Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Thurs., Jan 3, 1929

Short Items of Local Interest

Mr and Mrs Elmer Frink and two children left for Hastings, Nebraska,
Wednesday, to visit Mr. Frink's parents, Mr and Mrs. F.M. Frink.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. O'Connor and family of Colman, South Dakota, were guests
of Mr and Mrs. Thos. O'Connor and other relatives in this city during the
Christmas holidays.

Emmet Downs billed two cars of cattle to Chicago Saturday. He made his
shipment through the local association. He went to market with his cattle.

Mrs. Martin Knutson returned home from Sioux Falls the first of the week.
She spent a few days with her husband, who recently underwent an operation
in a hospital in that city.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Godden and family of Algona enjoyed Sunday afternoon with
relatives in this city. They came by car. They did not take a trip to
Crookston, Minnesota, this year. Mrs. Godden reports that her parents, who
live at that place, are feeling fine. Mr. Guerdet was not caught in any of
the Minnesota bank failures.

Saturday evening a nine and one half pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Zimmerman of this city. They now have a family of two sons and two

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Murray moved a few days ago into the residence vacated
by Mrs. T.Y Larson.

Ben Doerning of Mallard attended the funeral of Archie Johnson in this city

Miss Dorothy Thayer, who teaches at Aplington, is enjoying a visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Thayer.

Mrs. T.Y. Larson left for Traer Saturday evening. From there she will go to
Detroit where Mr. Larson has been living for some time.

Miss Anna Nelson of Clinton spent a few days the first of the week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson of Great Oak township.

Mrs. Josie Goff and her daughter, Miss Mary, who were visiting the Democrat
family for several days, returned to Ruthven Tuesday evening. Miss Mary had
to be in school Wednesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Joynt and little daughter of Algona came to Emmetsburg
Tuesday evening to meet relatives from Mallard, who brought Mrs. Joynt's
brother, Victor Reinders, to the depot. He went east with them on the Soo
Flyer. Mr. and Mrs. Joynt returned home a few days ago from Farley where
they were called by the serious illness of Mr. Joynt's sister, Mrs. Heisler.
She had passed the danger point when they left. Her sister, Miss Josephine,
who came from California to see her, will remain with her until she has
regained her strength.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County