Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Thursday, Nov 8, 1928

Work on Bridge at Chamberlain
John R. Joynt Tells Our Reporter About Improvements at That Place

John R. Joynt, who has been working during the fall months on a large 300
foot steel bridge at Chamberlain was in town yesterday. He was on his way to
Ellington township to visit his daughter, Mrs. Reinders. He had nine men
working for him, but says there are 90 others employed on the bridge. There
are three 300 foot spans. The structure is 20 feet above the water. There is
also a drawbridge 100 feet in length and a $1,000,000 state bridge a short
distance from the railroad structure. Mr. Joynt has been suffering for some
time from rheumatism.

Will Soon Be Opened North of Weir Implement Store

A.J. Johnson of Audubon is preparing to open a five cent sandwich shop in a
small building to be put up by him just north of Mr. Weir's hardware and
implement shop. The building will be one story in height. He will sell pies,
coffee, rolls, etc. in connection with the sandwiches. There are shops of
this kind at Spencer, Estherville, Storm Lake and other places. He says they
are making money because of the large volume of business they handle. Mr.
Johnson hopes to be ready for business a week from next Saturday.

Did Not Have Duroc Sale
H.S. Fain says that he did not have the Duroc hog sale he advertised a short
time ago. Farmers were too busy and could not leave husking. Mr. Fain did
not offer anything for sale but he disposed of six head of boars privately
to those who wished to make purchases. Later he hopes to have another sale.

A Costly Blaze at Estherville
Hotel and Other Structures Destroyed. The Losses Were $28,000

Estherville had a rather costly fire early Monday morning. It destroyed the
old Crawford hotel and store and the Swan Olsen harness shop and damaged the
building and stock of the Mallery & Basset furniture exchange. An
unsuccessful effort was made by the fire department to check the flames.
Estherville has never been particularly successful in tackling big fires.
The losses are estimated at $28,000. The properties were partly covered by
insurance. The fire started from an explosion in the ammonia ice plant in
the Crawford store. All were frame structures.

Distributes $17,000,000

It is claimed that farmers in the Sioux City territory received over
$17,000,000 this year from the marketing of cream, milk, poultry and eggs.

Auto Crash at Superior
Wednesday Evening. They are Badly Damaged.
(Estherville News)

A bad auto smashup Wednesday evening on the graveled road in front of the
school resulted in two badly damaged cars and serious, if not fatal injury
to at least one person.
A Ford car driven by Grant Leek had been to the McQuirk service station for
gas, and had then driven to the intersection and turned west. Just at this
time a car coming from the east and driven at a high speed struck the Ford
in the back according to those who witnessed the accident. The Oakland
turned over three times and is a complete wreck. Other than a bad shaking up
the occupants of the Ford were uninjured. The young people in the Oakland
did not fare so well, both young ladies being hurt, one so badly she was
taken to the hospital and is reported in a serious condition.

Gypsum Mill Employee Injured

F.H. Bachert, employed as an electrician at the Universal Gypsum Co., who
was injured Tuesday when a motor he was helping to move in the mine slipped
and fell on him, is improving. He suffered three broken ribs and though for
awhile it was thought he might have been injured internally, there have been
no new complications.

Whittemore Man Injured
As He was Driving to Little Rock Auto Goes Over.

While Charles Bowen, owner of the Quality Store at Whittemore, was driving
to his home in Little Rock, his car left the road and turned over several
times. He was accompanied by three men. While the car was badly wrecked the
occupants escaped with severe bruises and cuts.
Mr. Bowen met with an accident three weeks ago when he was enroute to
Whittemore in the early morning. He was meeting a car whose lights blinded
him, and he ran into another car which had been left on the road without
lights. He was thrown through the windshield, receiving severe cuts from the
broken glass.

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County