day of October, A.D., 1929, in front of the door of the Court House in Emmetsburg, Iowa, between the hours of 9:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, sale to commence at the hour of 10:30 o'clock a.m. of said day, or sufficient thereof to satisfy said debt with interest and costs.
    Dated Emmetsburg, Iowa, September 7th, 1929.
        R.L. Shea.
    Sheriff of Palo Alto county, Iowa.
    (Published Sept. 11 and 18).

    Notice of the Appointment of Minnie A. Phoenix, executrix of the Estate of James R. Phoenix, deceased.
    The State of Iowa, Palo Alto county, ss.
    Notice is hereby given That the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as Executrix of the Estate of James R. Phoenix, late of Palo Alto county, deceased. All persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against said Estate will file them with the Clerk of the District Court as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance.
    Minnie A. Phoenix,
    Executrix of said Estate.
    By A.J. Burt, her Attorney.
    Dated August 30th, 1929.
    (Published Sept. 4-11-18)

    - A family reunion was held at the home of Mrs. Lena Hughes last Sunday. Plans were for holding the reunion at the Lost Island state park, but that had to be given up on account of the rainy weather. A dinner and supper were served and a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grange and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grange and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Simon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moan and family, Mrs. Moan and Mrs. Lena Hughes and family.

    Dickinson county officers, Tuesday, were searching for Norman Huehn, who lives near Spirit Lake, following the finding of two stills on his farm on Sunday night. The raid was characterized as the largest ever staged in the county. Besides the stills, officers found then barrels of mash, 600 pounds of sugar, and twelve gallon jugs of moonshine alcohol. Huehn escaped as the officers stated the raid.-- Spencer News-Herald.

    Dellano Meek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Meek of this city, and Miss Lyle Endicott, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Endicott of Dickens, were married at the Methodist parsonage at Emmetsburg last Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.  Rev. Sunderlin officiated and the double ring ceremony was used.
    Miss Angeline Berry of Dickens was the bridesmaid, and Oral Bonstead of Graettinger was best man.
    The bride wore a blue chiffon velvet gown and black velvet slippers. The bridesmaid wore an oyster-white ensemble. The groom wore a suit of oxford grey.
    A breakfast was served to the bridal party and close relatives at the home of the bride's parents,  Mr. and Mrs O.J. Endicott, immediately after the ceremony. Then the newly weds left on a short wedding trip to Sioux City.
    Mr. and Mrs. Meek will make their home in this city where the groom is associated with his father in operating a barber shop. Both have a host of friends who wish them success and happiness.
    The bride is one of the popular young ladies of the Lake Center neighborhood, north of Dickens, and the groom is a dependable and industrious young man who has been associated in business in this city for several years.

    The American Legion Auxiliary met at the Legion hall last Tuesday evening. After the formal opening and the allowing of some bills, and reports were given, the matter of selling Xmas cards came up for consideration and it was decided to send Xmas cards this year, beginning in a week or two.
    The election of officers for the new year, beginning in October, resulted as follows:
    President...Mrs. Art King
    Vice president...Mrs. Art Simonson
    Secretary...Mrs. J.M. Molsberry.
    Treasurer...Mrs. Harry Nelson
    Chaplin...Mrs. Jackson Stone.
    A splendid lunch, consisting of home made ice cream, cake and sandwiches, was served by Mrs. Ray Mason, Mrs. Ed Marxen and Mrs. Ben Stephas.

    Little Mildred McAllister, 6 year old daughter of Sherman McAllister of Emmetsburg, has been attracting very favorable attention to her exceptional ability as an acrobat for some time. She performed at the county fair two afternoons and went to Graettinger on labor day. While there the attention of a booking agent from Waterloo was attracted to her. The outcome was that her father made a year's contract with him for Mildred's services at $400 a month.-- Palo Alto Tribune.


- Bruce Parker celebrated his third birthday by inviting in a few friends last Friday afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Peglow are the parents of a baby girl. She has been given the name of Flora Jean.
- A large number from this vicinity attended the funeral of Amos Hanson at Ruthven.
- Henry Clasing was surprised Sunday evening when about thirty relatives and friends came for a social time. At a late hour, a fine lunch was served. The occasion was Mr. Clasing's birthday. The guests departed, wishing him many happy returns of the day.
-Harry Whitman is building a hen house on the John Klien farm.
- Mrs. Edith Nissen visited with her sister, Mrs. Frank Rottunda, near Terril, last Saturday.

(Too late for last week).
- Word was received that Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Carpenter are the parents of a baby boy born at the Spencer hospital on Saturday morning.
- Word was received that Carl Hanson's brother, Amos, was killed Sunday. He was driving a spreader and the horses ran away and the spreader ran over his chest.
- Several from this vicinity attended the shower given on (formerly) Emma Wahgen.
- Martin Clasing spent Saturday with his cousin Bruce Parker.
- Little Fred Mohr, Jr., celebrated his 1st birthday by having several of his little relatives and friends come to his home. Those present were Mrs. Ed Bailey, Mrs. Sampson and daughter, Don, Miss Stena Smith, Mrs. C. Simington and daughter, Benla, of Ruthven, Mrs. Art Lutz and Doris and Art Jr., Mrs. Earl Croft and daughter Darlene Doris, Mrs. Enders, Mrs. Elmer O. Mohr and son, Dean Orland, Mrs. Walter Mohr and son, Donovan, Mrs. D.O. Mohr, Marion, Leah Mae Roland. He received some nice gifts.
- Gertrude Bowman spent a few days with her cousin, Pearl Stephas.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Rosacker and family accompanied Mr. and Mrs. D. Rosacker and Mr .and Mrs. Elmer O. Mohr and son, Dean Orland, attended a family reunion at Twin Lakes last Sunday. There were 45 present, also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Maas and sons, Thera Colfax and Mrs. and Mrs. John Picken and family of Terril.

- Mr. Miller accompanied by a friend came up from near Des Moines yesterday to see his uncle, D.L. Burger.
- Miss Velma Johnson bought a new Ford sport roadster of Archer and Son last week.
-Miss Marie Thoreson began teaching in District No. 1 of Lost Island township on Monday of last week.
- Nick Geelan is building an up-to-date barn on his farm this fall. The barn will be 32x66 feet and will have a wall of hollow blocks eight feet high.
-Miss Clara Rasmussen left last Sunday for Milford where she will teach history in the high school at that place. The Milford schools opened on Monday.
- Haakon Thoreson has accepted a position recently as mathematics instructor in the high school at Bellingham, Minnesota, and left last week to begin his work there.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tripp from Brickwell, Oklahoma, arrived here last Friday for a visit at the home of his uncle, B.E. Blunt. They returned home on Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. William H. Thomas of Red Cloud, Nebraska, are visiting here this week at the homes of their daughters, Mrs .Whitaker and Mrs .Eshelman.
- Mrs. O.P. Doyle and Mrs. L.O. Doyle and children of Minneapolis, visited here recently at the home of J.H. Currans.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Christiansen and daughter Mildred of Lakefield, Minnesota, visited here on Monday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Rasmussen. Mrs. Christiansen is Mr. Rasmussen's sister.
- Alden Hermansen, who has been employed at the Berg & Brennan store, has resigned his position there, and has gone to Texas, where he has been offered a position with a tire company.
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Hofstad entertained at a dinner at their home on Monday evening in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. Spies and Mrs. Hofstad. The guests present were: Dr. and Mrs. L.M. Hadley and children, Mr .and Mrs. O.F. Spies and children.
- Mrs. Thomas Rierson and son, Thomas, Jr., returned Monday from a visit with her sister, Mrs. O. Benson, at Morris, Minnesota. They left here last Friday morning and report that it rained about all the time that they were at Morris. They stated that the crops are fairly good around Morris.
- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rice and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson and daughter, Mr .and Mrs. John Crookshank and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crookshank, went to Dolliver park, near Fort Dodge, last Sunday, where they met with relatives from Delphos, Clare, Coggan and Des Moines and enjoyed a family reunion and picnic.
- Cecil Paulson, the 14-year-old son of Mrs. M. Paulson, who lives in the north part of town, disappeared from home about two weeks ago, and all efforts to locate the boy have been in vain. The boy is described as being tall for his age, of a light complexion, has blue eyes and walks with a slightly stooped body. Anyone knowing of his whereabouts, are requested to notify his mother, Mrs. M. Paulson.



Submitted by C.J.L., Sep 2005


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County