Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA
Thurs., June 21, 1928

Hayes-Steil Nuptials
Bride and Groom Leave for Tacoma, Washington, Where They Will Reside

At seven o'clock Monday morning Mr Sylvester HAYES and Miss Anna STEIL were
united in marriage in the Assumption church by Very Rev. J. G. MURTAGH. Miss
Bessie STEIL of this place and Mr Harold STEIL of Mankato, Minnesota, sister
and brother of the bride, were the attendants. Following the nuptials, the
bridal couple repaired to the home of the bride's parents where a sumptuous
wedding breakfast was served to the immediate relatives. During the day Mr
and Mrs HAYES left for Fort Dodge, returning to Emmetsburg on Wednesday.
Today they started for Tacoma, Washington, where they will make their home.
They will go by way of the Black Hills.
The bride is a daughter of M and Mrs John J STEIL of this city. She lived in
this community since childhood. She graduated from St Mary's Academy and was
after that time employed in various business places in Emmetsburg as a
stenographer and bookkeeper. She proved herself very efficient in this line
of work. She is a young lady of charming personality and is popular in
social circles. She has numerous and devoted friends.
The groom is a son of Mrs. Neil HAYES, formerly of Whittemore, now of
Tacoma, Washington. He was for several years employed in a garage at
Whittemore. He is a young man of business ability and of integrity. He is
esteemed by all who know him.
The Democrat unites with hosts of friends in wishing Mr and Mrs HAYES health
and happiness.

Wedded Tuesday Morning
Miss Kathleen HICKEY is Bride of P.E. TOOLE of Clarion

Mr Peter Edwin TOOLE of Clarion and Miss Kathleen Alice HICKEY of this place
were united in marriage in St. Thomas church Tuesday morning at five
o'clock, the pastor Rev. M. McNERNEY, officiating. Miss Loretta BRADY
attended the bride and Mr Lawrence HICKEY, a brother of the bride, was best
man. The newly married couple left on the early morning passenger train for
Mason City. After attending the 75th anniversary celebration at that place,
they left for Dubuque to remain a short time. They will, we understand, make
their home at Clarion where Mr TOOLE is in business.
The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. J.W. HICKEY of Vernon township, who
are among the respected pioneers of our county. She graduated from the
Emmetsburg High School a few years ago and some time later accepted a
position in the telephone office. She proved herself tactful, careful,
courteous and obliging and she made many devoted friends. She is held in
very high esteem by all who know her.
The groom is a grandson of Mr Matt GAPPA, who lives northeast of this city.
Those who have met him speak of him in terms of praise. Numerous friends of
the contracting parties offer hearty congratulations and wish them health
and happiness.

[transcribed by C.J.L., August 2004]


Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
June 21, 1928

     Killed Two, Tried Suicide
     Sunday night Clarence Peppels of Boone shot and killed his estranged
wife and her friend, Walter Forester, and then attempted suicide. Mr. and
Mrs. Pepples had separated. The husband asked for a reconciliation, which
was denied.

     Gassed in Car, Dies
     Monday morning Elmer C. Benson of Alta was found dead in his garage. He
was gassed by fumes escaping from his automobile. He was 54 years of age. He
had driven into the country to see about some plumbing. When his wife
returned home at noon she found his lifeless body. Auto owners cannot be too
careful about danger of this kind.

Our Mallard Column
     Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Steil attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Anna
Steil, at Emmetsburg Monday.
     Miss Urah Weller, who is attending summer school at Estherville, spent
Sunday with her parents at this place.
     Mrs. Yant, Mrs. A.C. Sands, Mrs. Kingdom and Mrs. Earl Sands attended a
D.A.R. picnic at Emmetsburg Thursday.
     Mrs. Wm. Buhacker and daughter Pearl of San Francisco spent the past
week with Mallard relatives.
     Miss Margaret Cagann of Hampton enjoyed Sunday with her mother at this
     Wm. Weller commenced his labors Monday as manager of the elevator at
Curlew. He will move his family to that place in a short time. We wish him
     Miss Madeline Lowe was operated on Sunday in the Emmetsburg hospital
for appendicitis.
     The Mallard band boys will give a concert every Wednesday evening. They
have a fine band. Let there be a good turn out for Wednesday's concert.

[transcribed by C.J.L., August 2004]


Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto co. Iowa
June 28, 1928

Short Items of Local Interest
E.S. George of Graettinger was in town Tuesday

Miss Agnes McElroy is doing stenographic work in Sullivan & McMahon's law office at Algona this week in the absence of the regular stenographer.

M.M. Maher returned to Geneva, Nebraska, Wednesday, after an extended visit at the Myles McNally home in this city. Mrs. Maher, who has been here for some time caring for her mother, will remain.

During the absence of Mrs. F.G. McMahon at Excelsior Sptings, some one visited her premises and took her lawn mower. It it is not returned promptly, she will report the matter to the officers, as she knows who has it.

Mr. Geo. Dunphy and Miss Mary Callahan of Humboldt were united in marriage Tuesday morning. Mr. Dunphy is a graduate of the Iowa State Teachers' college and Mrs. Dunphy is a graduate of the Humboldt High school. Mr. and Mrs. Dunphy will live on a farm in the vicinity of their home town.

Victor Reinders, who was attending Carroll college at Waukesha, Wisconsin, returned home a few days ago. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Marks and their two children of Milwaukee. Mr. Marks is a cousin of Mr. Reinders. They went to northern Wisconsin to fish after the close of the college. Mr. Reinders will finish his course during the coming year. He will spend the summer months at his home in Ellington township.

Sunday a family reunion was held at the L.N. Sprout home in this city. Those present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sprout and daughter of Salem, South Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sprout and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sprout and family, all of Cylinder, and Mr. and Mrs. sherman Morris of this place. Such gatherings are always enjoyable.

Leo Berger spent several days during the past week at the J.D. Higgins home in Great Oak township.

Mr. Allen of Fort Dodge, who tuned pianos in this community a number of years ago, recently returned from California after an absence of several years. We understand that he sustained heavy losses while in that state and that he is taking up his old line of work.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Higgins of Whittemore and Mrs. Nellie Neal of Omaha came to Emmetsburg Friday to visit Thomas Cullen, who is still in the local hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. M.P. Carrigan of Pipestone, Minnesota, were called to Emmetsburg Monday by the death of Mrs. J.H. Kibbie, sister of Mrs. Carrigan. Mr. and Mrs. Carrigan lived in the vicinity of Ayrshire for many years. They are looking well. We are gald to learn that they are getting along nicely.

Mrs Kibbie Taken While at Omaha
Last Saturday morning about 9:30 Mrs. Joseph Kibbie of this city passed away rather unexpectedly in a hospital at Omaha in which she had been taking treatment for two or three weeks. Mr. Kibbie accompanied her to that place when their son Charles was finishing his year in Creighton University. As she had been ailing more or less since February, she decided to consult a specialist while she was in the city. Three of her daughters live at that place.

Her serious condition was not learned by Mr. Kibbie or the Palo Alto members of the family until a few hours before she passed away. Several members of the family strove to reach her bedside before the end came but they were not successful. The remains were prepared for burial and were brought to Rockwell City on Sunday. Relatives and friends from Emmetsburg drove to that place and brought home the body.

The funeral was held Tuesday forenoon at 9:30. Services were conducted in the Assumption church, Father Dunn of Ayrshire officiating in a solemn requiem high mass. He was assisted by Fathers Murtaga and McNerney of this place. The burial was in the fomily lot in the parochial cemetery at Ayrshire. The pall bearers were James Degnan, Geo. Wigens and John Anglum of Ayrshire and Frank McCormick, Charles Duhigg and P.V. Nolan of Emmetsburg. There were a large number of relatives, friends and neighbors in attendance.

Margaret Maguire was born in Union City township, Allamakee county, Iowa, October 17, 1865. She was rounding out her 63d year. She was united in marriage at Dorchester, that county, Februrary 12, 1885, to Mr. Joseph Kibbie. Mr. and Mrs. Kibbie came to Palo Alto county 34 years ago and located in Booth township. In March, 1919, they retired from farming and located in this city where they subsequently made their home. Mrs. Kibble is survived by her husband, five sons and eight daughters. The sons are: James of New York; J.E. and J.T. of Ayrshire, and Charles and Justin, who are at home. The daughters are: Mrs. Mary Reno and Mrs. Vincent Whalen of Ayrshire; Miss Veronica Kibbie of this place, Mrs. M.S. McGiverin and Mrs. P.E. McGiverin of Marengo and Mrs. Dr. Hagerman and Misses Florence and Margaret, all of Omaha. There are two brothers - J.T. Maguire of Ayrshire and B.L. of Ruthven. There are also two sisters, Mrs. Peter Waldron of Ayrshire and Mrs. Michael Carrigan of Pipestone, Minnesota.

Mrs. Kibbie was in every way a splendid Christian woman. She was a very successful home maker. She and her devoted husband were the parents of 13 affectionate sons and daughters. The labor, the months and years of watchful, anxious hours spent in such a large household can scarcely be realized by the ordinary mother. Mrs. Kibbie had a rugged constitution and she had the industry, the zeal and the foresight to give the many about her hearthstone every attention that the loving mother is eager to bestow on her children. She was strict in the observance of her religious obligations and she saw to it that her boys and girls did not neglect their duties in this particular.

It was an inspiring sight to observers when all of the members of her large family, at an early hour the morning of the funeral, approached the Assumption church altar rail to receive holy communion in her honor. Mrs. Kibbie was through life a church leader and a church worker. she was always ready to do more than her share when appeals were made to her generosity and to her co-operation.

During the past two or three years her eyesight commenced to fail, which was a serious affliction, but she was always cheeful and she never lagged in her efforts to do good whenever an opportunity presented itself. The writer learned yeaers ago to cherish a very high regard for Mrs. Kibbie's worth as a woman and we had every reason to continue it until her useful and edifying life was brought to a close. The sincere sympathy of hundreds of our citizens is offered to the sorrowing husband and to the loving sons, daughters and other relatives in their bereavement.

Our Mallard Column - Mallard, Ia, June 27
A shower was given Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Enos Worthington.

Several of the local Masons attended the funeral of Mr. McQuin at Plover a few days ago.

Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Lowe and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lowe called on Miss Madeline Lowe Sunday. She is in the hospital.

John Anglum of Ayrshire was a Mallard caller Sunday.

A surprist party was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Dawson Sunday, the occasion being their 19th wedding anniversary. Thirty-five guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson were presented with a fine rug.

A surprise party was given in honor of Herman Bittner Friday night, it being his birthday anniversary. An old time dance was enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hogan of Mouterey, Minnesota, announce the recent arrival of a daughter at their home.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2012]


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County