Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Thursday, Sep 1, 1926

Short Items of Local Interest
     H.W. Beebe went to Marcus Wednesday to visit relatives.
     T.M. Prall of Sioux City spent Thanksgiving with his family in this
     Miss Genevieve Doherty spent Thanksgiving with her parents at Rock
     Mrs. Alva Ross returned to Algona Friday after a short visit with the
O.P. Carroll family.
     James Jennings of Corwith spent Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
P. Jennings.
     Mrs. Frank Fordyce sent to Spencer Friday to inspect the Women's Relief
Corps at that place.
     Mrs. Robert McMahon and Peter McMahon were called to Green Friday by
the death of Mrs. J.S. McMahon.
     Misses Gertrude Thornvall and Nina Lee went to Le Mars last week to
spend Thanksgiving with relatives of Miss Lee.
     John Hall, coach of Belmond High School, enjoyed Thanksgiving day with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hall.
     Walter Hilton, who is a brakeman for the Milwaukee out of Mason City,
enjoyed Thanksgiving day with his parents at this place.
     Miss Arlene Scott, who is a member of the Mason City teaching force,
spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Scott.
     Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith and daughter, Miss Jeanne, of Eagle Grove enjoyed
Thanksgiving dinner with the John Zimmerman family.
     Miss Florence Morrissey returned Sunday evening to Mason City. She came
home to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Martin Morrissey.
     Mrs. M.J. Buttimore and son returned to Dubuque Friday. They were
called to this city by the serious illness of Mrs. Buttimore's brother, Will
    Mrs. Ed Postel of Independence is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lou Moses
of this city.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
September 1, 1926

Local Physicians Tell What Should be Done When Conditions are Serious

     In view of the fact that there seems to be a great deal of
misunderstanding concerning the protection from and the control of certain
communicable diseases we feel that every individual should have accurate
knowledge of the health laws concerning communicable diseases that are in
force in the state of Iowa.
     We ask the co-operation of every person having or having been exposed
to scarlet fever, measles or whooping cough or responsible for such cases in
observing the following:
     Scarlet Fever. No person or thing shall enter or leave a quarantined
area except those allowed by law.
     Person having the disease shall not attend school for one week
following release from quarantine.
     All cases must be reported to board of health and quarantined. Evasion
and breaking of quarantine are misdemeanors punishable by law.
     Measles. All cases must be reported to board of health. All cases must
be placarded. The person having the disease and all susceptible ones must be
excluded from school for a period of fourteen days. All children having had
disease may go to school.
     Whooping Cough. Must be reported to board of health. All cases must be
placarded. The one having disease and all susceptible shall be excluded from
the schools for at least 14 days or until allowed to return to school by
order of doctor. All children having had the disease may go to school.
     Placard Cases. This card is used on the homes of cases of Measles,
Whooping Cough, Chickenpox, German Meales, and Mumps.
     It is a misdemeanor punishable by law- To expose minor children to
these diseases; for any child susceptible to these diseases to return to
school from such homes while the card is posted; to remove the card without
the authority of the board of health; the child having the disease must be
excluded from school and all public places for at least 14 days.
     Exclusion from School. Persons designated to be excluded from school by
these rules and regulations shall not enter any public conveyance, attend
any school, any Theatre, church or public gathering of any kind or
description for the period specifically designated for each disease.
     Reporting Cases: Nurses, parents, guardians, heads of households and
superintendents and teachers of public and private schools, and citizens
must report in addition to the doctors all cases not reported to the board
of health.
     All suspected cases must be reported also.
          Dr. H.A. Powers
          Dr. H.R. Powers
          Dr. F.X. Cretzmeyer
          Dr. H.L. Brereton
          Dr. J. Hennessy

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County