Iowa Old Press

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
June 1, 1927

    The regular high school commencement exercises were held in the high school auditorium on Wednesday evening of last week and the program for the occasion was as follows:
    Invocation...Rev. Coleman.
    Music...Girls' Glee Club.
    Address...C.E. Miller
    The graduates were: Lela Johnson, Lester Bickelhaupt, Rae Prew, Bessie Olson, Marie Klein, Alden Hermanson, Mae Prew, Eva Parker, Leora Hansen, Bernie Johnson, Alice Taylor, Clancy Toland, Helen Nelson, and Marie Hughes.
    Following the graduation the following honors were bestowed upon the scholars winning places in school work:
    Forensic league pins were awarded to Bernie Johnson, Marie Hughes, Erwin Osterhus.
    National Honor society emblems were awarded to Lela Johnson and Helen Nelson.
    Letters for scholarship were awarded to Pearl Iverson, Erwin Osterhus, Lela Johnson, Marie Hughes.
    Letters in music were awarded to Jane Dickinson, Harold Dickinson, Erwin Osterhus, Rae Prew, Frances Gleason, Everett Roland, Franklyn Hastings, Forrest Koeker, Paul Barnett and Mack Bruce.
    Debate honors were awarded to Bernie Johnson, Erwin Osterhus, Clancy Toland, Marie Hughes, Ardel Christianson and Rae Prew.
    Declamatory honors: Rae Prew, Alice Taylor and Margaret Brennan.
    Boy's basketball honors: Bickelhaupt, Prew, Barnett,  Hansen and Watrons.
    Track honors: Watrons, Prew, Bickelhaupt.
    Girls' basketball: Thurley Cole, Mabel Myers, Helen Kummerfieldt, Gladys Nelson, and Doris Wilcox.

    Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Myers are the parents of a baby boy, born this Wednesday morning, June 1st.

    Mr. and Mrs. Eber Flint of Argyle were week-end visitors at the home of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Ed Myers.

    Donald and Hugh Logan, sons of Thos. Logan of this place, had a very narrow escape late last evening about six miles east of Garner, while on their way to deliver a large order of new furniture to a family at Swea City. A lady, driving an auto, attempted to pass their truck and in going ahead of them, she turned too quickly to the right and crowded their truck off the road and into the ditch. We understand that the load of furniture was badly damaged but that both Donald and Hugh were fortunate in escaping uninjured.

    Miss Rosie Rasmusson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Rasmusson of this city, was united in marriage to Mr. Renzie E. Foglesong of Broken Bow, Nebraska, on Monday, May 30th. Mr. Foglesong is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Foglesong of Woodbine, Iowa.
    The ceremony took place in Omaha, Nebraska, with Rev. J.H. Stitt, the pastor of the Dundee Methodist church officiating.
    The bride is a popular young lady with a pleasing personality, and she is well known in this community, having lived here all her life. She graduated from the Ruthven high school after which she took two years of liberal arts courses in the State University at Iowa City. During the past year, she has been teaching in the public schools in Woodbine, Iowa.
    The groom was for several years cashier in the Woodbine Savings bank and has always been prominent in community activities. He is now engaged in the loan and insurance business at Broken Bow, Nebraska.
    After a wedding trip through the west, Mr. and Mrs. Foglesong will be at home in the Jeford Apartments at Broken Bow, Nebraska.
    The many friends of the bride in this vicinity wish them much happiness and success.

    Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Sporan were [text makes no sense here], at the home of Charlie Christianson, the occasion being their 45th wedding anniversary. About two hundred friends and relatives were there to help them celebrate. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knutson, Ole Knutson and Mrs. Gangestad of Humboldt, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nyborg, of Jackson, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Thompson of Ringstead, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Forhes and family of Pocahontas, Nels Flugum of Albert Lea, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. H.N. Jensen and family of Estherville, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Larson, Halver Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sullivan of Cyliinder, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Christianson of West Bend, Mrs. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Osterhus, Rev. L.O. Wigdahl, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wigdahl, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Ritzel and family, O.K. Toreson, Torrie Knutson, Mr.and Mrs. Joe Peterson of Ruthven, Rev. M. Mandsager, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Westergard, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Westergard, Mrs. Lars Oleson, Theo. Oleson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olison and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rappe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Swanson, Marie Thompson, Ole Oleson and family of Graettinger, and the following Lost Island people: Mr. and Mrs. Ole Norris and family, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Christianson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Christianson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rierson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Suss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Simonson and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Simonson and family, Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holte and family, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Bonstead and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Norris, John Helvig and Jeanette, Wilmer Peterson, Thyra Thoreson, Mr and Mrs. A.L. Lande, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nyborg, and Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin Sandvig. Mr. and Mrs. Sporan were presented with a purse of money as a remembrance of the day.

    Miss Beulah Moore returned home from Calumet where she has been teaching school.

    Since publishing the names of the Civil war veterans who live here in this vicinity, we have discovered that there are four veterans living here instead of three as stated last week. The name of J.F. Brown was not given. Mr. Brown served in the 21st Infantry, Company I, during the four years of the war and was in several of the big battles.

- Congratulations are extended from the Elk Lake district to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tripp on the birth of a son, last Saturday, May 28. Mrs. Tripp was Miss Ina Rhinehart before her marriages and lived in this district. They now have three sons.
- Mrs. Will Bailey is ill in the hospital at Cedar Falls. An operation for tumor was performed and she is getting along fine at this writing. Her sister, Mrs. Dave Modisett, spent the weekend with her. Mrs. Ed Bailey, her mother-in-law, went down to Cedar Falls to be with her during her illness. Mrs. Bailey, formerly Miss Margaret Rossacker, is a former Elk Lake resident who has scores of friends in this district who sincerely trust for her complete recovery.
- Miss Edith Nissen is helping with the housework and caring for the sick at the Carl Nissen home. They called the new boy Wayne George. Mrs. William Nissen has also been helping care for their new grandson. They are getting along fine.
- Mrs. Hadley Mills was a visitor at the Carl Nissen home Decoration day and getting acquainted with her new nephew.
- Mr. and Mrs. Irven Anderson, who live near Silver Lake, were honored last Sunday when a party was held at their home by relatives and friends, who went to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Anderson's first wedding anniversary. A delicious dinner was served by the ladies, who planned the affair and a happy afternoon enjoyed socially.
- Walter Dickinson has been ill for some time and on Monday he went to Des Moines to consult specialists.
- Emil Pilquist, one of the pioneer settlers of this district, is ill at the hospital at Spencer. He has had heart trouble for several years.
- A delightful dancing party was enjoyed last Saturday evening at the Merle Monk home by several invited couples. The music was furnished by Dick Jackson, the old-time fiddler and by the hostesses, Mrs. Merle Monk and daughter, Miss Leora, at midnight.

    I still have my black Percheron stallion, and will stand him at my place, southeast of Ruthven, and have reduced fees to $10. J.E. Dannewitz.


FOR SALE- Pure bred Duroc Jersey sow and six pigs. Elmer Goff.

BABY CHICKS- Let me book your orders for S.C. White Leghorns, the large white egg Barron strain. Cockerels used from 314 egg dames. Also hatching eggs. Mrs. Earl McNett. Phone Oak-11.

FOR SALE- Late potatoes. $1.50 per bushel. T.C. Williams.

FOR SALE- Early maturing Minnesota No. 13 seed corn. $3 per bushel. 3 1/2 miles north of Ayrshire. A.C. Chatfield.

FOR SALE- About 500 pure bred Barron-Fanered White Leghorn baby chicks June 12th. 8c each. Orders of 200 or over delivered to Ruthven. Mrs. Walter Smith, Route 5, Spencer, Iowa.

- Walter Dickinson left yesterday for Des Moines, where he will take treatment at the Methodist hospital at that place.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Treider of St. Paul arrived here last Saturday for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Jesse Cory.
- Mrs. F.L. Mason reports that she received 217 live chickens from 224 eggs which she set in her Klondyke incubator.
- Mrs. H.R. Boyd and Mrs. Duff Boyd of Curlew, and Ruth Gould and Mrs. Beatrice Anderson attended a family reunion at Dickens on Monday.
- Graettinger Times: Vincent Boecher suffered a painful injury last Sunday evening when he ran a pitchfork into his foot.
- Mrs. George Batie went to Ames last Thursday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. George Nolan. She returned last Friday.
- Perry Cedarholm has been ill with tonsilitis the past week. R.D. Foster of Mason City is taking his place at the Standard Oil station at this place.
- Mrs. Gus Youngdale and daughter, Mary, of Pocahontas, are visiting here this week at the home of Mrs. Youngdale's mother, Mrs. Maggie Iverson.
- Mr. and Mrs. Eshelman left on Monday afternoon for Red Cloud, Nebraska. Mr. Eshelman expects to attend the State University at Lincoln, Nebraska this summer.
- Mrs. Elwood Cruse and children of Terril visited here with her mother, Mrs. Ole Peterson, last Monday.
- Misses Erma and Eleanor Ruthven, who have been attending the Hamilton Business college at Mason City, are visiting at their home here.
- L. Van Vleek went to Des Moines last Thursday morning to meet his grandsons, Bobby and William, who came from Oklahoma. They will spend the summer with Mrs. and Mrs .Van Vleek.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith went to Emmetsburg last Sunday and brought back their son, A.l. who has been in the hospital there. He has recovered quite rapidly from his recent operation.
- Dr. Dana, the Ruthven dentist, has opened a dental office at Ayrshire, where he will remain on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. The remainder of the week he will be at his office above the Ideal cafe in Ruthven.
- W.M. Hanna was quite badly injured last Monday while chopping wood.
- William Lukins of Spencer, visited here on Tuesday with his daughter, Mrs. William Brennan.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Simons and daughter, Margaret, of St. Paul, Minn., arrived here last Saturday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Lena Hughes, and with other relatives.
- Mrs. L.R. Woodcock of Milford, Oregon and Mrs. H. Hough of Lansing, Michigan, arrived here last week for a visit with their brother, C.J. Tripp.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goddard and Mr. and Mrs. John Jensen attended a birthday party at the Glen Hoobler home at Emmetsburg, the occasion being Mrs. Garret Hoobler's birthday. A pleasant evening and a fine lunch were enjoyed by all.
- The birthdays of Wilmer Goff and Maxen Gadsby were celebrated at the Tom Gadsby home at Dickens last Sunday. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Shartle, Mr .and Mrs. Wilmer Goff, Mr. and Mrs. Verle Goff and son, Marvin, Le Grand Goff, and Mrs. and Mrs. D.A. Goff.
- Graettinger Times; Wm. Fisher, proprietor of the soft drink and ice cream parlor at High Lake, came near losing his life Tuesday afternoon when the boat from which he was fishing filled with water and sank. Mr. Fisher was heavily dressed with a sheep lined coat and hip boots and was unable to swim until he could get his boots off.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Tripp of Dickens are the parents of a baby boy,  born last Saturday, May 28. The boy has been named Stanley Rhinehart.
- Mrs. Margaret Bailey underwent an operation at Cedar Falls on Tuesday for the removal of a tumor. Mrs. D. L. Modisett and Detlif Rosacker went to Cedar Falls last Sunday to see her, returning on Monday.
- August Cleslie received word of the death of his uncle, J. Rodeck at his home in Chicago last Friday morning. Mr. Cleslie left for Chicago to attend the funeral. Mr. Rodeck was known to many here and his son was in the meat market business in Ruthven for several years.
- Milford Mail.- Ross Hancock and Clarence Tiff were caught Sunday by a game warden night fishing in Little Spirit lake with a trot line with over 100 hooks. They were taken before Justice Price at Spirit Lake and fined $100 each and costs. On Monday night Fred Hansen and Alfred Anderson were arrested for seining in Swan lake and were also taken before Justice Price and each fined $100.
- Ayrshire Chronicle.- Relatives of Paul Roland arranged a birthday gathering for Mrs. Roland last Sunday, it being her thirty-third birthday. Both dinner and supper were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. George Roland and sons, William Barton, Harold and Arnold of Ruthven, the Misses Rosewald and Littlejohn of Terril, Mrs. Martha Wissinger of Ruthven and Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Piper of this place. A very enjoyable day was spent and the hostess will long remember it.

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
June 15, 1927

Linn Grove Boy Shot in Crow Hunt
    Gilbert Raveling, 5 years of age, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raveling north of Linn Grove, was accidentally shot while out hunting crows with his brother, Sunday afternoon. It is believe he will recover although surgeons deemed it best not to remove the bullet which lodged near the juglar vein in the throat.-- Spencer News-Herald.

    Lester Kumerfeldt was seriously injured in an auto accident last Sunday morning while on his way to Ruthven from Everly. The accident happened between Everly and Spencer when the car he was driving struck loose gravel and turned turtle, pinning him under the machine.
    Lester's brothers, Carl and John, who were with him, were not injured.
    Parties in a passing auto, picked the unconscious man up and took him to the Spencer hospital, and it was found that two vertebrea were broken. He also received a deep gash under the left eye. While his condition is very painful, he is slowly recovering.
    The top and windshield of the car were smashed and the car was badly damaged.

    A quiet wedding took place at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Fred Whitford at Peterson on Tuesday morning, June 14, 1927, when Miss Rena Whitford and Andrew Hanson, both of Clay county, were united in marriage.
    They were attended by Miss Lena Whitford and George Rosewall.
    After the ceremony, Mrs. Fred Whitford and daughters, Thelma and Grace, served a delicious three-course dinner.
    The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whitford, who live near Ruthven. She is a graduate of the Lake Center high school, being a member of the class of 1927. Mr. Hanson is the oldest son of Mr .and Mrs. A. Hanson, who also live near Ruthven. He attended the Sweeny Auto and Tractor school at Kansas City for some time.
    Upon their arrival from Peterson, a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's mother.
    Mr. and Mrs. Hanson will be at home to their many friends on a farm northwest of Ruthven.

Nutrition Training Schools Completed.
    Miss Church, nutrition specialist, completed the second year of nutrition work with the fifth lesson on "Foods for Special Occasions." All-day meetings were held during the past week at the homes of Mrs. Wm. McConnell in Walnut township, Mrs. J.R. Cross in Rush Lake township, Mrs. Joe Donahue in Emmetsburg township, Mrs. Elmer Nichols in Ellington township, and Mrs. Will Sloniker in Vernon township.
    Leaders from nearly every township in the county attended these meetings and will give the information that they received to their friends and neighbors at meetings held in their own townships and school districts.

    Miss Bernice McMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. McMilin of this Ruthven, graduated from the home economics department of the Iowa State College at Ames on Monday. She was the only Ames graduate from Palo Alto county this year. Degrees and certificates were given to 459 students.

Lightning Prank at Nilsen Farm.
    Lightning struck at the Ole Nilsen silo last Thursday, passed through the barn and knocked over a cow that one of Mrs. Olaf Nilsen's boys was milking. The cow fell over on the boy but did not injure him seriously. The lightning came through the top of the silo and tore off a few strips from the silo.

Linn Grove Boy Drowns on Sunday.
    Henry Nibel, 11 years old, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nibel, living northwest of Linn Grove, met death by drowning in the Little Sioux river Sunday evening. Henry and his older brother had gone fishing.-- Spencer News-Herald.

    Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rustan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Goff and family, Misses Doris Brown and Amy Willis and Alfred Wishman attended a reception for Mr .and Mrs. Holger Jensen at Emmetsburg on Monday of last week. Mr .and Mrs. Jensen had just returned from a wedding trip.

    A bootlegger by the name of George Vavra was caught near Graettinger last week. Eight gallons of moonshine were found in his possession, but it is thought that he threw out of his car several times that amount during the time officers were chasing him. He was taken to Fort Dodge, given a hearing and his bail bond was fixed at $2,500.
    The officers were looking for other bootleggers and came upon Vavra by mistake.

    The boys' and girls' 4-H clubs of Highland townshop met at the P.K. Iverson home last Friday, June 10.
    The girls received information necessary to start them on their health records. Geneva McKiney and Kathrine Currans will give a canning demonstration at the next meeting, to be held at the home of Pearl Chatfield on Friday, June 24.

    Mrs. Nellie Rhinehart left Thursday for Polo, Illinois, where she was called by the serious illness of her mother.

Ayshire Man Had Still and Liquor.
    Emmetsburg Democrat- Bill Kennedy was arrested at Ayrshire last Saturday by state officer Wilson of Fort Dodge and brought to Emmetsburg on the charge of making and selling intoxicating liquor. A quantity of five gallons was found in his possession. He also had a small still. His bail bond was fixed at $800.

    Cecil Poush, a 22-year-old boy, living on a farm near Rodman, was instantly killed by lightning on Thursday morning of last week. The young man was walking across a field at the time.
    When members of his family reached his body they found his clothing burning.

    Miss Nellie Fassett and Mr. Ole Anderson, both of Spencer, were married last Thursday, June 9. Miss Fassett is a former Ruthven girl, having made her home here until about two years ago and is a graduate of the local high school. She is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Fassett.
    Several social events were given at Spencer in honor of the bride, preceding the wedding.

    Spencer News-Herald-  Fred Flack, living north of Dickens, was in mayor's office for violating the state highways laws while coming down from the lakes the night before. It was alleged that he "loafed" along until some car attempted to pass him and then he would speed up and not let them pass. 

    Paul Carstensen, a farmer living four miles south of Everly, has been missing since May 14, when he left Everly with a shipment of cattle and hogs. Although his movements have been traced in four states, no word has been received by members of his family of his whereabouts.

- A birthday party was given in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. W. E. Capener and Mrs. P.J. Johnson on Wednesday evening of last week. Each was presented with a camp chair as a remembrance of the occasion. Only the children and their families were present.

- Mrs. Anna Mollison whose marriage occurred recently, was a guest of honor at a linen and silver shower given by Mrs. O.B. Carpenter at her home in this district last Thursday afternoon. During the course of the afternoon letters were written to Mrs. Mollison by the 4-H club girls, of whom she was club leader last year. She will read them on her trip to Washington and answer the letter the day she reads it. One letter a day will be read and answered. Games and contests were also part of the entertainment. Mrs. Mollison told the fortune of each girl present and created a great amount of fun. Twenty were present at the shower and Mrs. Mollison received many useful and beautiful gifts.


- Mrs. Squire of Rolfe, visited last week at the home of her brother, L.R. Moore.
- Mrs. C.V. Hofstad spent the weekend visiting her sister, Mrs. H.B. Hofstad of Spencer.
- Joseph Barnett and James Geelan came home last Friday from Dubuque where they have been attending Columbia college.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clem Redden are the parents of a baby boy born on Wednesday of last week, June 8. The boy has been named John Clem.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Barringer are the parents of a baby boy, born last Friday, June 10.
- Mrs. William Brennan, who has been seriously ill at a hospital in Emmetsburg, is reported to be slowly recovering
- A 3-year-old son of Axel Anderson had his tonsils removed on Tuesday.
- Mrs. Fern Baker of Sioux City, is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Arthur King.
- Max McMillin, who has attended school at Ames the past year, is home now and will help with the farm work this summer.
- Bessie Gould Lasher of Fargo, North Dakota, is here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Allen and other relatives. Mrs. Lasher motored from Fargo.
- W.P. Hancock was badly injured one day last week when his auto ran into an open culvert in the road. We understand that the accident happened near Gillett Grove.
- Mrs. H.R. Boyd of Curlew, came Monday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Beatrice Anderson.
- Miriam Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Erickson, had her tonsils removed yesterday.
- James Aldrich and Arthur Bowles came home last week from Ames where they had been attending Iowa State college.
- J.W. Doerr, who recently underwent an operation at Iowa City, is reported to be getting along nicely. He returned to his home here this morning.
- J.R. Phoenix went to Spencer on Tuesday of this week to attend a G.A.R. meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hubbard of Spencer brought him home that evening.
- Mrs. Caroline Jensen, Mrs. George Osterson, Mrs. Joe Nolan, Mrs. Foster Reed and Mrs. Nels Nelson attended the Rebecca convention at West Bend on Tuesday of last week.
- Mrs. R.M. Johnson and children who have been visiting here left on Tuesday for their new home at Des Moines. As Mr. Johnson has been assigned more territory, the family decided to move to a more central location.
- Mrs. W.T. Barr and son of Ames, arrived here last Friday for a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitford, and other relatives. They returned to their home last Sunday afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hofstad entertained a company of friends at a 7 o'clock dinner last Tuesday in honor of Walter Henderson, the occasion being his birthday. The guests were: Dr. and Mrs. Molsberry, Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Wigdahl, Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Wigdahl and W.P. Henderson. Miss Leah Junker assisted Mrs. Hofstad. Roses were used to decorate the table and the dinner was much enjoyed by all.
- Dr. and Mrs. Dana drove to Manson on Tuesday to attend the funeral of Dr. Dana's uncle, who was killed in an automobile accident.
- Glen Hooblin and Henry Simonson of Emmetsburg, were arrested at Lost Island lake one day last week with three small pike in their possession. They were fined $5 and costs each.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.A. McMillin and daughter, Leca, autoed to Ames last Saturday to be present at the commencement exercises of the Iowa State college on Monday, at which time Miss Bernice McMillin graduated from the home economics division.
- Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Modisett and son, Eldon, Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Walters and family of Storm Lake, Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Garberson and family of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Snyder of Harris, Mrs. Louise Modisett and daughter, Miss Louise of Detroit, Minn., enjoyed a family picnic at the state park last Sunday.
- Two Rockwell City fellows, Walter Kraft and N.E. Dudley, were arrested at Lost Island lake one day last week for failing to observe the fish and game laws. Dudley was fishing with three poles and Kraft had an undersized pike in his possession. Both were fined $5 and costs by Justice of Peace Clem Redden. Kraft did not catch  the small pike which he had in his possession but it was given to him by another fisherman. However, he paid his fine without telling who gave him the fish.    

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
June 22, 1927

    Mrs. Fred Clark, wife of the county agent, died suddenly Monday night after an illness of only a few hours. She retired that night as usual but at about 11 o'clock she called to her husband and told him that she had a severe pain in her head. She soon became hysterical and was taken to the hospital, but died without regaining consciousness.

    Miss Linnea Linden has graduated from the Primary department of the Iowa State Teachers college at Cedar Falls. She is a diligent student, and has been engaged to teach the primary room of the local school for the coming school year.

Gold Not Paying at Graettinger.
    For some time there has been considerable speculation over the presence of gold in the sand and gravel about Graettinger. In order to determine the value of these gold-bearing stratas, a mining expert was secured to investigate and analize [sic] the gold content, and it has been found that the gold in that locality is not sufficient to warrant the efforts to extract it.

    The following patrons of the local creamery received cream checks of over one hundred dollars for the month of May.
George E. Bigger...$407.63
Olof Nelson...285.92
Harold Holmgren...254.92
Oscar C. Nielson...247.37
Jake Zielstra...240.08
John Olson...232.70
Louis Nelson...227.97
Ed Rustan...213.32
George M. Prichard...195.37
George W. Sprick...189.76
A.E. Vanderhoff...169.19
Guy W. Prichard...165.39
Holmberg & Cleslie...164.74
W.F. Currans...163.72
Miller & Anderson...160.48
Gust. Thim...159.30
H.H. Tripp...159.01
John O. Sandvig...154.29
Henry Olson...149.01
Forrest Johnson...148.52
John Peglow...142.82
Peter Hermanson...134.65
Bert Aldrich...132.01
H.S. Eaton...131.55
Axel Anderson...128.28
Henry Joynt...127.36
Kjelberg & Nelson...120.44
Ole Nelson...117.12
Earl Wilcox...116.40
Ed Stephas...115.00
George Doyle...114.24
Frank Needham...110.53
Andrew Nelson...110.30
Andrew Hanson...105.93
Lester Sampson...105.01
M.T. Thompson...104.83
N. Geelan...104.32
Geelan & Sampson...101.63
   These checks total $6,211.11

    Next Sunday, Rev. L.O. Wigdahl, pastor of the local Lutheran church, will complete forty years of service in this pastorate.
    This is a record for long and faithful service in one community that is seldom equalled by many in any public work, and we congratulate Rev. Wigdahl and his congregation for their many years of loyalty and co-operation for a common purpose.
    The event will be appropriately observed at the Lutheran church next Sunday by special services in honor of the occasion.

    Mr. Gerald T. Maguire, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Maguire, living northeast of Ruthven, was married on June 7th, to Miss Ethel Sheppard at Monterey, Minn. Fr. Thesebold performed the ceremony. The bride was attended by Miss Helen Maguire and the groom by Mr. Harold Maguire.
    A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard.
    Mr. and Mrs. Maguire will make their home at Fairmont, where the groom is foreman of the Patterson Grocery company of that place.
    Mr. Maguire is a young man with a promising future and the bride is one of the worthy young ladies of southern Minnesota. They will live at Fairmont.
    Among those who attended the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Maguire and daughter, Miss Mary, and sons, Eugene and Robert of Ruthven, and Mrs. and Mrs. Jack Maguire of Ringstead.
    The best wishes of a wide circle of friends in this community are extended to them on their journey through life.

    Patricia Jacobson, the 2 1/2 year old daughter of John Jacobson, died last Friday evening. The little girl was seriously injured some time ago, and failed to recover.

    Mr. Will Geelan and Mrs. Mabel Burke, both of this city, were united in marriage at the Sacred Heart church at 5 o'clock, Wednesday morning, June 22. They were attended by Mrs. Bertha Grady, a sister of the bride, and Nick Geelan, a brother of the groom.
    After the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served by Miss Rose Geelan. They left early in the forenoon by auto for a wedding trip.
    Both Mr. and Mrs. Geelan are well known in this vicinity, and they have a host of friends who wish them much happiness.

From the Democrat
- Father Leo McEvoy celebrated his first mass at St. Thomas church at Emmetsburg, Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock.
- Patrick E. Carroll, who was quite ill for some time, died at an early hour this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Martini of this place. Mrs. Martini is his sister.
- Our citizens will regret to learn that Mrs. Clark Bishop, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Slegle [or Siegle], formerly of Emmetsburg, died Monday at her home in Charles City.
- Monday forenoon, fire broke out in the Ed Gorman cottage just south of the P.L. Godden home. It was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones. The local fire company was promptly notified and within a few minutes had the blaze under control, although it had badly damaged the house before they came.

From the Times.
- Just as we go to press, we learn that H.B. Hetzler has resigned as cashier of the First National bank of this city.
- Jorgen Larson of this city and Miss Esther Marie Petersen of South Walnut township, were united in marriage at St. Paul's Lutheran church on Wednesday, June 8th, at high noon.
- Floyd Archer arrived in Graettinger the first of the week for a visit with his parents and with his many friends here. Floyd joined the navy about two years ago and is home on furlough.
- J.A. Spies has purchased the Farmers & Merchants bank building in this city. The sale, of course is subject to the approval of the court. The reported consideration is $6,000.
- The gravel haulers have completed the surfacing of the Fallow road from the creamery to the new state highway north of the M.L. Murphy place. Yesterday, they completed graveling the mile stretch running north and south east of the Graettinger creamery.

From the Chronicle.
- J.W. Hill, of Calgary, Canada, arrived here Monday for a visit with his brother, L.A. Hill.
- Leo Burns is quite ill at the present writing. His many friends hope for a complete recovery.
- Gerald T. Maguire of Fairmont, Minnesota, a former Ayrshire young man, was married Tuesday, June 7, to Miss Ethel Sheppard of Monterey, Minnesota.
- The community was shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. O.D. Olinger, eldest daughter of B.A. Mishler, formerly of this place, who passed away at Jackson, Minn. on Wednesday of last week. The services were held here last Saturday afternoon.

    Earl Lyman, a 16-year-old boy, living near Cylinder, has been arrested for forging checks. He is in jail in Emmetsburg.

    While hunting gophers near Gilmore City, Byron Rice was struck in the face with a shot when the gun was discharged while crawling through a fence.

    Lars Jacobson of Spencer has been presented with the "Cross of Dannebrog' by  the Danish government for service in the war between Denmark and Germany in 1864

    Last Wednesday, one hundred ninety-seven eighth grade pupils received diplomas at Emmetsburg. The graduation exercises were held at the Iowa theatre. The names of the 8th grade graduates from this part of Palo Alto county are:

Highland Township.
Vincent Brennan.
Kathryn Currans.
Loretta Currans.
Thomas Dolan.
Lois E. Goff
Everett M. Hansen.
George Hughes.
Mary P. Jacobson.
Edith M. Jacobson.
Geneva M. McKinney.
Robert J. Maguire.
Denzil Miller.
Mary E. Reed.
Geraldine Schuldt.
Selma W. Williamson.
Okalena Willard
Helmer Jesperson.

Lost Island Township.
Lyle C. Bonstad.
Stanley Best.
Irene Duffy.
Harley J. Hanson.
Julia J. Hampson.
Sylvia G. Hermanson.
Ida Hansen.
Melvin Johnson.
Helger Jensen.
Florence Krukaw.
Josie F. Nolan
Alyce C. Thoreson.
Goodwin Thoreson.

- Clayton Goddard is spending a week with his grandmother at Emmetsburg.
- Mrs. B.L. Maguire and daughters, Mary and Helen, visited with relatives at Ayrshire last Saturday.
- Mrs. William Brennan, who has been seriously ill in the Emmetsburg hospital, was brought to her home here yesterday. She is getting along nicely now.
- Miss Lela Johnson is taking the school census of the town this week.
- Mrs. Willard Reed was taken to a hospital in Des Moines on Monday.
- Mrs. Anna Hudnutt of Grinell, is here for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. L.A. Torkelson.
- Willard Hancock, who has been in a hospital at Spencer since his auto accident, came home on Monday.
- Mrs. Foster Reed and Mrs. Orrie Olson left on Monday to attend the funeral of an aunt at Heron Lake, last Sunday.
- Harold Vanderhoff has purchased a grain elevator of Magnus Nelson for his fine new corn crib. The elevator will be installed inside the building.
- Editor Leighter of Ocheyedan, was in Ruthven last Friday. He was on his way to Rolfe. Brother Leighter was formerly publisher of the Terril Tribune, which was discontinued some months ago and the equipment moved to Ocheyedan.
- Fred Broadie and Frank Bernholtz have purchased new Ford sedans.
- Emil Pilquist, who is in the Spencer hospital, is reported to be improving.
- Miss Lois Foley came last Friday from North Dakota for a visit with her grandmother, Mrs. D. Foley.
- Miss Helen Smith went to Terrace Park last Wednesday. She expects to work there this summer.
- Miss Helen Thompson of Ayrshire visited here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Maguire a few days last week.
- Miss Mary Maguire, who has spent the last two weeks at her home here, left last Saturday for Fort Dodge, where she is taking nurses' training at St. Joseph's Mercy hospital at that place.
- Bertran Sandvig has accepted a position at the Anderson Drug store.
- John Carlson has purchased a new auto truck.
- Homer Eaton is driving a new car these days.
- The Study club met with Mrs. Art King last Friday.
- W.J. Willis purchased a new Ford sedan last week.
- Leora Monk furnished the music for the skating rink at the Grand View park last Sunday afternoon.
- Mrs. Fay Roberts of Royal, visited with her sister, Mrs. Roy Broadie on Saturday.
- Mrs. Ernest Spaulding, who underwent an operation at the Spencer hospital last Wednesday, is getting along nicely.
- Jimmie Heffelfinger of Iowa Falls is spending two weeks here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Blunt.
- Mrs. Oldinger and son, John, of Lansing, Michigan, arrived in this city last Saturday for a visit at the home of her uncle, C.J. Tripp.
- Miss Vivian Brown of Estherville, returned to her home last Saturday evening after a two week's visit at the home of her uncle, E.J. Brown.
- Miss Mary Hastings, who is attending the State Teachers college at Cedar Falls, spent the weekend at her home here.
- Merle Monk had quite a curiosity happen at his farm last Tuesday when a cow gave birth to triplets; one of them only lived a short time, but the other two are doing fine.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nissen, of Renville, Minnesota, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on May 14. He was named Melvin Robert. Mrs. Nissen was Maxine Bales before her marriage and her father lives near Trumbull lake.
- Mrs. James Smith of Mitchell, South Dakota, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. J.H. Anderson.
- Mrs. Mary Nelson and sons, Ernest and Chester, and Ole Nelson, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nelson attended the funeral of Chris. Hanson at Dickens last Friday.
- Friends of Mrs. Andrew Stopher, a sister of Mrs. Earl McNett, will be sorry to hear that she is very ill at her home in Hawarden.
- Mrs. Andy Ritchart of Armstrong is visiting here at the home of her parents, Mr.and Mrs. George Osterson.
- Miss Agnes Mork went to Estherville Saturday evening where she joined her sister, Miss Edla Mork and met their sister, Mrs. Carl Dahlbom and family of Currie, Minnesota and together they went to Arnolds Park where they spent Sunday.
- Mrs. G.W. McDonald returned last Friday evening from Kansas City, where she attended the funeral of her nephew, Dr. Park McDonald, who was taken seriously ill in Colorado while on his way to attend a convention in California, and died shortly after being brought back to Kansas City.
- Mrs. S.A. Smith was hostess at a social gathering of relatives and friends at her farm home on Tuesday of this week. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Berger of Milford, Dr. and Mrs. D.L. Bureger, Mrs. and Mrs. O.W. Goff, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Allen of Ruthven, and Mrs. Pearl Lasher of Fargo, North Dakota. Plates were set for twelve people. New potatoes and peas and fresh strawberries and cream were served, and enjoyed by all.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dan Emerson and grandchildren, June and Harold Dickenson, returned from Des Moines on Tuesday evening, where they had been with Walter Dickenson through his operation. He was operated upon on Monday morning for two goiters and at last reports he was getting along as well as could be expected. His many friends hope to see him home soon.
- Gay Garnett is driving a new Star car.
- Miss Beatrice Ruthven arrived on Monday from Detroit, Minn. where she has been teaching school.
-Mrs. Willard Reed and daughter, Mary, and Vera Cole and Violet Rosewall were Emmetsburg callers last Wednesday. Mary Willard received her eighth grade diploma at the county graduation exercises. She intends to go to the Ruthven high school next year.

- The Henry Clasing family enjoyed a visit last week with their nephew, Martin Colman of Blue Island, Ill. He with two friends made the trip by auto to spend a few days at Lake Okoboji and the lakes in this vicinity. They spent one night camping and fishing on the banks of Elk Lake.
- Many people from the Elk Lake district attended the funeral services of Chris Hanson of Dickens, last Friday afternoon. Some of the people whose names we got, who attended the funeral from this district were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reardon, Mr. and Mrs. Sibley, Mr. and Mrs. Swen Olson and Mr. and Mrs. P.G. Hanson. Chris Hanson was a Logan township farmer for many years. He was highly respected by his many friends and was an industrious and thrifty man. He had been in failing health for many years. When he quit farming he made his home in Dickens.
- This district has several eighth grade graduates this year. Miss Frances Schade graduated from the Sacred Heart academy at Ayrshire and will enter the high school work at the academy next fall. Miss Mary Reed will take up high school studies in Ruthven. Dalles Stephas and her sister, Mildred, will attend school at Ayrshire next fall. Miss Verona Vanderhoff is also an eighth grade graduate and will probably take up high school work next fall or be mother's helper on their 480 acre farm.
- Mrs. Hancock, who has been keeping house at the Marker home for some time, expects to leave this week for Des Moines where she will visit her sister.
- Miss Lois Aldrich and her father, Clyde Aldrich, were visitors at the Dave Marker home last Thursday evening. Miss Lois is on short vacation from her duties as telephone operator in Des Moines.

- Mrs. Ernest Spaulding underwent an operation at the Spencer hospital last Wednesday morning. She has not been so well since, but we hope that she will soon be on the road to recovery. Miss Vera Nelson and Miss Bertha Hauge are assisting at the Spaulding home in the absence of Mrs. Spaulding.
- Mrs. Bert Aldrich received an announcement from Mr .and Mrs. Roy Geeting last week that a baby girl, named Emily Jane, arrived at their home on Tuesday, June 8th. The proud parents were for two years, teachers at the Lake Center school, he was superintendent and she was the domestic science teacher. They now live in Michigan where Mr. Geeting has a position in a summer school. We certainly wish to congratulate the lucky couple.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Potter and family took dinner at the Conrad Johnson home, Wednesday noon. The day was especially joyous as the dinner was in honor of the eldest daughter, Opal's birthday. She was sixteen years old and a very delightful dinner was enjoyed by all.
- Charles Eldridge has been on the sick list this week.



Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County